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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Title: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Turned Tides in Aqua Lake OC ReMix

    Artist: Joseph Tek Fox

    E-mail: JosephTekFox@Juno.com

    Year: 2003


    I hope you enjoy this remix as much as I enjoyed making it, djpretzel. And sorry about my last couple of personal e-mails. . .

    http://www.livejournal.com/users/Joseph_Fox/ -- My Live Journal

    http://www.rockmanvortex.com/JosephTekFox/ -- The Rockman Music Archives

    Current S3M Project: N/A

    Most Recently Finished S3M: Talon's Theme: Lone Falcon in the Rain

  2. Title: Zelda 64 Lullaby Proximitus

    Original Song: The Zelda 64 (OOT) 'Lullaby' theme

    Remixer: Wintermute

    Hello OC ReMix! Here's my latest: It's a fairly short piece, but I felt the song was complete and didn't want to ruin it by repeating anything too many times, and I felt it had enough variety and intensity to keep everybody interested. I sure am happy with it, anyway. It depicts my new 'style' of electronica/piano/orchestral (though there isn't anything much orchestral in this song) music. Thanks very much for considering it for this great website!

    Get it here:

    Edit by Orky - Fixed the URL

  3. This is a Remix of Always On My Mind from Kingdom Hearts.

    It was done by me, k-wix, and its going out to Melanie who is a big fan of the game, and the mix.

    Also, DJP, i know your time is precious, but.. you have my name listed as DJ K-wix, and i droped the DJ part awhile ago, if you could switch it to just k-wix, id be very grateful.

    You can find the mix here:

    (that has %20's filled in ..so you should just be able to click on it..but I also posted the link below void of any %20's ..so you could copy that into your browser if thats easier)

    Thanks Mr. pretz.. Hope it makes it : \


  4. Hello OverClocked ReMix (djpretzel maybe?)

    I'd like to submit a remix that I completed last year:

    I'm a new ReMixer here. I'd like to use the name "SineWave". I've been following your site for a little over a year now, and I thought it was time I submitted my remix. This is my very first remix completed, and is so far my only one.

    My e-mail address is burning_chopstix@hotmail.com or thesinisterlaugh@hotmail.com (I manage multiple accounts, the second listed here is my default one). My website isn't currently up.


    Joel Chen

  5. hello. this is mr. t.m. revolutionary. i have a new remix (after

    quite some time, eh?). it's a remix of stage 6's world theme from

    super mario bros. 3. my remix is named 'i feel like i'm going to

    die'. my current website is www.geocities.com/mich_zimmerman. the

    remix can be found at:

    i hope you enjoy my new sound and hope to see this posted soon

    (but, of course, i know how busy you are, so no worries) nice to

    be back in the community.

    thanks always,

    mich zimmerman aka t.m. revolutionary


    Get your own evilemail.com address at http://www.evilemail.com

  6. To OverClocked ReMix,

    My name is Ryan Necas (D1&only Necas), 17 year old freshman studying

    Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I have begun experimenting

    with ReMixing and I would like to submit my first ReMix, "The Airship's

    Canon". This is a ReMix of the Airship Theme, the big Airship mind you,

    from Final Fantasy 3. Keep in mind this is my first submission, so if it

    sucks ass, I'll understand. You can find my ReMix at:


    "My Remix" is obviously the appropriate download link. The second link is

    the MIDI file I made and recorded from, and the third is the original MIDI.

    Keep in mind, when I put it on Angelfire, they changed part of the filename

    from Airship's_Canon to Airship_s_Canon. I guess they don't accept

    apostrophes, but you might like to fix it.

    I made this ReMix to be a lot more peaceful and quiet than your other

    ReMixes. My father constantly complains when I play songs from your site

    because they "give him a headache". He actually likes the song I made. So

    this song may be a tad simplistic, but I believe it is very beautiful. I

    used the structural concept of Pachelbel's Canon, starting with 8 long

    chords, then adding the main melody, then adding a supporting melody. The

    changes to make the supporting melody are completely my work. I also made

    changes to the main melody and the chords, and I slowed down the song

    considerably so the supporting melody could be heard better. The song ends

    in a round, offset one measure.

    I'll be working on more of the Japanese only Final Fantasies, because

    there are so few remixes for it. Especially after the Promised Land went

    off the site (that was one of my favorites). Anyways, hope you like it.

    Get back to me on the results as soon as you can.

    D1&only Necas,

    Ryan Necas


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  7. Sorry for requesting another submission in such a short time period, but I

    figured that my IceCap remix didn't make the site and so on recommendation

    I'm requesting for another remix:

    Track Title: Hopefully Endless

    Length: 3.26

    Artist: LeeBro

    Original Composer: Howard Drossin

    Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Endless Mine Zone


    I know it's a little late for a festive remix, but if you would please

    consider it for posting as I haven't placed a mix on the site for a long

    while and now would be the perfect time!

    Thank you for your time! Drop me a line if there's anything wrong with the


    ~ LeeBro

  8. Like I said in the subject line, this is my first submission to OC ReMix.

    Anyhoo.. down to business, eh?

    My real name (if it matters, heh):

    My 'handle', nickname, whatever:

    E-mail address:

    webpage (not much there yet...):

    I found OC ReMix on accident a few months back whilst looking for cool

    techno stuff... and I realized i'd already found a bunch of songs from the

    site off of WinMX. Anyway, I saw a submission in the ReQuests section for

    the Twoson Theme from Earthbound one day, and boom, I made a ReMix. :)

    Here's a link to the original SPC (I had to .zip it, sorry):

    And here's the link to my song:

    I hope that's all you need. By the way, I don't really like the ending, so

    if 'the judges' send it back to me, could I have some suggestions as to how

    I can make the ending better? I can't really think of any. Thanks :)

    Thanks for your time, and I hope you like my ReMix.

