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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Piano lead in with ambient trance beats is an awesome way to lead-in with a mix like this. Funny how you still were able to keep in some of the mysterious vibe from the original source even though you weren't sure of Decapre's character, which is a testament to the source itself and your choice for the genre of ReMixing it. This is an awesome take on her theme and a sweet addition to another great Apex album. Keep it up, Neblix, you're really ripping it up, man.

  2. For a chill song with a nice beat to it, this is hella relaxing and nice to just kick back and listen to. I'll agree with the judges on some of the production picks they had, but honestly, those few things aside, this is a wonderfully chill track that fits a dreamy or icy vibe perfectly. Nice work, dude.

  3. While I do have to agree with the judges that the vocals seem to get backgrounded behind the music quite a bit, that's about the only thing that bothers me, so it's no big deal. Lots of emotion behind the voice work and of course the guitar and percussion is well done. The panning was cool and overall I enjoyed this ReMix. Keep it up, Cyril.

  4. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is one of my favorite games, and Culex was the secret optional boss that was tougher than the actual final boss, which I enjoyed fighting. I took the name and varied it so that it could be both a homage to him and a combination of "Cruel" and "X" (for Mega Man X, my other favorite game at the time). One of those old names that stuck through the years.

    So, basically just Cruel X mashed up as a tribute to both Mega Man X and Culex.

  5. Now this is a ReMix that takes the original intended emotion of a source and brings it to life. Being the sorrow theme for this RPG, starting it off with piano and sending it through the full orchestral course, and even giving it an epic, dramatic edge is awesome. The ending was nice as well, as a soft outro to an otherwise powerhouse of a track. Damn good debut, Yee.

  6. This is almost what it would be like if there was a hell version of an Aquatic Ambiance level. Just a rough, gritty water level that pushes the boundaries of fairness. While I agree with some of the booming being a bit too forward, it is a great example of giving a normally peaceful theme a darker edge, and I can totally roll with that. Interestingly, this really, really, really, makes me want to see what would happen if you took on Lockjaw's Saga in this style, where booming percussion and dark undertones prevail to begin with. In any event, good ReMix, man.

  7. Hot damn, this is just magical! Jill's beautiful vocals once again show off raw talent and a range that is so much fun to hear, and I'm loving the video along with it. I like the idea of this being sung by Zelda in Hylian, which gives it a sense of life. I'd definitely look forward to seeing this performance live, especially with the orchestral arrangement behind it all making it that much better. Fantastic ReMix all around, loved it.

  8. A mix of chippy bits and sax in a jazzy soundscape? I'm all for it. It never becomes stale or stays in one spot for too long, getting more wild as time goes on. Though I'm more of a fan of the sections in which the sax and percussion seem to be more in sync, I don't mind when things break loose and it gets crazier. Not bad at all.

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