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Geeky Stoner

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Everything posted by Geeky Stoner

  1. Well thanks honestly i tried to mix some basslines and pads in there but i couldn't make anything that didn't sound a little awkward to me so i ended up with something minimal. After a day of listening though... the intro is a little slow i should of progressed a little faster maybe. the second instrument (if your talking about 0:45) is still the first technically with a lower key and a delay (and probably some other effects i can't think of right now) Yeah 3:00 was kinda my big outro(where the main drum sequence comes back in) thanks for the crits. i'll try try again sometime soon.
  2. Ill have to say D
  3. Allright new day new version. i listened to this version like 7 times in FL studio i kinda went back to using a lot of preset synths as they seemed to sound better than the ones i made from scratch. This version is pretty minimal too its really just Drums+Synth. there is alot of drums sounds though some electronic sound and some live sounding. but whats done here i think is done well. (it gets a little loud at 2:36 just to warn you to maybe adjust your volume around there) so heres the latest version titled Underground Jam(still looking for any title suggestions) comments?
  4. oh wow nice streaming.
  5. yeah i have to admit i like sagat as well.
  6. never played on the nes really it was a little bit before my time. i played it a couple times in passing but Ive never really sat down and played some old nes classics.(cept for maybe a few rehashs on gbc gba) also never beat DK 64. and never played final fantasy(the only turned based rpg i ever liked was super mario rpg which i never found the casino or beat in either)
  7. yeah i try not to pick him too much as he can kinda upset people. same with ryu (sorry about toe kick didn't realize you had that little health left) gotta admit though your fei is getting quite gnarly yourself zirc. i think my guile has gotten quite good too (I cant believe i got his super on the first try XD. your dhalsim has gotten pretty cool too. im trying to get better with gouken a friend of mine on live who's is awesome at those parry moves he has. (sorry i know SCIV is way off topic i dont have film of me and him fighting in SF4 and a gouken ryu match with us is quite a spectacle to behold) anyway im Geeky Stoner on live up for fights anytime. i think im still in the sub 500s in bp i don't play ranked much though
  8. never beaten einhander
  9. im dpad all the way man i never really got used to arcade sticks you get me with one and I'm rather clumsy. also i personally think the input is faster for dpads. i have this twitchy ass thumb that can roll shoryukens pretty quick(or so i think anyway)
  10. i flipped through this thread and saw nobody mentioned fileden 1gig of storage and 5gigs of bandwidth. works pretty good for me and seems people can download my songs pretty easily. watch out when signing up i got a lot of ads when i was signing up even a couple disguised as signup pages. So be careful around this site it seems a little fishy at times.
  11. zengief,abel,and,seth especially all annoy me but only in cpu form they just seem to get those special throws on me right on getup perfectly EVERY TIME. it gets a little infuriating sometimes. i had an ultra on seth right in his face i thought i had it perfect and he just broke it with an ex shoryuken with out a second thought(god he has to be one of the cheapest bosses I've ever faced) I had some trouble with abel in single player too i was trying to beat him with dhalsim and he just was able to crush me like 20 times in a row again mainly with special throws. i personally like the character abel myself didn't think i would like him at first but i got to like him as i got to know him moves more.(I'm proud to say that i do not use throws of any kind in the least there just too cheap to me (you should see my zangief hes F'n wierd)
  12. actually i do have a good amount of hardrive space 31.7 gigs and 16.6 left i think it might be my Ram only 258 megs thats really small and yeah a tune up would definitely make it run better. and about the audio quality your right for the most part now that i think about it. i just hate how the sample will cutoff if i have reverb of some other effect on it. i used alot of wav files when i was making my original stuff not really drum loops mostly synth loops and audio clips i did recently figure out the drum loop arranging thing in fruity loops through a tutorial i'm really not too good at slicing drum loops yet though.
  13. First of all nice video Jose' that was a pretty neat vid to watch and listen too. But personally youtube seems like too much work too me. playlist.com seems to me to be able to update a lot quicker Also it gives you the artist name and song automatically so giving credit is rather easy and if i doesn't know it prompts you to type in the info if it can't find it itself. i have some playlists on my myspace with some OCReMixes on there too(I'll take em down if you guys are mad i didn't know any better at the time when i put those up there) (pm me about it) the youtube idea is neat(and pretty) but if you wanted to put up new tracks or just change anything in general you'd have to upload a whole new video(just seems like alot of work to me) as i said before setting up an outside hosting service would pretty much fix your bandwidth issue.
  14. I agree with what mustin said at the very beginning of this thread playlist.com is an awesome music streaming service. i prefer it over the myspace playlist service anyday. When it comes to the bandwith issue you would have to find some outside service to host your mp3s and post them on playlist.com (I've done some searches on there and people are already posting OCReMixes on their personal playlists) So setting up an outside hosting service would be very beneficial to spreading awareness of the site Imho. Also on a side note playlist.com is kinda how i found out about this site.