    -- ^_^

  9. Hi there!

    Here I am with a remixed song I made a while back! It's an arrangement of the introdemo song of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

    for the MSX2 system. I think it turned out quite nicely :) Anyways, some background information. I'm Jorrith Schaap from the Netherlands, and fiddling around with music has been a

    long time hobby of mine. I did quite some composing on that MSX2, and still do for a game I'm working on with some other

    people, but that's a different story :)

    Anyways, this song was made with ZTracker and a nice bit of MIDI equipment, and later modified a bit with Cakewalk. Since I

    didn't send in any songs before, I guess you need some standard info:

    ReMixer name: Jorito

    E-mail: jorrith@home.nl

    Website: http://bombaman.generation-msx.nl

    And last but not least, the URL to the song! You can find it here:

    My original plan was to include an mp3 of the original song too, but because of the lame FTP server of my provider I gave up

    trying to get it online after an hour and numerous timeouts. So you'll have to make do with this :)

    If you need any more info, don't hesitate to contact me!


    Jorrith Schaap

  10. File is in - please bookmark if you haven't already, I plan to use this for handling submission that come in as email attachments. -djp


    My name is unimportant, but my... eh, "handle" is "Phytre Pighlet". I haven't seen many English speaking people pronounce that correctly, but with a bit of imagination, and possibly a grammar book, you should be able to make it out. If not, just try not to say it out loud. Eh... anyway, back to the point. This is my first submission to this site, one of the first remixes I've ever bothered to convert into an MP3, and on top of this, a rock ReMix, which is really odd, because I normally make Techno ReMixes. However, since this is a version of the Topman track from Mega Man 3, and since that song was already Techno ReMixed, and since that Techno ReMix really sucked, and since I wanted mine to be different from that sucky one, and since I thought this was probably intended to be a rock song ANYWAY, I made a rock ReMix. Since it is nearly impossible to make guitars and stuff sound realistic when working on/with a computer instead of real guitars, it doesn't sound very realistic.

    However, it still rocks, so it should do until the minibosses come around to doing this one. I think I did a pretty good job with the drums though. I put in some... own stuff at the end of the song, including some pretty not-so-good solos, but it still ended up a bit short as a whole. I just didn't think there was a lot more to this song than that which I have already done, (other than repeat,) so I made a... eh, rushed ending and got it over with. I hope you like it.

    Oh, and, if you put this thing up, you could count on more stuff coming up. I'm currently working on a Diablo 2 Techno ReMix, a Bubbleman Slow-dancing ReMix feat. someone singing, and a Megaman 5 ReMix. I'll try to find some non-Megaman stuff, too, but a lot of your remixers never did anything BUT Megaman, so I guess I'm ok if I don't either. Anyway, the song itself is included in the next mail. I'll brand the subject "MEGAMAN3 TOPMAN". If you do not find this file, please tell me. If you do not put this song on your site, please mail me back and write me why.


    Phytre Pighlet


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  11. Heya!

    Browsing around remix.overclocked today got me to thinking... there hasn't

    been any remixes of the Bubble Bobble theme in way too long! So here is the

    arrangement of Bubble Bobble/New Zealand Story that I wrote up and force

    fed to my high school band to play in concert exactly 2 years ago!

    If you want to see more information about it (you know you do) scroll

    towards the bottom of this page:

    Have fun!

    Tatsumakisenpukyaku III

  12. Heya,

    This is my first remix submission, it's one of the themes from sonic adventure 2, only i screwed about a heap with it, and apart from the fact it follows the same basic progression it's pretty original. The normal song is quite basic, and what is a whole bar in my version would be sped up to a single beat in the original with half the detail.

    I'm no pro, but i'm proud of this one and hope it gets accepted *nudges*. Ohwell, if it doesn't I guess i could always work on it some more

    here it is!

    Uhmmm, other info i guess is that i want it under the name "raven" (no capital "r")... i guess that's it!

    Thanks! cya,


  13. File:

    Song Name: Dragon Guts All Over My Face

    Artist name: weird^3



    (I made this account because I cant apparently send any new email with that email address above, but can receive and reply to messages for some reason. I think ill get it fixed soon. Im saying this so you wont think im submitting someone elses work..)

    I'm not sure if I remembered to add all the stuff to the IDv324dsjsaj track tag thingy, I didn't know the original composer and such. I'm sorry if you have to edit anything.

  14. Hello dj pretzel-

    I sent in a submission a couple of months back, but never heard anything

    back or saw my submission on OCR. I then realized that during the

    intervening time, I had somehow allowed the page on my site containing the

    link to the mp3 to get all screwy. So, I have now fixed the problem, and

    humbly ask you to take a listen to "Ultramarine", a remix of a theme from

    Bionic Commando for the NES. I have other remixes on deck as well, but I

    thought I'd submit this'un first and kind of test the waters.

    Anyhoo, here's the appropriate link:

    Later, and thanks a bunch for running such a quality site.


  15. Well, I read that from the submission guidelines that I should wait a week

    between submissions and it's been more than a week from my last submission.

    Well anyway. This one is a remix from FF6 Terra (sorry). I've made it to

    sound sad and that's why there are no special effects.

    You can get from here:

    (Press the "Final Fantasy VI It's a Hazardous Overworld (WabiutaMix)" link)

    Oh yeah and this should be my last remix with ModPlug Tracker. I've lately

    discovered how good Jeskola Buzz is and I'm trying to learn how to use it.

    Actually, I know pretty much about now, still have to learn some golden

    tricks :)

    Have a good day

    Thanks :)


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