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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. WELL, what about artwork huh?
  2. Damn, I should use that as a vocal riff in my Floria mix.
  3. I'd post some of my remixing/MIDI work if I were you, get people interested. ^__~
  4. Lemonade is alright, better with an essence of lime though... pffft.
  5. So... Who else automatically went for Megaman?
  6. The real version is through my headphones. Yeah, just so you know. Everyone else's are wrong. <3
  7. Oh yeah, I back up this sentiment completely. I fell in love with this game, it's just so appealing in every way.
  8. Thanks Mr 99, and just so you know, it's not about HOW to get into the industry, more the fact I can say I have talked to/got replies from people in industry showing I am "taking an active part in my learning"... Yeah, this unit is terrible.
  9. Okay, so I'm panicking right now, I've got one and a bit weeks to finish this assignment that I've been putting off all year. Basically I'm meant to show I'm being mature and finding out more about my desired industry of work/going to events related to my industry - that kind of thing. So as the deadline drew closer I suddenly remembered I actually had to do this, but, oh no, I'd missed all the related music job/work/stuff events (so lack of maturity there.) So! I'm pleading with you, if you work in the music industry please, please could you take the time to say who you are, what you do, how you got into the industry or anything else related. It would be SOOOOO damn helpful!! Thanks very very much in advance! You guys are awesome. (PS, no lectures on doing work late, I KNOW)
  10. In a lil' bit, 'kay? ^w^

  11. So... Collab? ¬__¬

    Hehe, take your time man.

  12. Hrmm. I can hear all the way up to 22kHz but the note becomes progressively 'lower' and less irritating. Is that my headphone's fault because there's no way that's right... EDIT: Oh. Right. ^w^
  13. Being honest, I never had a freakin clue what exactly I had to do in this game, other than driving round an island on a bike knocking people over. Oh wait, and something about pizza.
  14. <3 And now to make this post over 10 characters. Done.
  15. Well, I am. Hahaha, ah well, that's what you get when you put remixing as your priority over uni I guess. Heh heh, anyway sorry for the lack of providing.

  16. He can't. He programs the MIDI into his brain so his fingers are automated. Filthy cheater. Good song, one of my favourites of yours. <3
  17. Detuned synth is teh shizz. Imma put ths on mah mixtap 2 play to all mah hunies. ur 2 gud. i gree wit ctho cuthoni cthoo - Ben, ths is ur gud mix n sonds reel profesonal n all tht. can u mak me a remix now?
  18. I was not trolling i ran out of time and stuff. Don't hate.

  19. I'm sorry but Goldwave has fire, FIRE. You are obviously not manly ENOUGH for Goldwave.
  20. Yeah, I've been through a few OCR tracks on this, in fact I was gunna make a thread like this because I was wondering exactly the same thing. Odd huh? Anyway I think this is a good idea definitely.
  21. Why do I actually feel bad I said no...?!?! Wait and my guilt will cave in and I'll offer you all my song titiles ever.

  22. Hrm, hold on that one dude, I wrote lyrics for it the other day... Don't hate on meh!!! ^w^

  23. Don't worry, it randomly started working. Wierd.
  24. Okay, I know very little about the technical side of audio drivers 'n' all that but hear me out. So I have this nice new PC running Windows 7, I install FL, realise it's set to the Primary Sound Driver, not good, lots of underruns, I switch to ASIO, no sound coming from FL. On my laptop, when the ASIO drivers are active I get no Windows sounds so I assume it disables the Primary Sound Driver automatically. On my Windows 7 PC I can still hear all the Windows sounds plus anything else I want to run even when ASIO is running. I had an idea that disabling the main drivers manually would work but that just mutes EVERYTHING. I think I need to set the ASIO drivers to override the others, but how do I do that? I've clicked EVERYTHING in FL!!! Is there anything I can do here? Please help!
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