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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. DarkeSword's avatar right now makes it look like he is yelling at you for your sig being too big. haha

  2. Laser beam eye Nic Cage is your best sig yet :)

  3. Well at least you got your HDD. I hope you're building a beast computer with this opportunity then :wink: And thanks, I'm sure the compo will be great!

  4. Why thank you, good sir! :)

  5. Thanks DiGi! I appreciate it!

  6. Awesome, glad to see you down for the SZRC 2014! I was going to send you a message here to give you the heads-up in case you didn't see the thread!

  7. Hey Cyril, did you ever (or have any plans to) expand on your Blade man track from the GRMRB 2011? It was awesome stuff.

  8. Hey there Asa, did you get my message I sent you on Saturday?

  9. Awesome, I got your response, thanks! I'm on my phone now, but I'll clarify and respond to a few things this evening!

  10. Thanks! I had a great time creating that one!

  11. Round 2 matchups are up!

  12. Your new sig is classic. AARP to the rescue :-)

  13. No worries, I understand! I'm just trying to hype it up! :-D But yeah, definitely check out the entries and vote if you get the chance! What are you working on these days?

  14. It's ok, "partols" are important too! I doubt many people would've noticed :razz:

  15. Just sent you a PM about hosting a compo! I forgot to mention, I think technically you're also supposed to run your idea by Doulifée, the Competitions forum mod, to make sure it is legit. I know I did beforehand and he didn't have any problems with it.

  16. you should sport your new Sonic sig sir! The WCRG was so last year :smile:

  17. OH NOOOO! I just saw your Sonic CD post, and I replied in-thread. What does that mean for your track then? Are you able to salvage anything or are you planning to start over?

  18. Hey Jesse, you want to jump in on the SZRC this year? It starts in a few weeks!


  19. Nice! Collabs for OCR or more original material? Regardless, I'll definitely have to check them out. I haven't been up to much since Temporal Duality released. Just gearing up for this compo and I did a very small part for another upcoming OverClocked Assembled song :)

  20. Might you be down for the next Sonic Zone Remix Competition?


  21. Thanks for all the info B! I won't clutter your inbox with another PM, so feel free to delete mine if you need space :razz:

  22. Sure thing! When is your school trip and how long? If it's less than a week long, I can place you in whatever bracket doesn't mix that week so it wouldn't conflict. I'd love for you to join again if you got the time! Your track last time was great and you gave halc a run for his money ;)

  23. Don't you, forget about me!!! :smile: (and my song)

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