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Geeky Stoner

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Everything posted by Geeky Stoner

  1. (10char)
  2. .....alright fair enough Jhawk i'll get online and play some matches with you sometime soon.(no random people please) WoW has kind of sucked up alot of my time at the moment but I'll be sure to play some matches with you soon.(my fei has been gettin good ) I'm still no combo master but i don't care i just enjoying playing above all else. edit: also, mere words cannot describe the amount of joy i feel in seeing SF3TS coming back.(it was the first game i ever played on xbox live)
  3. mortal kombat on the super nintendo (yeah really)
  4. Yeah that is a good point. But still there is plenty of sexualization within mainstream videogame media such as Bloodrayne,Dead or alive,Soul Calibur, even Street Fighter has what could be considered controversial characters. Those aren't anthropomorphic characters though. even then there is more, Conker's bad fur day had suggestive themes to it and characters like Felecia are rather suggestive. You wouldn't be able to say for sure that some game developer isn't a furry who has worked on one of those games. but anyway back on topic I'd rather not derail a thread like this.
  5. Frankly I'm a little irked by everyone freaking out about a game that features anthropomorphic characters in it. For one it's highly hypocritical to not like the characters in this game but yet to like an anthropomorphic hedgehog or lombax (which is a creature that doesn't even exist for real) I'm not a furry but I don't really mind them, to each his own really. I don't know why so many of you are getting worked up about this. seriously it's about as stupid as disliking people who like videogame remixes.(yeah i said it) on a lighter note this game looks cool (as Coop said it's cool to see another hori shmup) and renard is a great musician check out his stuff.(he even has a few )also.... >
  6. GeekStoner you call me!? have the decency to spell my name right! :P

  7. I've been listening to it a little a few times on shuffle.(not quite a super deep one though) I think it's pretty cool i like the synthy vibe of it. the squarewaveish lead near the beginning sounds a bit bright (but that may just be me) been trying to pick out where the source is used i think I hear it in parts I know that the melody that comes in at 1:02 is source been trying to find elsewhere (again haven't given a deep listen) It's pretty cool so far keep at it.
  8. No..no we can't Happy birthday Mister Toad
  9. pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa happy birthday Nekotoad and Fo Shizzle,and Harmonious Dissonance. also no IBBIAZ in this thread WTF?!?
  10. It's ok I'm still kind of a nub here Edit: Also 360 PARTAAY OVAH HEEAH. anyone who would like to join me for some games online today are free to do so. I'll be in and out all day today so hit me up peoples (I have too many games to list just look at my gamerscore, the only games i don't have right now are civilization revolutions,LOTR BFME,and Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars (though i have Kanes Wrath)
  11. Yeah i hate one of those days. Sometimes I can't preform an ultra to save my life, or even a simple quarter circle move. (which makes me feel just plain dense) Sometimes you just have to take a break for a bit.
  12. O.O.......sure
  13. Bah who cares if your good or bad, just enjoy the game most of all. Also if anyone would like to train against an Human opponent (who isn't just going to destroy you in 10 seconds) I'm up for some sparring with anyone. 360 tag:Geeky Stoner (PS: DON'T call me stoner)
  14. SEE what i tell ya, I'M DA BEST THERE IS. *proceeds into very long Rufus speech*
  15. personally I think they are rather useless at times, alot of people have figured out how to punish fireball spammers. My Ryu depends more on shoryukens and hurricane kicks, fireballs are rare for me (except for the ultra and super ones)
  16. heh here's the extended version of the mothers day video with Makoto gender jokes
  17. got the game tonight ready to play some online with you peoples
  18. he owes me Civilization Revolutions for my birthday then GIMME NAO D:{
  19. hmm interesting you have the same birthday as my older brother o.O happy birthday man keep making great ReMixes.
  20. HAHAHAHA Hilarious
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