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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Yeah, this is what I expected. Ah well, I doubt I'll be shelling out on a cartridge for a single project. : ( Also the hipster advice was fantastic. I'll be getting a pair of neon sneakers asap. (Although, it'll never be as cool as those light-up sneakers you could buy as a kid. They had LEDs in the heels and everything.)
  2. Yes, yes, I'm sure this could be Googled, but I'm sure some of you guys will be somewhat confident writing in this 'style' already. Basically I've been writing pseudo NES chiptunes for ages and am pretty familiar with the whole instrumental set-up (two pulse waves, one triangle wave etc). I really wanted to know what does the Gameboy 'do' soundwise, how does it do it and any tips on recreating it. Would be very much appriciated. Thanks very much in advance.
  3. With a bit of Photoshopping I think we have our alternate cover-art. ...Why have I never even heard of this film?
  4. That sounds like either a low-budget horror, or some explicit drama series.
  5. Yeah, I've always wanted to know that actually. As a kid it would infuriate me.
  6. Yes yes yes yes yes, if you actually want to/CAN use mine, go ahead!!!
  7. Even if this was a first person platformer dating sim that consistantly deleted the save file, this game would still be the best thing to happen to handheld gaming ever.
  8. Screw you though halc, your music is terrible. Another great addition to my iPod. Sweet, sweet chippi 'lectronica loving for the song(s) I too used to listen to in sound test. ^__^
  9. Well the odd thing is that the link in the first post is correct... Anyway, thanks a lot man!! The automation thing was fixed on the submission, as was the piercing quality of the synth, but I still think you won't like it. Hehe. So I'm guessing it downloaded fine from any link that wasn't the first post. Hrm.
  10. Everyone ignore this buzzkill. He just doesn't want the hype because he's not in it. Neyh neyh.
  11. Hah, you're right. How bizarre, the file is there, I checked mediafire. Mm. I dunno... Anyway, I guess I'll fix it sometime soon then. Also, Gario, shhhhhh... I ddn't think anyone would notice... ^___^ I can't be bothered to root about for all the file parts again, so I'll just leave it until the judges have a problem with it.
  12. Thank you. I couldn't've done it without the help of all you wonderful people, submitting your tracks that I wrote. Also, Wes, that album cover is going to be the one I use. ^__~
  13. I'm fun! Hurray! This is the first time I've not been described as unreliable! (Also, the OP was creepily my thoughts exactly.)
  14. Come to the UK instead, there's no internet censorship and The Damned doesn't live here. Only good things.
  15. Dude, fekkin' awsum wurk on 225. I hadn't really listened to the end bit properly and after a solid hour on repeat I've not realised just HOW GOOD it is.

  16. Also, This is just so so good. So good. This is my next projec- AFTER DKCthree. <___<
  17. /SUBBED. END OF. EDIT- "im in ur thread, addin ur prefixz" Pahahaha.
  18. Nah, that'll be my festive album release. You heard it here first.
  19. GET YOUR TICKETS READY! ALL ABOARD THE CRAZY BUS GWAHAAHAHAAAH! LINK But seriously, this is a piece of art and I'd like you to treat it as so. If you're nasty I'll come to your thread and say slanderous things about your future children. Mm tasteh source.
  20. Oh, it does? Paha, yeah, I know what I did there. I'll fix that on submission.
  21. BUUUUUUUUMP. So yeah. I never subbed or finished this, HOWEVER apparently I had the majority of it done. Yes, yes, the sax is replaced with a funky WOOW synth at the end, and yes, it does clip, but that's secret clipping and it's very rude to poke about in people's private lives isn't it? Anyway, to all of those that wanted a finished version. TA-DA! http://www.mediafire.com/?u0b0i9kcv66rfhu Hahaha, oh last academic year you.
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