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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Just post the source usage in your submission post, that way they know how much was used. Just wanted to say fantastic work again and good luck with the judges. If you ever wanna collab... You know...
  2. Gather round children for the end of the story! "...and thus, the thread created for the enjoyment of Reason users was derailed by the chauvinistic Fruity Loops supremacists. 'Long live Image Line' they shouted as they fantasised about what interface graphic FL-chan's underwear would be."
  3. Hold the right mouse button and move over MIDI note to delete it in FL. Increases speed of workflow. When you get used to speedy MIDI input you get intolerant of other, slower systems.
  4. Are you Chef Kawasaki now because of my song? It is isn't it? You big fanboi u.

  5. Yeah I agree, that Bomb-omb battlefield is seriously KICK-ASS. I slammed the keys down for kick-ass. And AkumajoBelmont is right (again), the other's production is a little hit 'n' miss, but meh, doesn't matter. Pretty sweet work man.
  6. Why has there been no Willrock up in this thread yet? Anyway, nowadays it's cool to hate on Reason fans.
  7. Nah, I'm down with that. I haven't had this much fun being a minority since highschool, where, within a large group of nerds, I had a girlfriend. : OOOOOOOOOOOOO
  8. Fantastic, cohesive album. You could've had either chippy happiness or the dreamy quality you went for and, IMO, this tributes the game's vibe perfectly. Really exploits the potential those simplistic three-track tunes had to offer. This album will hopefully influence others for years to come. Also, Brad, enviable sax playing man.
  9. Just a quick note regarding the production- is there anyway you can get this a little louder without overcompressing or distorting the piano?
  10. Oh Brandon, I can see that we will never be friends.
  11. I just downloaded stuff and lurked and stuff. Then I grew up. ... I remixed Pokémon. The shining example of maturity.
  12. KIRRRRBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYY. Oh man, my early high-school self adored Kirby.
  13. Dude, this is seriously fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. There's not many songs I've heard on OCR that make me jealous and wish I'd written it, this is one of them. I can hear the Debussy references so clearly, yet it's so original. I really hope to see more of you on OCR. SUBMIT THIS!!!
  14. So, only recently discovered the fekkin' awsum that is Super Meat Boy and I thought I'd just post to say this track is brilliant, the production and lyrics are just fantastic, bloody catchy. Almost a pun. Almost.
  15. Oh man, production is ace. Intrumentation is ace. Solos synths are awesome. This is everything good about Willrock's music in one song. Great work man.
  16. When I think of Majora's Mask, I think of the observatory theme. Remember listening the heck out of this back on teh WIP forum. As always great stuff, great great stuff. Oh P.S. halc, like the eventual title choice. ;D
  17. What he's saying is, playing snake cut a huge pointless chunk out of his day. ... As it has just done mine.
  18. Don't worry, lots of cool people are friends with me despite this.


    Haha, can you imagine?

  19. Be my friend. I'm ronerey.

  20. This kind of thing should be in a sticky (if it isn't already).
  21. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing actually.
  22. Master Ball dude, and you're guaranteed to get one in the game. I'd say the chances were of finding a shiny Ponyta, but blindfolded.
  23. Don't listen to them! Don’t listen to the man! Stick it to them! Stick it to him! Live your dreams! Change the world! And when you do I'll be famous for posting this encouragement.
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