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Dj Mokram

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Status Updates posted by Dj Mokram

  1. A combo of custom-made samples with lots of layering and processing.

    Was there a specific track of mine you had in mind when asking this?

  2. T'was an awesome track. So keep at it and be confident about your music. :)

  3. Very kind of you, sir. I'm a bit better now. Guess I was maybe a little shy at approaching the cool people of OCR, outside of albums context I mean. But know I've always kept to heart the feedback you've given me either in the workshop or in the judge panel. :)

  4. Sure, no prob. Just let me know whether or not you think you can make it in time for the ...'you-know-what'. ;)

  5. Hey Callum! Been a while, yeah. Hope you and your billions guitarz are doing well!

  6. Thanks Eino! Hope you and your family have been well. I'm slowly getting back into the game. Be seeing ya. ;)

  7. Nah, doing good here bro. Just released this little tribute album: http://dhsbp.kngi.org

    Give it a listen when you got a chance, I'd love to hear you opinion on this. ;)

    I still believe you ought to release a compilation album of your works. Your talent deserve some proper recognition.

    Thanks for creating such awesome music. It really makes my day. :)

  8. Hey Pieter! I'm a bit better now, thanks. How you've been holding up? Already at work on Badass 3, I see. Bet it'll be even more menacing, ominous and awesome than the previous two volumes combined! ;)

  9. I was refering more to the 'thing' that is planned for early next month if all goes well.

    Just need to know beforehand if you'll be willing/able to make it in time for that, since DH is apparently #1 on your list now. ;)

    Though if you don't remember what I'm talking about, well ....PM! ;)

  10. It was worth surviving if only to read this. Thanks Katie. :)

  11. Sorry for causing you to worry, sir. Things should be ok for now. ;)

  12. Sad fact: 'Racing Lagoon' is much less known than his T-rpg counterpart 'Bahamut Lagoon', even though composers are the same.

    Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi are definitely the shiz, and they've made some truly memorable game music.

    'Darkness' (BGM of the Darkness GP) would have to be my favorite song in the entire OST.

  13. Well, as I said, it's mostly custom samples being processed with FX plugs. Only times I use VSTi for drums is when transcribing a source to lay a temp drumline (with tools like 'DSK mini-drum Z'), or when composing cinematic/ethnic music (with EWQL Colossus).

    Luckily for you, OCR is packed with talented electronica producers that are WAY better at this game that I'll ever be. Head over to the workshop/production section of the forums and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in no time. Good luck. :)

  14. Wait, I did. I voted on all matches. Wtf happened? O_o

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