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Everything posted by Dr.Flintlock
I have to say that trailer looked mighty impressive...The action heavy-ness doesn't put me off because that's what people have to do for a debut teaser. Its about getting your audience hooked and interested. I'm sure that feeling of exploration/isolation will still exist. While Team Ninja may be making the game, they're still doing so with Nintendo's cooperation. That being said, I do look forward to where they're taking the story in this one. Voice acting (assuming that's still Jennifer Hale) seems pretty legit too. Also, if Team Ninja is on board, I'm predicting a return to the "Samus in a Bikini" trend if you complete the game in a certain amount of time. I mean....think about who we're dealing with here =P
I'd also like to add any of Tim Schafer's adventure titles. All of them are far more hilarious than anything I've recently played in recent times. Although I do remember playing South Park for the N64 and finding the idea of throwing "yellow snow balls" completely hysterical in my tweens.
As much as I liked all 3 of those, I liked Trilby's Notes the best. The creepy flashback sequences and silent hill-esque hotel were pretty stellar in my opinion. Still, lovecraftian horror gets me regardless. All Hail Chzo! (/random tangeant) On the topic of cave story, I'm waiting for the slightly updated Wiiware version that'll be releasing for 10 bucks (hopefully) soon.
You know what's something that's been irking me as of late? I own a 360 and picked up both Bionic Commando and BC:R and don't get me wrong, they're great. But I was really hoping that Nintendo would give us some RADD Spencer love and release the original NES title on the Virtual Console. Would it have really been that difficult? I know the Master D headsplosion may've been a problem, but seriously... Playing through the two formers, I'd really like to check out the one that started it all (minus the arcade games). Anyone else agree?
Stumbled across this the other day while surfing around for nonsense. Pretty cool stuff, even if its just someone messing with animation and the like. At the very least, the co-op idea seemed pretty awesome (And I normally hate co-op in games. Anti-social neh!), if a little insane to design. Still, one can dream right?
I'd argue the beginning was more heart-felt than it was depressing. Yes, it tackles a lot of major themes, but I'd have to say that the way its handled makes it one of those really neat montages you see in a film (In a way, it kinda reminded me of the montage used at the beginning for the Watchmen film). At the very least, I took the girlfriend to see it and she really enjoyed the little bits that showed Carl and Ellie together. You know how couples get when they see the elderly being all sweet to one another =P. On another note, anyone ever seen The Rescuers Down Under? Because in many ways, Up seems to have paid a few serious homages to that particular classic. McCleach and the Giant Eagle=<spoiler>Muntz and Kevin</spoiler>. Either way, the movie definitely ranks up there as one of pixar's best I think. I liked it more than WALL-E, and I felt it was less preachy too. As an aside, I saw a trailer for Princess and the Frog but heard some saw a trailer for Toy Story 3? Fact?
Bah, I finished something, but completely forgot that its now June 1st. If quasi-late submissions are allowed, I'll gladly submit. Othewrise I'll just have to wait for the next one. In any case, I can always spectate/provide feedback this round. Edit: I reread the criteria for said competition. I guess I'm sitting this one out. Ah well. Carry on.
Mine would have to be a combination of funny/awkward. I remember playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time when I was 13. I was pretty naive and didn't get all the ridiculousness of the entire Don Corneo sequence. The cross-dressing, the gay bar, and all the other innuendos went completely over my head. Now 9 years later, I realize what Tifa meant when she said she'd "RIP them off"
Actually, while I know this isn't happening anytime soon, it would be REALLY neat if they made their online service free. Don't get me wrong, I think a charge to play games online would still be necessary (possibly) but I only use Live for a couple arcade game downloads and demos really. I'm not much a multiplayer kind of individual. Since Sony and Nintendo are both doing it, I don't see why Microsoft can't jump on the bandwagon. /ignorant rant
Majora's Mask is out on WiiWare? There goes another 10 bucks from my account. I'm still waiting for Cave Story to be released already. Played it once already, but I want to get the real ending by playing it through on my big screen.
Muramasa does look pretty nice. I've had my eye on that one ever since I finished Odin Sphere a little while ago. Looking forward to it. Also, I've been looking at Punch-Out! and I have to say that while I think it looks fun, I'm rather disappointed that Classic Control will probably be the preferred and more precise method of playing. Now yes, I know some of you will declare to me that the game is more about pattern memorization and responding accordingly and that accurate motion controls wouldn't really help the experience in that regard. Its just my opinion that if the Wii was created with all this fancy gesture based controls to begin with, why couldn't they incorporate that into a major first-party game like this and make it the BEST control scheme. That being said, my opinions could be proved void next week if the motion controls that are on there actually work really well. But I doubt it
So Contra Rebirth is looking pretty sweet now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9rmLzDl-o8&feature=related Here's hoping for a localization though. Looks like a lot of fun/nostalgia going on here. I wonder if they'll throw the konami code in.
