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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Happy bihrthszdaiz! KSS FTW.
  2. *sad proto* I WILLROCK miss you...

  3. OA, ur doin it rong. u got specify who send it 2 not put "(or OA, because there's nothing he won't do)" k lol. nxt tiem u do tht or u hav NONE of teh sm3xeh wimenz. tru.

  4. SPRINGS?!?!?!?!?!? fekkin nub. Kirby or GTFO

  5. Yes! Now my love for you isn't gay after all.

  6. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  7. This might sound a bit douche-ish but it's not meant to be a self promotion. I started my first MIDI in april 2008 and finished my Pokémon Crystal mix on January 2009 HOWEVER, I've been having saxophone/music theory lessons since 2001. I have to say that OCR has helped me so much as a musician. Yeah, my production and mixing still has a HUGE way to go yet but I am a firm believer that seven months of lurking the WIP forums and posting tracks, trying to correct EXACTLY each critisim I got, helped me more than school could. Simply listening to music and trying to recreate the style and effects used in my favorite remixes (GaMeBoX's 'iMushroom' and Zircon's 'Clash at the Mountains' were prominent ones at the time) was hugely benificial. Couple that with some MIDI deconstruction, to see how they were written, and perhaps a few Google searches for free VST's and Soundfonts and that's really how I learnt to mix. I did this pretty much each night for seven months leaving all my schoolwork as second priority. I'm all for what Blue Magic said, pretty sure that's how it worked out here.
  8. halc u guna maK A MIX OF THS? cUS THAT WULD b (caps lol) gud 2. i use mah presets ya?

  9. C'MON U GUYS! You must've cheated. How on earth did you know what you were writing?!?! I look awful... HALC even has the key change- CORRECT. Cheats. ¬___¬
  10. Hey man, won't be online it turns out. Will finish our awesome collab tomrrow 'kay? Kwl.

  11. This is pretty cool- obviously. Such good production- I <3 Willrawk.
  12. Of course you're gay, you make sweet music together. AMIRITE?
  13. Okay, dude, can we ACTUALLY do this? Hahahahahaha. So so so pro.

  14. You need permission to use my name in reviews biaaattccchhhh. I SUE U!
  15. And now, Stevo, you are officially one of my orgy. Welcome.
  16. http://www.mediafire.com/?nmrwhgz2dwj Upupupupupdate. Took all your advice, except Will's and halc didn't give advice... so just Wes'. Yeah. Also. Luv u guys.
  17. imma giv u 1 chans. k that is gud. wut song shall we mak?

  18. sry, i dun collab wit n00bz. imma 2 gud.

  19. k. her u go.


    thsll mak ur moozaks gud liek mine

  20. Love this- more good stuff. A really bright feel, both harmonically and textually. The high frequencies might add to this actually. ^w^ A solid 4/4 Fruity Kick beat as well, holding the thing together. Typical halc ending I might add. (Love the ending SFX) Continue being awesome. Dude, you are ALWAYS compaining about the high frequencies! You either have crazy headphones or your ears are angry with high sounds. ^w^
  21. HAH! Not never now huh?

  22. Rarghhh! Losing inspiration super quick on all mah songs it seems, but, I like the idea of this one so hopefully it'll hold out for at least two minutes... (pfft, that's what she said) Okay, this one needs explaining; I love Professor Layton ATM, I really do, and whilst the music is effective for the genre it's just... nasty (excluding Layton's Theme- that's quite cool when it gets into it). Take the source for this remix for example- the Puzzle Theme is just a random walk through melodic ambiguity and anguish. It's actually annoying, especially when you're working hard on a puzzle for ages and you've got repeating over and over and over and over and over and over and over./rant But Proto? Why remix this you say? Well, because there was a MIDI for it on VGMusic for one, and two I kinda like giving simple songs complete melodic overhauls. Hurray! Anyway, WOW, I've written a freakin' essay. If I ever sub this I've already written the submission letter. http://www.mediafire.com/?nmrwhgz2dwj ANY feedback you wanna give is super useful. I will collect up your hateful comments and use them when I need to cry myself to sleep.
  23. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=33050 Wow, actually spamming stuff in the site issues forum too. The nerve. ^w^
  24. Dunwori guys I agree with you on this. Perhaps not adjacentshadow as much but more Wes. ^w^ I've given up on this one anyway- had nowhere to take it; I did it yesterday whilst I had nothing to do for a few hours. Thnx for teh feedback. I'm working on something better nows anywaiz.
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