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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Your workplace is allowed to open your parcels? I doubt.You just inform your bank that you've been compromised and, hey, free dildos; hilarious novelty gifts to give to inappropriate members of your family.
  2. Like the Little Big Planet Sackboy face in your sig. CANNOT UNSEE.
  3. DrewGourley gave his post a title and now I'm not so sure this thing is cool.
  4. Oh man.Do want.
  5. Gah! Ninja'd! I'd noticed in my email notifications and hit you up with a PM! Please! Don't feel guilty! It's free! It's free! You've given me more than enough!!!

  6. Dude, the album is 110% free! You just enter £0.00 for a free download. If you'd prefer you can get it from here also. Do not part with your Lumberjack coinage dear sir.

    If you really don't wanna download the whole thing and just want Blueberry Jam, I'll just upload the track. What format would ya' like?

    (Also, you are awesome for liking it that much.)

  7. Dastardly 'a'.Also, congratulation Larry! A winner is you!
  8. A left pan is generally an indication of hate or fear. Hardpanning to the right has connotations of lust and sexuality.
  9. ...You do know what a clipped waveform means right kiddo?
  10. As far as I am aware, yes.Neblix, wat u on bout sport? The waveform is visibly cut when it goes past 0.
  11. What the hell. If you're using MIDI sounds to the point where you are getting a noticeable compression effect with the limiter, you're doing it severely wrong.Yeah, get TLs Pocket Limiter because it's bitchin', but my advice is just turn the instruments down. EDIT- Ah, or it could be what Tensei said. I always boot up with an empty project.
  12. Aw, you dah mayne Kyle. Anyway, just gunna plug halc's. http://albums.halc9bit.com/album/pixel-perfect-lp
  13. This is one of the least wierd things ever. I mean ever.He was in Kirby's Adventure and pretty much every other game since. There is no damn way he'd be cut from any Kirby game from now until forever. You should know Nintendo by now, they do this.
  14. Yeah, sounds like a fantastic idea. Would definitely encourage more users to buy the software. I never said this wouldn't work, it's a good idea, but it won't stop pirates like scare tactics would.
  15. Debating on the morals of piracy is completely pointless, it's going to happen no matter how wrong you think it is. Appealing to better nature doesn't solve problems. Pirates have no concequences for their actions and the stuff is readily availible for significantly less price and hassle than the real versions. Heck, it's even attractive to me sometimes. The only true deterrent for piracy is legal action. I'm sure if Company X decided to trace IPs running pirated copies of their software, they'd scare a few people. My point from earlier still stands though, piracy protection should NOT be a hinderance. Pirated software should never look more attractive than the real thing.
  16. Ahahaha, that's actually brilliant, it works so well.
  17. I completely agree with Overcoat. Purchased stuff now has so many bloody registrations, mandatory updates and things that pirate software is usually the more attractive option. Heck, anything with limited installations practically is a definite no for me. I miss the days where software would come on a serial-free CD with unlimited installs, without having to connect to the internet- it actually felt like you owned the software. Companies nowadays pile in so much anti-piracy rubbish it's becoming a deterrent, and why? Software is cracked in a matter of days, if not hours. What have they achieved? I know not everyone's the culprit in these circumstances, but it is a large majority. Don't get me wrong, I'm the kind of person to download something, then if I like it and use it, I'll buy it. But I think it's pretty sad (and something's wrong) when you'd increasingly prefer to buy the pirate version then the legit version because it allows more freedom. EDIT - I use this on every freakin' track of every song I've ever written, it's amazing. But yeah, I'd like to echo the sentiment that there is TONNES of brilliant free software out there. Everything I use in FL is free (or comes with FL).
  18. Actually it's more that. It's rather cumbersome in its translated form, so I'm sticking with the Engrish version.
  19. This had better be a REALLY good meal.
  20. I don't know, ask a mod or something.

    But before closing your account, have you ever considered actually making music? ;D

  21. He wants Frosted Flakes for dinner? What the hell is he playing at?
  22. All publicity is good publicity. Game sold well due to hype. Violent films are just as bad. The media will always find something to talk about.

    Why you hate it makes no sense, as I said before, you're hating it because of someone else's misunderstanding. You're going 'round in circles here dude.

  23. Are you staying 'round mine when you arrive? What d'ya want for dinner?
  24. I know, you said the exact same thing earlier and I gave an example of why that logic was flawed.

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