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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I emailed him twice and PM'd every member of staff I could find.
  2. Have you busted one ear then? Or just planning on removing it?
  3. By Ra, this title confused me.
  4. Great success on your acquisition of another year.
  5. INTERGALACTIC KARAOKE PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA!! Had this banging about mah PC for a while now. It's basically done minus vocals, which I've given up on. Really, if anyone can sing in that jazzeh style and wants to shout "rock the mike", LET'S COLLAB. Please excuse the poor 128kbps mp3, you get the idea anyhow.
  6. Still looks pants. :P

  7. Somebody set me up the bomb!!!


    Your avatar, it used to be so cool.

  8. Where's GTAHater? He'd love this thread right now.
  9. Best song on the album- well, my most listened anyhow. Some absolutely fantastic chords, love that 7th in the chorus. Props to Stevo for yet more successful guitaring- is there no genre this man can't play?
  10. The logo's cool, the rest is kinda lame and a bit photoshoppy cliché. It's just a texture dump with no thought to OCRemix's 'corporate identity', colour scheme or theme. Logo's awesome though, I'd imagine that would look pretty good with something more tasteful.
  11. It's to combat your punctuationless, capitaless username.

  12. Nah, remember auto-tuning is a little different to manually altering pitches and changing vocal intonations for stylistic effect. If you wanna correct pitch you try to do it as subtly as possible; in that City Escape track, they've blantantly and flamboyantly used "auto-tune" software as an audio effect, nothing more, nothing less. It sounds cool, so they did it.Also, what the hell is official about this thread?
  13. So I've got into capitalisation. Can I get my name changed to "PROTO·DOME"? Preferably with the little dot. If not, just allcaps "PROTODOME" will suffice.
  14. You make sweeping, opinionated, generalisations that you assert as fact. I completely disagree.I find sequencing quicker and easier for every instrument I use. I can complete a whole humanised Rhodes line in much less time than I can a saxophone line, and I've been playing that for years. When sequencing you can get every little nuance perfect, where playing live I tend to never meet my expectations. I've sequenced realistic solo acoustic guitar before with a fair amount of success, I admit electric guitar is much more difficult, but as the years go by it's getting easier and easier to replicate. Rhythm guitar may be easier for you but not for everyone. Lead instruments are MUCH easier to sequence IMO, less to worry about, can focus more on the placement of each note and it's tone. I've done a convincing lead solo before but cannot get the rhythm sound right, sequencing the various guitar grips and how each string would be strummed in a chord is a nightmare. Your opinion is not fact, everyone is different.
  15. What the hell is up with your Username? That's not a Username, it's a description. Also, <3 <3 u guys.
  16. Works really well without the visuals actually, if not better in some cases. Some bloody brilliant stuff as per usual, perhaps even some of your best. Fantastic album.
  17. SFX perc. FTW. You make a bad source so freakin' funky, some of the off beat, complex rhythms are some of your best dude. Love love love it.
  18. Well done at surviving another year- stellar performance guys! Next year you won't be so lucky.
  19. quotedforjustice
  20. No question he was obviously in the wrong, however a simple cease and desist would suffice. Can't believe someone would take a fan project, with best intentions, to court.
  21. You've completely ruined my artwork. You have insulted me, Dish, halc and everyone at Overclocked Remix.I'm suing.
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