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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. this song is very soothing, it hangs on to it's title, "Smooth Ride". and yes, fadeout's = not cool btu I can see the fadeout in the works here.

    While debatable for this specific track, I don't get the seemingly widespread disrespect of fading out for an ending. It's a perfectly legitimate way to end a song, used by some of the best and/or most musically respected artists since it became an audio-engineering option. It's only a cop-out when the song truly called for something more dramatic or with specific closure - for the multitude of tracks that end on repetitions of a chorus, or any pattern within the song for that matter, I see it as an entirely viable conclusion.

    It troubles me that, perhaps due to the espousing of a couple of the more "known" ReMixers here at OCR, many now believe fadeouts to be a musical deus ex machina, or invalid, "hack" compositional vice. Far more talented, deservedly famous, and experienced composers, musicians, and engineers have used fadeout endings effectively than I care to mention. Perhaps it's been misused often by ReMixers specifically here, at OCR, and perhaps not. But even if it had, I wouldn't see that as cause to make any blanket conclusions that it's a musical no-no.

  2. First off, this is SgtRama. My AOL account has been teh hax0r'd. I haven't gotten it back yet, it's messy, blah blah. Anywho, this is my dark wierd spooky ambient remix of Create 1 from Ultima Online from the little #ocremix comp thingy ma bob. Solidus was my UO char, thus the name, in the rare occurance it actually gets accepted and posted the name is of course subject to change to avoid confusion. anywho, so is located at...

  3. Did I screw up? I thought we'd covered this one, but I guess not . . -djp


    I've probably sent an email every 2 months for the past 7-8 months trying to get you to post my Metal Gear Solid Remix, but to no avail. I'm trying again.

    Please check out the following URL:

    ReMixer: Nebyoolae (that would be I)

    ReMix: Snake Shake

    Length: 5'01

    File: snake_shake.mp3 (128k CBR)

    Size: 4.7 mb

    Tools Used: FruityLoops, SoundForge, lots o' samples from MGS

    Please check it out, as even thought it's my first try, I think it's a cool electronic treatment of the old Metal Gear "Sneakin' In" theme mixed with samples from Metal Gear Solid.



  4. Hey yo ey. Well this is my 2nd submission, hopefully first one that gets

    accepted (or I'll cry.) This one is an orchestral sort of take on Act 5:

    Scene 1 from Ninja Gaiden. Mmmmm, anyhow,

    Mix Masta Munk - Ninja Gaiden Ninjutsu Symphony

    And if you could be ever so kind, plz rename it to be MixMastaMunk-NinjaGaidenNinjutsuSymphony.mp3 (and of course add OC Remix to

    the end if you see fit ;))

    I can't name it like that for hosting reasons :|

  5. He'd need to go back to 160 as this is over the 6 meg limit, but since it's close I thought I'd send it your way regardless - djp

    "Starblaze" here!


    With this arrangement, I tried to expand upon my orchestral composing skills; hence the length of this song. It goes over the six meg limit by .38 or something. I don't know how big a deal that is. The bitrate this time is 192 - I tried 160 first but it sounded horribly fuzzy. 192 has a FEW problems as well, but it's not as big a deal as I'd expected.

    Anyway, this is a medley of a few more obscure Final Fantasy 6 tunes. There are a few exceptions in here, but they're mostly the weird ones. I also included a few songs from some other games like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 for transition work, and I think it works quite well. EVERYONE in #OCReMix seemed to think the Starfox theme was there at about 2:28. I've never played a Starfox game in my life so I wouldn't know, but I'll take their word for it.

    I'm in the database already so you probably have my ReMixer information - nothing has changed since.

    -Evan "Starblaze" Pattison

  6. I'm resubmitting this now.. I submitted it first time 28.10.2002 (week after my Wizardry remix). I have no idea when Rayza submitted his remixes, but seems that he got those to the site much faster? Well, anyway.. here's this again.. I've checked the download urls and added another one if other fails for some reason? Or maybe I've missed that my SC2 remix has been processed and it got 'NO' for answer.. :(


    Star Control 2 Hyperspace Electro Blast OC ReMix

    Original by Riku Nuottajärvi, Accolade

    My second OC ReMix. This time from the great game classic Star Control 2. This is the music heard during the hyperspace game part. Hard to remix song which is no doubt the most heard one in the game. But I think I managed to keep the spirit of the original version. Maybe a bit jarre-sound here. No samples except drums and the bell in this song. Everything else comes from softsynths I programmed. Comments are welcome, as usual :)

    Remix download url(s):

    (I will remove the file after I receive notification.)

    Credit/Artist name: Mark Vera

    Real name: Jouni Airaksinen

    Website: http://www.bluecave.net/mintus/

    Email: mintus@bluecave.net

  7. Another submission to overclocked by Ghetto Lee Lewis:

    (song blurb):

    I made this song in response to a competition on #ocremix. The contest was

    to see who could create the best song from a midi entitled "create1.mid" (a

    song from the game Ultima Online). The original version of this took me

    about 4 hours to make. However, this is the extended remastered version. It

    may not be quite as good as my last Breath of Fire submission, but it has

    quite a different flavor to it. I was kind of stuck for a name. It's sort

    of a mellow kind of epic trance, with pianos, a soft bass and kick, lots of

    synths (all built using Fruity Loops Wasp and Simsynth synthsizers). It

    transitions about half-way through to a bit harder more distorted style of

    trance. It has your standard trance beat. I try not to focus too much on

    the rhythm (although a bit of variation can keep the piece interesting).

    I'd prefer minimal kinds of beats to focus more attention on melodic and

    harmonic qualities (probably comes with being a piano player).

    Here is the link. Hopefully it should work. If Angelfire's bandwidth is

    used up you may have to try again later.

    The song should be available from the homepage as well.

    If Angelfire just doesn't work the song should be up on mp3.com within a

    couple of weeks.

    Hope you like the song. Take it easy.



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