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Geeky Stoner

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Everything posted by Geeky Stoner

  1. lol and you can just say "Geeky"
  2. So made this,this morning. arrangement i still kind of conservative.(will update soon) This is the first remix I've made without the assistance of a midi (so I'm proud of that) Remix Comments, thoughts, Rants?
  3. I've just been using this I don't know I like things generic sometimes
  4. Hahaha that's awesome
  5. ehhh i kinda skimmed and yea geometry wars was mentioned(briefly by coop) but not really talked about as for Einhander i might have missed it Edit: Upon actually reading all of the posts no Einhander Also my complaints weren't serious I'm not mad about Einhander or anything
  6. OOOoooo looks neat Edit: I can't believe there wasn't more talk of the in this thread it has to be one of my favorite shmups of all time (i like to call it the tetris of shmups)the first one is my favorite 360 game period.(my highscore is 2.9 mil at the moment) I've had this game for three years and I still play it every other day. Double Edit: no one mentioned either WTFAlso Maco i will play aegis wing with you (actually it's been free for a while) and yeah it's total bullcrap that it isn't available in europe D:( Triple edit(lol): Also was just released for XBLA and PSN (Though I'm not %100 on the PSN release can't find concrete evidence of it existing on PSN over the net from what i understand it seems to still be TBA on PSN sorry ps3 owners that sucks if its true
  7. had alot of fun last night, sorry i was kinda hard on you in marvel brush
  8. Happy Birthday man maybe someone could do a nice birthday pic i don't know where to find the pic to post myself Edit: thank you brandon
  9. heh heh i know of some other people who aren't listed
  10. Indeed it is >
  11. I don't have left for dead 1 or 2 (maybe sometime in the future) I've been warming up my castle crashers skills }:]
  12. well spiderman isn't totally useless he just takes alot of damage but his combos deal alot in return.
  13. Don't give up on it so easy man. Give it some time, especially closer to your birthday when i think it will gather more interest. though an xbox live party is a bit unorthodox. 5 people have already said they are going to show (how many actually I'm not sure). Just have some patience, just because people haven't posted doesn't mean that not many people are interested. Its difficult to get people to come on to xbox live, it isn't something you log onto often unless you are really into it. But for the sake of promotion ....CMON PEOPLE lets get some people to join this thing for some xbox live party fun lets turn this into a little bit of an ocr social gathering (minus the cross country trips )
  14. seems more legit when you look into it Google inquiries pulled up some interesting articles still mostly speculation though. *also eagerly awaits for official announcement*
  15. ROFLMAO every time i hear 0:58 to 1:12 i can't help but crack up
  16. Yes it would. but it feels right. Capcom has been pulling this kind of stuff lately what with bionic commando and street fighter both of them had remakes on arcade and psn before a bigger game was announced. it seems very likely to be legit to me. But yes a more "official site" would hold more merit
  17. ya always got weekends though.
  18. yeah true, I'm not trying to insist that you go out and buy this it's just an option I'm presenting to you that you may have been previously unaware of. truth is I don't play it much either (these days anyway it's the first game i ever played on xbox live) it would be nice to have some friends to play this with (instead of the top of the leaderboards people D:
  19. fair enough (even though it's probably like $10 now). ok more like $15 but still.(sometimes you have to bite your lip and buy something again especially when it has ONLINE PLAY
  20. Umm I don't see anywhere in the article where it says Marvel vs Capcom 3 is an xbox 360 exclusive.
  21. ummmmm O.O
  22. LOL i spammed Seth with Dhalsim's crouching high punch move and won (both rounds yes) so much for super insane boss battles. (but yeah that guy is fucking annoying)
  23. How about Aladdin, Hercules, Jefar and Ursula OH and fucking Buzz Lightyear
  24. yeah i don't play random online people in a game like marvel. People online take winning way too seriously. Cool can't wait to play some matches with ya.
  25. ditto. I for one have always preferred controllers over arcade pads and keyboards. mainly because that's what i grew up with i never really experienced arcades during their heyday with fighters.(but i did play them a lot on the super nintendo back in the day) and it's given me this very twitchy thumb after so many years of playing action and fighting games on consoles. I feel i can hold my own in most fighting games(not particularly great at one but pretty good at most)but if i step into an arcade I'll get my ass kicked I'm not even half as good as I am on a console. Even after I've adjusted to the controls i still can't play like i can at home.
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