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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Wait. They're STILL holding on, WILL THIS PAGE EVER FILL UP?

  2. Daymn it! Emunator and Will are still holding on there... NO ONE BETTAH COMBO BREAK!!

  3. LOTSA SINGIN KIRBEHS. OH SING SING SING. I'll try and type the noises he makes.




  4. Anything for u sugahr bun.

  5. Don't you find it odd that when I reply to you it appears on your wall as a random post that seems to have no meaning?

  6. I KNO. I KNO!!!! Dun need u tellin' meh 2 'rite?

  7. WHICH ONE IS APPROPRIATE FOR MY POST?! I just don't know.

  8. It's not on epilepsy or anything, it's on the musical techniques I employed on my track- but I saw your link, my boredom set in and I thought "y'know what? I do wanna learn about epilepsy" - so I did. ^__^

  9. Thanks to my procrastication and your link, I now know all about epilepsy. ^__~

    (I'm not even kidding, I really don't wanna do this essay.)

  10. Glass cutlery or crytal to match the house?

  11. This. I thought it was the most useless power ever.
  12. Love the alternative harmonies and the IV-iv's. Very nice- lyrics pay perfect homeage to Mario and are pretty clever-funny. Instant fave.
  13. Meh, I won't have it then. I guess I'll go with tea.

  14. Sweet. I'll save these for lonely nights, travelling all my mahself in my big, empty spaceship...

  15. Actually no, it doesn't... But I WAN MAH PLUS BAK.

  16. Hey Will, you like applejuice right?

  17. Will's wrong. You're EmuNATOR. Meaning you like to pretend to be birds by emulating the way they move and think.


  18. I would usually flag this kinda stuff as nonsense... But the staring blue eye compels me to believe it's real- it can see through me.

    I'll get to the fridge right away.

  19. Then there's only one possible conclusion... CTHTHTHONTTTONCTHULHU is UR BRO!!
  20. SO BROKEN. I miss the little " + " next to your name. It meant so much... But... Alas... No more.

  21. Damn right honey.

    Also, I r nawt un ur frend list.

  22. Okay... I might wanna do this actually. Lemme just say I'm interested. ^__~
  23. Of course sugah. Only if you're friends with me again- for some reason OCR says we're not. So... Do you hate me or are we more than friends now?

  24. So this is gunna be his last birthday thread right?
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