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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I really hate it when that happens.
  2. A band? Heck, they should be making a sitcom. The jokes revolve around DAW based innuendos and hilariously awkward situations. It should be called Bitcrushed.
  3. I get that with the name 'Jason'. Ben, don't be called Jason.
  4. I'll take pleasure in saying this.

    NO U.

  5. Wait. Bahamut, don't you already have an album project with infinite deadlines? Don't get greedy now.
  6. Quoted for emphasis. But in all seriousness, the current Pokémon project isn't even released yet, this is a little premature isn't it? By a couple of years?
  7. blahblah10char.
  8. Hahaha, oh yeah!! Who's gunna record the first lot? Put it this way, I'm not expecting anyone to be pitch perfect here... ^ ^
  9. I don't know whether or not I dislike this or love it. It's that loose feeling that gets too loose at some points but then slips back in just soon enough to save it. It's incredibly enjoyable though, arrangement is pretty damn good, very fun, good mixing and calling it a sums it up pretty well. As for judging... I think Nase has said it all really. If it's NO'd it's only because of the timing issues.Also. Nice chords.
  10. My way was cooler. You know it.
  11. You mean a turquoise 5 and then a light blue 6?
  12. Hahaha, I'm joking man. Joking. ^__~

  13. All of it is possible, mic works, will send recording in near future. (Seriously though? Degraded to harmony parts? ^ ^)

  14. It'll be 12/12/12. Silly GTAHater, it'll be the last time in your lifetime a date like that will ever appear again! Unless you live 'till 01/01/2101. I personally hope to, then I'll be able to see the Kirby Superstar Project released. Oh, swish. EDIT- This album is actually, unbelievably, fantastic.
  15. Okay. Okay. I know. I know. :(

  16. Oh man I have loved this remix since the WIP forums. Makes me wiggle... in sexy ways. Why am I writing that?
  17. Gud. T'has lotsa noizes. Though, it does make your inner ear itchy. :/ Hehe, nah, I'm a huge fan of itchy ears. Love it.
  18. Well done man, this piece is proof that you are a varied musician with a craptonne of styles and genres up your sleeves.
  19. Completely agree. A friend of mine bought the Move and whilst it felt technically better and more responsive than anything on the Wii... ...I just didn't care. Yeah, Sports Champions was really quite good, but it just lacked that unique and fun factor that the Wii oozed all those years ago.
  20. Jade, I am sorry but there is no way I can get this done. I've pretty much been on an OCR hiatus since September, ask anyone, I've not been frequenting anything. I am so damn busy. (I warned you. I'm really very sorry.)

  21. Yes, but I can't remember either passwords for both accounts. I'm online on MSN sometimes though.

  22. Heh, like it. Yeah, I guess we'll start working when we get the last verse. Sweet.
  23. Someone come up with more lyrics already then so we can get on with this! I'll record the lyrics whenever I'm bored, perhaps tomorrow? This is far too hilarious. Oh, as for actual criticism of this song, I like the new ending, keep it.
  24. I think all contributers to the lyrics should record themselves in various voices then multitrack it. I'm not kidding, do this.
  25. Sorry again Fern, but this is just too funny to let the lyrics go unfinished. As the third verse fades out, I don't think it particually needs lyrics. Perhaps just a "dah, dah, doo, yeah" bit. I just-got laid, I just-got laid, I want to tell the whole world -- that, I just-got laid, I just-got laid, I want-to-tell the world. I met this fel-low, he was quite at-tract-ive, we flirt-ed to-ge-ther and con-sumed al-co-hol and af-ter a whi-le we went back to his place and took off all our clothes and then is when it-got-magical! I just-got laid, I just-got laid, I want to tell the whole world -- that, I just-got laid, I just-got laid, I want-to-tell the world. (We) pulled an all nigh-ter and as it got ligh-ter I turned to the man next to me (just who was this guy) and to my hor-ror "this guy" was my bro-ther, what would I tell mo-ther? Per-haps her son is-a-good-kisser? The “We” is on the upbeat to the second verse, but this works. (How many people have sat there trying to sing along now? Haha)
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