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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Daymn it! Emunator and Will are still holding on there... NO ONE BETTAH COMBO BREAK!!

  2. Delicious username. Your sig needs to be some form of body lice to top it off.

  3. Did you go to Bay House School?

  4. Don't get mad, but noes. ^w^ As I've told like EVERYONE so far, I'm pretty busy with Uni work ATM. End of semester exams and essays. I've got the chords down for the track anyway so the hardest bit is over. When's the first WIP deadline?

  5. Don't worry, lots of cool people are friends with me despite this.


    Haha, can you imagine?

  6. Don't you find it odd that when I reply to you it appears on your wall as a random post that seems to have no meaning?

  7. Dude, even I don't know what I'm doing on it!

    Although, your intentions behind wanting to collaborate are curious; you want to link between the two games? Why? The OOT project has nothing to do with MM. It gets more bizarre if you try and link the OOT project with your own too. As far as I'm aware, yours isn't even conceptually the same.

    I'm not saying no, just trying to understand your intention here. I know what you’re trying to do with the whole Skull Kid thing, but why?

  8. Dude, fekkin' awsum wurk on 225. I hadn't really listened to the end bit properly and after a solid hour on repeat I've not realised just HOW GOOD it is.

  9. Dude, the album is 110% free! You just enter £0.00 for a free download. If you'd prefer you can get it from here also. Do not part with your Lumberjack coinage dear sir.

    If you really don't wanna download the whole thing and just want Blueberry Jam, I'll just upload the track. What format would ya' like?

    (Also, you are awesome for liking it that much.)

  10. Every morning I wake up and feel guilt. GUILT. FINE! I AM GOING UPSTAIRS NOW TO FIX THIS.

  11. Exactly 3,000 pageviews! You must be very proud.

  12. Fervent Cucumber

  13. Fine... 'Kay... But I'll remember this...

  14. FIRST. Welcome to OCR!!!!

  15. For that theme song, you are instantly my favorite mixer here. The roaring was just so pro. Puts all my trolling pieces to shame, it really does.

  16. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  17. FYI, we use miles.

    Metric for everything else.

  18. Gah! Ninja'd! I'd noticed in my email notifications and hit you up with a PM! Please! Don't feel guilty! It's free! It's free! You've given me more than enough!!!

  19. Glass cutlery or crytal to match the house?

  20. HAH! I have an epic Krow-wallpost combo!!! NO ONE BREAK IT!

  21. HAH! Not never now huh?

  22. Haha, wow! You really did search back in the archives huh? I'm not even sure I have that any more- it was kinda embarrassing. ┐('~')┌ I'm planning on doing another though actually- of the Crabby Beach theme.

  23. Haha! I have a job. I earn £12 a week for tutoring someone in Saxophone for an hour! I just need to save... for a while. Why don't all of you come vist us huh? ¬___¬

  24. Hahaha, I'm joking man. Joking. ^__~

  25. halc u guna maK A MIX OF THS? cUS THAT WULD b (caps lol) gud 2. i use mah presets ya?

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