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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Be careful that you don't have lots of inaudible frequencies- high and low. Those can be a contributor to clipping and the like; you don't really need them, unless you're planning on playing stuff to whales or bats.
  2. Are spaceships cool?


  3. I can't resist. You deleted a message on my page... I'VE GOTTA KNOW WHAT IT WAS! Was it a confession of love?! A death threat?! A secret code that the government blocked?! Damn... You were trying to warn me about something weren't you? Oh god...

  4. Are spaceships cool?


  5. Are spaceships cool?


  6. Are spaceships cool?


  7. Are spaceships cool?


  8. Pfft. My Immortal. That was cool like a few months back. I liked it BEFORE it was cool.
  9. Seconded. 10char
  10. I bet this is the one you downloaded off my Facebook... I BETCHA.
  11. Hahaha, SO WEIRD you should say that because the minute I saw this back on the front page I thought exactly the same thing. This song is one of my initial inspirations. I used to listen to this back in the day on my MP3 player. It had guitars in so I could play it really loud and stay looking cool. ^W^
  12. LOL @ title. lolololol whn i red ths i red "The Sound of Speed" as "The Sound of Speed" cuz thts wut it sez. No but seriously, the title is cool because it is a play on: "THE SPEED OF SOUND" Very clever halc, I liked this title so much, I told my mum. She didn't care.
  13. Not always. ^__~ There are exceptions.
  14. Seriously Capcom, what unrelated company will your characters battle next? My hopes are on Capcom vs 5th Cell or Hanna-Barbera.
  15. Cover art is terrible. I wouldn't let him do the back cover. <3
  16. Best name ever. You have to say it really loud and fast- capitals indicate this.

  17. Heh heh heh, pretty cool. You should should post up some of your band's stuff some time.

  18. k hold on tho, gudda get mah socks 'n' toothbrush.

  19. You gawd it commandah C! *salutes*
  20. ur not chrono, sileh furmz, ur halc.

  21. HAH! I have an epic Krow-wallpost combo!!! NO ONE BREAK IT!

  22. Damn! Just missed your birthday!!! Well!!! Hope it was awesome!!! ^__~

  23. *pokes tongue out*

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