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Nigel Simmons

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Everything posted by Nigel Simmons

  1. The drum loops and samples, especially the high-pitched hissing piano, are very weak and tinny. I don't know if that's intentional, but it sounds horrible to my ears. The lows are very muddy, as are the vocals. The overall production is very sloppy, and everything sounds slapped together. There's no adherence here. The rapping definitely doesn't work. Unlike the ability to sing, I believe ANYONE has the ability to rap if they have a sense of beat. The quality is all in the production (EQ, Compression, Overlays etc) and the attitude. The main thing that bothers me about the vocals is the mix. The vocals should have been brought up in the mix, emphasizing the mid-highs, rolling off the lows (to decrease muddiness), and adding heavy compression (to beef them up).
  2. Hi. My name is Hamburger Eat'n Carl. I like to give hugs. http://www.myspace.com/dweebishnigel
  3. Rainfall films put it in their film-reel, and there's also a poster: http://www.rainfallfilms.com/showreel/ I believe this is real. The April Fools thing is a marketing strategy. However, the cast and crew is quite small for such a large project.
  4. Okie-Dokie ... Don't know what the hell you're talking about.
  5. I thought I'd post something here since I haven't in a while. What do you think of this? It's the first track here: http://www.myspace.com/dweebishnigel Thanks! Nigel
  6. Whoa, a heavy rock remix of a Castlevania tune. That's NEVER been done!
  7. The player shows skill, but it just sounds boring and mechanical to me. Also, the quality of the recording isn't that great.
  8. A mix made for people with A.D.D.!
  9. I rarely ever like videogame piano arrangements, but I really like this one, and I've never even heard the original! I'm saving this one. Fantastic work, Dshu!
  10. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts - Sunken Ship Level Earthworm Jim - First Level Hopefully both turn out better than my last attempt.
  11. The percussion should be simplified. There are WAY WAY too many fills where there shouldn't be in the beginning. It just sounds like the drummer's showing off. I can see the intent of the mix, but I really don't like the production/recording. It's confused.
  12. Dude, I don't hear a change in style every 20 seconds. I don't know about you, but the changes are nice, and adds some variation. I don't think this mix is perfect (I'm really, really picky when it comes to the realness of orchestral sampling, and the techniques used to make it sound authentic. I think in some respects he could have done better there). But don't go dissing the variation. That's what it's all about.
  13. WhooHoo! Bravo! The orchestra samples could use a little bit more release and variation (for repeating notes), but other than that, it's pretty damn good.
  14. Actually, no. It was in ALTTP, but only for a short while when you first take her from the dungeon at the beginning, I think.
  15. Good job! The only thing I don't like about this are the sound bytes at the beginning and the end. they're a bit too hokey. The whole mix reminds me of the style of the album "God Shuffled His Feet" by the Crash Test Dummies. That's a good thing, because I love that album.
  16. Hahahah, that's most definitely an accordian. It doesn't even sound like a violin (during the accordian parts, of course). I like the production on this, although I kind of think everything has too much of a "fat" sound (mainly because I think the accordian is too high in the mix and too mid-rangey for my taste). It's not a bad thing, just personal preference. The string notes sound a bit too static in the mix. I'm thinking it might sound better if each note swells in volume instead. Overall, it's better than a lot of the mixes I've heard on this site in a while.
  17. I heard this on VGMix a while ago and I really, really liked it. AWESOME guitar work at 4:40.
  18. Hey, thanks a lot! I don't know if you'll ever see this, but hey.
  19. This sounds great!! BUT, I think there's waaaay too much reverb on the mix, and way too much mid range. I'd love to mess around with the mix if you've got a completely dry version of it.
  20. "Epic" and "Grandioso"? ... I really don't think so ... but it's alright, anyway.
  21. Excellent work!!!! It gets a lot better as it progresses (the very beginning is pretty kickass, too, though). The sounds and production are awesome. Great stuff. I like the sound of EWQLSO's brass. I may just have to get a version of it sometime in the future.
  22. Impressive stuff! I never heard the original, but I like this. I love the percussion, brass, and choir samples. 50 or more tracks!? WOW, that's a LOT of tracks! I've never even come close to that!
  23. Well, I gotta' say, I really like it. But, I really hate the guitar solo in the beginning. The tuning is just so bad during that part. The rest of the guitar parts sound better as the song goes on, though. Sounds better than the version I heard many nights ago. Good job, guys!
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