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Nigel Simmons

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Everything posted by Nigel Simmons

  1. Pretty solid, if you ask me. SOMEONE needs to put some good reverb on this and resubmit it. It would be much better then.
  2. I'm actually surprised this got through. I can't listen to the whole thing. It doesn't get much better after the beginning, I don't think.
  3. Eh. It's an ALRIGHT remix, but I just don't like it much. I guess it's the piano sound. I'm so picky about my piano sounds, it's not even funny. Seems like every sampled piano I come accross just sounds unrealistic and cheesey. I'm not that crazy about piano arrangements either, so that figures into the equation.
  4. Excellent work, GrayLightning! I've never heard the original, but I really like this. This is among your best, I think. I really love that brass. The ending is a little odd, but nothing horrible.
  5. This kicks Disco Dan's new remix's ass! It's not perfect, though. I would have used a different instrument for the flute part, just because the looping on that sample is very repetitious and sort of annoying. It's a very good mix!
  6. This is a very nice mix, I enjoy it a lot. I think the drums 'n bass could come down during some parts, though. I mean, geeze, the loop goes on forever and it doesn't dip in volume at all, even during the parts when the orchestra is playing soft. Great mix, though. It kicks McVaffe's new Zelda mix's ass!
  7. More like "This Heart Will Go On." . This is a good mix, but nothing really outstanding about it. It's got some good points, however. The voice is very nice, and some of the flute parts are nice, as well, but I think it's overused. A different instrument should have taken over for part of the song, I think. But, considering the samples you've got to work with, this is very nice!
  8. Excellent production quality. This sounds professional! The drums have that synthy sound, but it's alright most of the time.
  9. EEEK! I really can't stand the out-of-tune strings on this one. I mean, they are WAY out of tune, and painfully so. It's a shame because if they WERE in tune, it would sound nice ... Ugh ... That ending is horrid. Heheh. I can hear someone making an odd sound there at the end. Funny, but not surprising, to see that Protricity thought the strings were fake.
  10. Wow. Somehow this got past me. I thought I had listened to all the Secret of Mana remixes on this site. This is very nice. Good work. I can't believe there are only 4 reviews for this.
  11. I agree. This is the first remix in a long while that I can actually listen to all the way through, and I haven't even heard the original.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAH!!! While listening to the beginning of this song I saw a daffy picture of Clay Aiken and I laughed so hard. It'n not a diss of the song, though. It's actually good.
  13. Ok, scratch that. I had the mids set all the way up on my amp for some odd reason so it made it sound like shit. It's the best orchestral remix on the damn site!!
  14. I listened to it a 2nd time, and I actually have to say that it isn't all that breathtaking. I can't stand the sound of some of the string sounds (although, I'm picky about strings), and it sounds a little sloppy in places. I love Jeremy's work, but it just isn't what everyone's making it out to be. I've heard remixes that are about as good as this one.
  15. WOW! Sounds almost like a John Williams version of the Final Fantasy theme!
  16. Oh, crap, I KNEW I would get flamed for this. . . Alright, alright, just forget everything I said. I shouldn't have posted, I shouldn't have given my opinion, just forget about everything. God, I'm so dumb, why did I write that?!
  17. Damn, dance/techno again? All techno sounds cheesey to me, and it all sounds the same. Why do people like to remix in techno more than anything?
  18. Man, how'd I miss this one? Good stuff. We need more (orchestral)remixes like this on this site! It does clip out a lot, though, but it's not too annoying.
  19. Man, this is sooo great. It's one of only a couple of remixes I actually come back and listen to once in a while. Outstanding.
  20. ... Dude ... Trippin'! ... I looooove it! ...
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