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Geeky Stoner

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Everything posted by Geeky Stoner

  1. D: FUUUUUUUUUUUUU.... although it is a bit of an honor to go up against one of my favorite remixers especially arrangement wise
  2. Ah ok i wasn't sure if you were taking a jab at my screen name or something. in that case.....lol:tomatoface:
  3. Not quite sure how to take that....
  4. Ditto bigtime....the same thing irked me about character creation in SCIV at least 3 had sort of original combat styles for your character even if they were similar (but not carbon copies) to main character fighting styles.I would've even paid for extra fighting styles for create a character mode. (yeah it bothered me that much) I know it created some balance issues in 3 but that's a matter of polish.
  5. as long as we are talking about dream guest characters .... how about this guy Strider Fits in perfectly with Soul Calibur's visual aesthetic.
  6. As long as Hilde returns I'm ok with this.I loved how she became my anti kilik in IV ...Although I am kind of sad i might not see Cervantes return he's been my favorite in Soul Calibur for awhile now. :[
  7. That's because it is from Meteos. That would be imoalso know as panel de pon in japan pokemon puzzle league and on the DS
  8. Alright screw it I'm entering as well, a couple people said i should try and enter this. I'm not entirely sure about my musicianship though. ...anyway 1 Flash Man 2 Metal Man 3 Bubble Man 4 Concrete Man 5 Ice Man (i had an idea for this source a while back) I know a few of those have been remixed to hell and back but i love them so much.
  9. I'm thinking about it,yes.You're not the only one pressuring me to join either.

    I'm not sure about my ability to break down so many source tunes though,I'd like to try though.

  10. /agree with this although i don't like where the series has gone since 4, it's gotten a little too fast and gundamish, i played the series up until silent line, i think it has a bit of a cult following otherwise there wouldn't be a bajillion games in the series. Speaking of under appreciated giant mech games....CHROMEHOUNDS (which is actually from alot of the same people who brought us armored core) it's such a shame that sega had to shut down the servers for this game it reminded me alot of older armored core games. It might be a little slow paced for a mech game but there was alot of strategy involved. ah i remember when i took out three base rushers with my shotgun tank ah good times...good times. i think I'm going to mourn this game a little now
  11. This on so many levels I loved going commando.Especially those space levels i wish they would of expanded them i was always so sad when they were done. and Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, it was a huge leap over the original street fighter and pretty much invented the competitive fighting game genre at the same time.
  12. Ah the good old days of flipping through a new game's instruction booklet while riding home in anticipation of playing said game. Reading the little prologues, looking at all the artwork, finding some tips on how to play the game. I still have old instruction booklets to games that I've lost or don't own anymore. It will be a sad day indeed when instruction booklets do finally go extinct.
  13. MOAR VIEWS PEOPLE COME ON This album also features a remix of Driven by me!!
  14. Much appreciated Doulifée.
  15. Yeah I'm having the same issue terry. I don't know what's wrong. also I'm glad to see another entry.
  16. awwww you ruined my surprise.
  17. The problem could also be that your xbox is starting to have trouble with it's disc drive (hopefully not) same with you shadowblade.I had the same problem with GTA4 about a year ago (although it was kind of funny to hear the car crash behind the screen when it came up) a little while later my xbox stopped reading discs altogether.Try some other games when you get a chance to see if you get any similar problems. Let's hope neither of you are having such a problem as you either have to send you xbox off for repairs or get a new one entirely if it's past warranty. Shadowblade's problem sounds more like the disc itself though i've seen occourances like that in gears of war before, i remember this one person could not play certain maps or his xbox would freeze and yes a similar thing would happen where his character would just stand there for a while before leaving. The disc drive problem is subtle at first it seems to only affect certain games it wouldn't let me play Virtua Fighter 5 at all one time no matter how many times i tried to run it and a few others I can't remember it wouldn't play either. I've been through it a few times, at one point i had an xbox cracked open and the disc drive exposed where i had to basically trick the laser lens into reading the disc several times over by actually slowing the disc down by hand and letting it speed up again it may sound crude but it worked ...after a while) it was already past warranty so ..yeah :\
  18. Yeah i knew they were still publishing online. I did not know they were printing magazines again.
  19. wait ...what?
  20. This is cool i really like it, and no i wouldn't say the bass is really clashing with the drums. Ditto to the comment about the low fi drums in the beggining. I love the way you approached the ending to this as well, sort of a long breath of relief after all the intensity before. Nice Work
  21. Mainly with fighting games these days for if I'm fighting random online ranked matches i play without a mic and pretty much anything goes. Derrit brought up the point of playing friends online which yes if it's people you know makes it much more casual and friendly.
  22. got a month card from someone around Christmas, so I'll be on a bit over the next month.
  23. Going through the first god of war on God mode especially near the end. also me trying to play any RTS ever against the computer in a skirmish ...yeah i don't know why i put myself through that kind of torture I'm really not good at those kind of games at all. also hai zack
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