ESTROGEN 'SPLOSION! Holy Shit! As an aside, anyone think of Haruhi Suzumiya after watching this. I know I did. *hides*
I didn't think Psychonauts was obscure. As far as I knew, a lot of people knew about it, but few actually chose to check it out. We live in the age of the FPS. God forbid someone actually wants to play something that involves platforming or COLOUR anymore.
I've been wanting to pick that one up for awhile. Do tell if its a nice read.
I'm almost finished reading a Weird Tales volume I picked up at a used bookshop for 2 bucks; quite the deal.. I think I'm on a retelling of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Robert Bloch, and then I've just got a few more before I'm done. As far as novels/novellas go, I'm still trying to finish The King of Elfland's Daughter by Lord Dunsany, but damn can that man write. I think Gaiman once quoted his writing sounds like he "got drunk while reading the King James Bible" and I have to say that's a pretty accurate description.
This game rocked my socks, no joke. And then I went ahead and tried out the first one and got a severe ass whooping. Seriously, I'm hoping with Capcom reviving Bionic Commando, there may still be hope for a new Strider title. I'd rather see that over another Lost Planet right now. Also, I know this one was more of an action/rpg but Brave Fencer Musashi was pretty much sheer brilliance (And corny names) on the PS1
Best rock-oriented game soundtrack...
Dr.Flintlock replied to SwordBreaker's topic in General Discussion
Anything with Yuzo Koshiro pretty much owns on all fronts. I'd like to argue any of the synth rock tracks in the Ys series pretty much dominate anything rock-oriented these days. Same would go for Streets of Rage. I wouldn't play a new SoR if Koshiro's name wasn't tacked onto the sucker. Also, Final Fantasy X had that neat little metal song on there that was pretty cool. -
Anyone remember a title called Silhouette Mirage? It was developed by Treasure for the PS1 and had some of the best sprite work I've seen in a game. Also had an evil beetle boss that said "Redrum" whenever you shot him. Also Tomba...
Yesterday, I went ahead and picked up Klonoa for the wii and I have to say, I'm having a blast with it. I've never played the original on the PS One, but I did play the hell out of Klonoa 2 on the PS2 a couple years back. To this day, its considered one of my favorite platformers ever and now that I'm playing a remake of the first one, I can see how it all began and its just as charming as ever. I played the GBA title (Empire of Dreams, I believe) and liked it quite a bit too, even if it sacrificed the lush environments for some MUCH harder puzzle platforming. One of the things that always got me about the series though was its music and I have to say I think its one of the most underappreciated soundtracks for a video game. In particular, some of the tracks in Volk during Klonoa 2 were so enjoyable that I actually went out and imported the soundtrack. Its a shame there's no remixes of the games available, but then again, I am no musician and thus have no real room to complain . I know the series has got a pretty niche audience, but I was curious if we had any other Klonoa fans out there? Edit: The Pezman thinks this should be broadened to obscure platformers and I think that works. As another one, I'd like to mention this for the N64... SHAKE SHAKE!!!
Ahh, so you were being productive. Good job.
I too checked it out but most of the ones I picked up were decidedly juvenile. Let's see: -Resurrection -Sandman -Wizard of Oz -Dark Horse, Best of (something like that) -Sonic I wanted to pick up the atomic robo one, visited two different stores, but no such luck. Oh well, I'll pick up the book in its entirety for my birthday most likely. On a side note, the little "hole in the wall" store I visited had a Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy pair that made the trip decidedly worthwhile, even if you weren't into comics. Ahem...
Metroid Movie Samus Aran Backstory: Yay or Lame?
Dr.Flintlock replied to jezon2000's topic in General Discussion
Ugh, don't remind me that they're making a movie after Shadow of the Colossus. Lord knows I think Ico would've been better than that. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but I think that would actually be WEAKER in movie form than a Metroid movie. Although if Kow Otani is onboard for the SotC movie, I'll at least pick up the soundtrack. -
I'm looking at picking the game up again soon (Stupid Lionhead is actually making MORE expansions that actually sound interesting...) and I'd be glad to help if I can get it before your two days are up. I'll PM you if I get it in the next few days (someone may hook you up beforehand though).