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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Say want you will about Decapre herself, her theme was pretty good, but man, what Nutritious has done with it makes it hyped beyond comprehension. That guitar riff with the blisteringly hot synth work, this is the kind of ReMix that shows that sometimes all something is missing is a little bit of an aggressive or dark edge, and there is plenty of it here. This is my top Nutritious mix as of now. Damn good mix, man.

  2. Very funky and danceable......or at least enough to get some good tapping vibes going on. Had to listen to this several times because I would just let the music go without thinking about it too much, and before I knew it, it was over. When a ReMix leaves you wanting more so that you replay, typically it's a good thing. Great ReMix, fella. Glad to hear Skull Man get this kind of work done to his theme.

  3. Now then, this is a treat. Sixto not only rocking as only he can, but throwing in some new tricks and styles as well. I love the chip bit crunches at about 2:30 on and having the guitar trying to break through was intense. I love how this keeps growing and growing even though the foreground is already filled and it never sounds too busy. That's some great creative planning. So many masterful solo sections and terrific guitar playing. No wonder on why Sixto has always been one of my favorite ReMixers. Congrats to everyone on this fantastic album and all the incredible tracks on it.

  4. I can seriously picture a side alley of some Eastern European country with all sorts of bizarre stands and people. This is truly peculiar in the best way possible and I love how unique it is. The last minute with the live vocalizing was magical and I had a good laugh for how weirdly joyous this was. Always have a special place in my heart for mixes that explore and create a musical adventure like this one. Awesome ReMix.

  5. Hey, this is an interesting sound. :P I kid, I kid. This is an impressive piece of music and I whole-heartily agree that this has all the makings of what it would have sounded like if 80's ballads had a an even better grasp of chip sounds and sound manipulation than they already did. Just wonderful. I really think this may be another one of my favorites from BONKERS. That ending as well, fine work man!

  6. The source was definitely there in one way or another later on, and with plenty of interpretation to boot, this is a fine liberal ReMix. The key thing is how clean it sounds. Excellent production, smart writing choices and keeping things brutally metal while changing the tempo or the emphasis on where the drums and guitar hit make this an enjoyable mix. Well done, looking forward to hearing more.

  7. It's almost like Mega Man meets Punch-out with the 80's style boxing anthem mixed with Hard Man's theme, and I totally dig it. I've really loved the Mega's music ever since I heard their take on Air Man, and they do not disappoint with this mix. The song not only builds on Hard Man's theme in the way that a ReMix should, the lyrics and the way the theme swells and builds with the chorus near the end also tells a pretty good story, which is a plus. This is an incredible ReMix and an instant download for sure.

  8. Hot damn, guys. There is so much about this mix that I love that I have to keep listening to it for quite a while. First of all, congrats to Brandon for now having the most mixes posted, which is a feat in and of itself, but for most of them to be quality pieces like this is terrific. I love the Latin lyrics being used right before that epic and stirring take on the rebel army, which is powerful and has a vibe of strength through hope, and even having the Latin vocals during the Rebel Army was cool. And before that, with the gorgeous saxophone playing along with the heartfelt acoustics.....all together, this was a damn good ReMix that ties the whole album together. A strong collab for Brandon, Tuesday and Chernabog. Y'all should be proud of this track and the rest of the album. Nicely done.

  9. Ah, dude, this is beautiful. A solo-piano piece spanning the first three Final Fantasies with pretty sweet transitions, impeccable playing and the kind of key and tone changes that you would hope for in piano pieces to keep it lively, this is absolutely lovely. I do hope to hear more from PacificPoem around this parts in between his youtube videos. Well done, fantastic OCR debut.

  10. Now this is raw power, and fitting for the Imperial Army. Things do ramp up almost half-way through the second minute, making it better than it started out with, and the constant tense feeling kept things menacing and threatening, so between that and the metallistic energy, this is a wonderful soundscape for an army marching on. One of the best tracks on the album in my opinion. Nicely done, man.

  11. Awesome. The tempo changes and switch-ups reminded me of the Zero track you did a while back, but with this, you managed to incorporate many sources while changing the speed of the mix and still keep things rocking, which is cool. I liked how you were able to work Find Your Way in, as it seemed to fit well in the whole of the mix. Good job, fella.

  12. This is a mix that brings it really freaking hard and from an arrangement standpoint, this is pretty good at making a ReMix that brings the aggression. I would, however, have to agree with Brandon that this mix could have benefited from some production and level fixes. I think he said what needed to be said on that, but as for me, I liked it and it is definitely a pretty sweet mix. Not bad.

  13. I definitely hear the anime-opening feel though, and I think it's cool how well it reminds me of that. Kind of like if Phoenix Wright (or even Dragon Ball) had a new anime season and this was the opening theme. Feels like an elevated 80s~90s-inspired track.


    This right here. Both DJP and Timaeus nailed it on the head with the fact that this has many musical cues that an anime show or a game with poppy soundtracks like Phoenix Wright has, which is great for an uplifting ReMix like this one. Generally, with the energy and positive vibes running through a mix like this, it's kinda hard to not to enjoy it. Nice work, man.

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