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Everything posted by drake7707

  1. I've uploaded the code and release to http://proceduralmidi.codeplex.com/, I've also refactored the code to group stuff together and commented everything. I've moved all the cellular automata logic to the Board class, which means it's much easier now to create a new subclass of AbstractBoard and implement other rules and when cells are active (= played in the iteration). .. Not that I have any ideas for a new ruleset at the moment , anyone any ideas ?
  2. I'm using the standard windows MCI API to output midi messages (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms709461(v=vs.85).aspx). It only accepts midi messages (specified by the midi protocol) itself so if I dump everything into a stream with delta ticks and slap a header on it I have basically a midi file. I've yet to find a midi library in c# that can play individual notes and export them to a midi file though (most only accept entire midi files). It's been a long while since I've worked with midi files, it was in vb6 and I had to define the entire midi file description myself, so it'll probably take a while to get a correct exported version of it. I've noticed however that my version is slightly different sometimes, such as in : http://earslap.com/projectslab/otomata/?q=0k4e8z. Normally the left cell should rotate to a downwards direction (or at least that's what he specified), yet in otomata that doesn't happen. If I can find the time I'll clean up the code a bit and make more stuff configurable rather than using constants. Edit: I found some time to change the constants to variables and added support to save/load the board to a text file. You can get it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8797691/ProceduralMidi_v2.zip I hope I didn't screw anything up with the actual notes because I'm at work at the moment and unable to actually hear the notes being played.
  3. I've written my own version in c# in a couple of hours. It's based on the same rules. You can download it from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8797691/Procedural%20Midi.zip Mirror on rapidshare (in case I accidentally delete it from my dropbox): https://rapidshare.com/files/458065368/Procedural_Midi.zip The source is included for those who have Visual studio installed. The notes per cell are hard coded in the NoteController class. The nr of rows & cols are hard coded in Form1.cs. I did this as a challenge to write a similar thing in 1 hour or less (it took 3.5hours in total ) so there is no comments whatsoever. I did try to make it a bit structured though. I can probably add more stuff to setup, but now it's near midnight and I have to work tomorrow so maybe later
  4. There is, but it requires some fiddling to get them in the correct place: From the FAQ:
  5. Thanks! This should be linked to as much as possible to stop the amount of fake information being spread around. I wish there was an official post like that to increase the credibility.
  6. It was 400 millisievert, only for a brief time and at the entrance of the plant. On the other hand, that's only the radiation measured. You have to add the sievert from contamination too, which are the radioactive particles that's been inhaled,.. etc. (not 100% sure, can someone correct me if I'm wrong?)
  7. Depends what radioactive material is being leaked. The half-lifes are varying from a fraction of a second to many years. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_isotopes_by_half-life for a list.
  8. Thanks for clarifying! So the radiation they have found outside the plant in the evacuation zone is from the steam they already released and from the hydrogen explosions which contained some radiation for being close to the core to cool it down? Also in case of a meltdown, isn't the containment building strong enough to withstand the heat of the melting core? I read on wikipedia the generated corium would expense a lot of its energy while burning through the bottom, so if they made it thick enough it wouldn't breach containment right ?
  9. I've been following the feed on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12307698 As far as I heard, the plant released a small amount of radioactive steam to keep the pressure under control. The incident itself is currently classified as 4 on the INES Scale (INES Level 4: Accident with local consequences)
  10. Thank you for bringing OC Remixes to my workplace . Much appreciated!
  11. I like several themes from Lufia: Ruins Of Lore, but the boss theme must be one of the best I've heard ever:
  12. Sorry to jump in from nowhere in this but shouldn't it be a good thing that it's going to go to beta ? In alpha the developers can usually change things that won't be backwards compatible and break the entire map in this case. It's an alpha phase after all, designed to iron out the major flaws and redesigning the code after it has grown too large in 1 place, without having to worry about backwards compatibility. In beta, the major flaws should be gone and then it's time to prep it for release. Usually this is the time where open or closed beta starts and people can start playing & testing it. Of course what you think of 'major flaw' is up to you, there probably will be some in beta too (it's hard for a 1 man team to introduce new stuff and not break older stuff). The only reason why people can play it during alpha is because he wants feedback as soon as possible and he has no budget to hire a testing team (well initially that is), and you paid a price for it that can be considered a 'donation' with perks to receive the full game afterwards (I don't really agree with having to pay for a game in alpha stage, but I understand that notch has to get some income in order to keep working on it full time). Anyway, I think it's pretty pointless to keep bickering over whether or not the game is crap or not. New major bugs are frustrating and annoying but it's not worth it to annoy other people with it. If it's too annoying just wait until the next update where it will hopefully be fixed. I'm not either pro or against beta here, just giving my 2 cents .
  13. Same here, I've done my workouts on a hometrainer while listening to mostly oc remixes for the past 3 years . So thanks for the music on my behalf too .
  14. Awesome remix, I can't believe I didn't comment sooner as I've listened to it countless times. Apparently I just found out there's even a longer and better version, but it seems divshare doesn't work, it's a never ending cycle of download button click shenanigans. If anyone is willing to upload it to megaupload it will be much appreciated
  15. happy birthday
  16. Okami is definately worth checking out, it's one of the better platformers for the ps2 and has a nice soundtrack and an awesome graphic style
  17. Awesome song ^^. I can listen to it for hours ^^. You should put this up on ourstage, this deserves a first place oO
  18. XNA is a API library above directx, that facilitates the use of 3D drawing, perspective etc (well 1.0 was anyway, 3.0 may already be more game oriented) ^^. I think the only way to use it is in C# or VB.NET with Visual Studio 2005 (for 1.0) or Visual Studio 2008 (for 2.0, i think :/)
  19. omg trolls o_O, i remember playing it for ages when i was little. Fun fact: I started it last week in dosbox to hear the intro music ^^ and thought to myself that there was no way anyone would use that as a source ^^. nice ^^
  20. I like it thus far, it reminds me a bit of Another Side, Another Story with the faster part in the middle ^^ Keep up the good work ^^
  21. This is the kind of music I can listen to for hours while browsing or reading something. I'll definately put this on my mp3 player ^^ Hope you can finish it one day ^^
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