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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Ah, yes, DnB with a vibe that could be traced to Pendulum. Well, I'm already sold. Then throw out there that TGH was the one that did it and with a source from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and hell, the enjoyment factor is a foregone conclusion. Let's face it, he ReMixed it, he nailed it, and he's going home with it. The production sounds great and I love the feel of this arrangement. Great job.

  2. Any sort of repetition was drowned out of my mind by the terrific work in taking this source and turning it into a DnB jam. And that section with the original guitar at 2:11, damn, loving that. The beat, the energy, the recognizably of the source and the ability to make it something cool, all there. Judges may have been split, but I would have to say all the positives outweighed any negatives in the writing or production for me. Great stuff, man.

  3. Hmmm.....this is such a bizarre mix, as was the case with Cancer, but the difference being that I know the sources to this one and so I have more of an understanding to the sounds and distortions going on, which I think helped me. A little bit too much distortion at some points for me, but that's just a personal taste thing, not a real complaint on the merit of the ReMix itself, as I recognize the grit that it brings to this mix on a dubstep level. Interesting on how it sort of turns into a smoother jazz version of Goddess at the end. Such a weird mix, but certainly not a bad one. Nice job.

  4. I know very little of Jazz Jackrabbit, but this mix makes me want to at least check out the soundtrack. The sources really went together well, and being able to pick out Koopa's Road easily makes it easy for me to see why they would work like this. As far as techno goes, this is an awesome example of it being done right. I liked the tempo change myself. All in all, awesome ReMix, man.

  5. I'm loving the lyrics, haha. Ah, MEGAROCKMAN does it again with another hilarious Mega Man mix that makes the Robot Master in question so much better. Funny business aside, the jazzy lounge sound is quite good, and I'm enjoying the vocal work. It's smooth like ice. Any time you can add humor to a good tune, I'm down for it, so this is great work indeed.

  6. Jeez, man, the production in this is ace. I have to admit that it took me a couple of listens to get everything out of this mix when it comes to the sources beyond Zero's, but once I did, everything clicked like it should have and I loved it. But even without that, the chiptune-electronica used here was excellent and sounds wonderful. Amazing collab from all three of you.

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