  15. id love to go a meetup in Pittsburgh if everything falls into place for me,id love to go see VGL and then hang out at someones pad to play some games,perhaps with someones ipod plugged into an xbox blasting OCReMix tunes while were playing whatever.
  16. Yeah this thought did occur to me but maybe its just me but i think the audio quality suffers a little bit when you save a riff as a wav. also i cant alter it further as my creative process tends to be ill take some thing then make a variation then another and another and so forth.also too much crap in my computer will clog it up and make it slow. that why i have to delete the ReMixes i download on here (I have them on my ipod anyway)
  17. i guess i would like to oversee everything videogame development is kind of a dream of mine.i personally i think i have cool concepts for videogames and i think i would have a good specific vision for how everything should work and feel.
  18. Wow nice thread gario Anyway i am the newbie he was talking about in the aforementioned post. No i don't feel like giving up now. And yea I realize that I'm not going to get great overnight. i guess i got discouraged from a lack of posts (even though i have a ton of views in my thread) and just evaluating myself alongside posted remixes on here i just started beating myself up and got a little insecure. anyway personal problems aside this is a very informative thread, and really does help put things into perspective. So yea I've been messing around with fruity loops since November and only really started taking it seriously for maybe a month and a half. Also i guess why i got discouraged a because I'm still stuck with the demo and really don't feel like pirating it (after all people worked hard on coding all of these cool synths and making this awesome easy to use program and they need to get payment for all that hard work)even if it would benefit me greatly. anyway little off topic there another thread for another time. here's the wip i was working on feedback is greatly appreciated
  19. can't wait to hear the updated version id suggest lowering to about 128bits per second I think I've seen stuff about 4 to 5 min long(maybe even 6) and still be under 6 megs with that bitrate but im not sure.
  20. I'll elaborate on that a longer source intimidates me comment now that I'm putting things in more perspective. i guess with the limited time i have to create something that a longer source intimidates me(with not being able to save project data with the demo of flstudio)I opened up a grad 3 midi and it had 8 different channels on it and i was a little bit overwhelmed at it so i pretty much ended messing around with the midi for about a half hour and never really got anywhere with it. i was also at the image line site looking at the minimum specs for flstudio and realized that I'm under the min specs for flstudio i don't have enough ram only 258 megs and im not sure about my sound card but i guess everything sounds ok. Also when i get about 6 or 7 voices generating in flstudio it really starts to lag up my computer.Anyway I'm on an old computer as is (also a shared one as well) So it might be a bit before i post anything as i want to get my own computer and a full version of flstudio to really seriously pursue this. It's really a little flattering to see you say that you hope to hear more from me in the future. And yes i have been listening to alot of music lately with newfound appreciation for it. ill listen to something like pendulum or even the beatles (anything really) and start playing the underground theme in my head alongside it and try to come up with ideas in my head.Though I'm still not good at spotting flaws in music (aside from things i don't personally prefer)
  21. Thanks again Rozovian I honestly thought something short would be easy to mix. a longer source kinda intimidates me, i think oh god what am i gonna do with all this. thanks for the pick me up rozo. on a side note i did recently grab some gradius 3 midis I really disappointed that theres no ReMixes of that soudtrack on this site i thought it had an awesome soundtrack. and 3's version of overworld just plain rocked.
  22. well i made another version last night you can take a listen if you feel like it. I don't know if my music is that good. this might be my last post on ocr. I don't think i have what it takes to be good at making music. my lack of proper musical knowledge really shows,I'm about as amateur as you can get. this doesn't come from any of the critiques or opinions from this forum, all the comments are really constructive and helpful and encouraging.This comes from comparing my music to tracks from this site,i'll listen to something from ocr and i think, God i'll never be able to make anything like this. It really feels like I'm grasping for straws at this point. This was a fun little hobby for a couple months and I'm getting a little better i guess, but I'm still far from making anything quality sounding. I'm thinking about getting the full version of fruityloops at some point, but im not sure if that such a wise purchase at this point So maybe ill just stop wasting mine and everyone on the wip forums time.
  23. First of all i enjoyed this remix quite a bit. cant really give any critique on the music. I don't really have a critical ear when it comes to music yet. however the file size of this song is 9 megs and OCR's file size limit is 6 megs. maybe lower the bitrate down on your next render i think it will still sound good. other than that everything sounded great,but yea try to get this file under 6 megs. also im not really familiar with the source,I suggest you post the source track.
  24. I've been beat a couple times with e.honda online in ranked. i like to use his upward flying tackle move as an anti air,and ex up close is great. I've been running into ryu's like crazy couple gulie's and of course akuma.
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