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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. Hey Argle, might you be interested in joining this Sonic compo I'm hosting? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=952375

  2. Hey Asa, I'm hosting a Sonic remix competition next month here on the forums. It's something I did a few years ago and it was a lot of fun! You should join up, if you got the time :wink: Here are the details: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  3. Hey Austin, I haven't seen you around much lately, but I wanted to let you know I'm hosting another Sonic remix compo next month if you're interested. Your tracks last time were awesome :wink:

  4. Hey B! Temporal Duality is in evaluation right now, so I should know the status very soon. We did request that specific release date to align with the 20th anniversary of Sonic CD (like I mentioned in the thread), so we'll see :). I don't know any hard/secret info at the moment though.

    Yeah, I saw your FFCC compo! It looks like it will be a ton of fun! Unfortunately I don't think I have the time to create graphics or participate at the moment. I'm still trying to finalize SCD stuff and have another time-sensitive collab I need to wrap up, not to mention my work/home life schedule is pretty busy this next month or so. When is it going to start exactly? Regardless, I'll definitely listen and vote!

  5. Hey Blake, I sent you a few messages in regards to Sonic CD on FB. Please get back to me when you can. Thanks much! :)

  6. Hey Brandon, did my PM with Sonic CD ideas help at all?

  7. Hey Brandon! When did you think you might get started on your Sonic CD mix?

  8. Hey Corey, did you get my PM from a few days ago regarding Sonic CD? Thanks!

  9. Hey Corey, just wanted to give you props for your work on Main Finger's Sonic CD mix! I think that is your best vocal work to-date (that I've heard at least). I'm seriously loving it. Great job to you and wildfire! :-)

  10. Hey Cyril, did you ever (or have any plans to) expand on your Blade man track from the GRMRB 2011? It was awesome stuff.

  11. Hey did you get the PM and email I sent you about your Sonic CD project track? Just wanted to make sure you got the feedback! thanks!

  12. Hey do you want to join the Sonic Remix competition? I just had someone drop out and need to fill a spot. The bracket starts remixing this Sunday: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=955438

    Just curious!

  13. Hey Gario! Whatever happened to your Sonic "Drop Bass Zone" mix from the SZRC? I could've swore you said you subbed it, but I haven't seen it pop up on the judging list. Just curious. That song rocked :-)

  14. Hey Greg, did you see my PM from the other day? I just wanted to know if you'd be interested or not. Thanks sir! :)

  15. Hey Greg, might you be interested in the SZRC 2014, starting next month? :wink:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  16. Hey I saw your S&K mix got NO'ed the other day :-( ... I hope you resubmit it, I enjoyed it a lot!

  17. Hey Ivan, might you be down for another Sonic compo next month? The track you made last time was groooooovy :wink:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  18. Hey Jesse, you want to jump in on the SZRC this year? It starts in a few weeks!


  19. Hey man don't forgot to vote in your own matchup for the Robotnik bracket, otherwise none of your votes will count!

  20. Hey man, did you have a good time in Haiti? Welcome back! Also I wanted to make sure you knew you could still vote on the Robotnik Round 2 matchups in the SZRC if you wanted. I know you said you missed the last round, but you don't have to vote every round, just in each matchup for the current round. Peace!

  21. Hey man, noticed you didn't vote on the Gario vs. KingTiger matchup in the SZRC when you placed your votes a few days ago. I wasn't sure if you just hadn't decided or forgot; we had a few people who thought they placed their vote but then it didn't go through or something, so just checking!

  22. Hey man, you posted in the SZRC thread awhile ago saying you had wanted to sign up? Was that still the case? I was holding a spot since you said you were interested, but the roster has already filled up and OC remixer Jason Covenant (Prophecy) really wants to join, so if you're not interested I'm going to give him the spot. Let me know please!

  23. Hey Rashad, I'm hosting another Sonic compo starting this month! Might you be interested in joining since you missed out on the last one? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=952375

  24. Hey Robbie, did you get my PM about the Sonic CD project by chance? Thanks!

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