Well, I've progressively been getting better at this whole music making business, and made a rather large collection of songs for a large Work in Progress game I'm coding called Empty Thoughts of an Eastern Wonderland.
In short, to those familiar with the naming scheme you should already know it, it's a Touhou spinoff.
Some of the tracks are remixes, and some are not, and quite frankly it's VERY easy to tell the difference.
I'm not exactly Mozart.
I don't use any sort of special music making program, like I'm sure most of you do. Nay, I simply write out my song in Noteworthy Composer [Version 1.75, because to tell you the truth, version 2.0 is horrible.] and then export each track separately using my synthfont program. Co-incidentally I use all my own samples when using straight soundfonts, sometimes I use VST instruments, either way it matters not. I lastly treat, and mix each .wav converted line in audacity, effectly merging them, and add the finishing touches.
This is the method I have used for almost three years now, and likely I will not change any time soon. For this reason a lot of people tend not to like the type of music I commonly make.
The folder below has every one of the 20 songs from this game's album, and if any of you are so inclined, you may take a listen and criticise me as harshly as you so please afterwords. As long as it has basis and is constructive of course, criticism for criticism's sake is just bad.
Packaged into the lyrics section of each MP3 is the accompanying storyline that goes with that particular song in relation to game, creating a sort of pseudo-audio novel.