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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. So another thing I love about OCR is how I learn things about the video game industry (usually in the music side of it), like about Stewart Copeland. Never knew the drummer for the Police had anything to video game music, let alone Spyro. That's actually freaking awesome, so nice nugget of info, DJP. As for the ReMix itself, it has a damn good beat that I'm truly feeling, and I would have loved to have heard this playing while I playing the Spyro games way back when. It doesn't seem to be a track that goes for the knockout blow, but it is jabbing away with the bass and the dance elements that threaten to bust out on their own. Not bad.
  2. Oh god, so smooth and chill. If one was to groove through the cosmos, I would fully expect and demand this to be the music playing while doing so. It's got some easy-goingness to it, but the funk and the groove is so strong throughout the track. Love the quick glitch-ins that were added. Nice.
  3. Enjoying this much more than the original Wild West, to be honest. This blend of musical genres seems to blend the genres I like the most. Something with heavy beats, something with intense metal, something orchestratedly epic and battle worthy. Hell, this is a tornado of awesome, and much like the title, this ReMix is a savage triumph for all three of you. Another one of my favorites from Balance and Ruin. Well done, gentlemen, bravo!
  4. Oh this is gorgeous. This is one of those pieces of music where all the little bits of atmosphere and mood add so much to a ReMix that already has plenty working for it. Kinda fits the feel of the season we are in with the whole mood of the track as well. Good work.
  5. One of my top three favorite websites and my #1 source for music in life turns 15! Congratulations on the long life and may we have many more years of wonderful music and the friendliest community I've ever seen online!
  6. A full-on metal take of Gourmet Race with GaMetal at the helm is nothing short of an absolute treat for fans of both the music and ReMixer (which I am ). Amazing soloing and well thought out arrangement that gives me a much needed dose of the metal I've been needing lately. Welcome to OCR GaMetal, hope to see more of your work make it here.
  7. Sweet stuff, man. The orchestral elements of this mix sounds like it would fit in to a cinematic soundtrack to me, especially for credits or traveling scenes. Having the orchestrated konami jingle at the start was an awesome touch and I'm digging the vocal chants going on along with Vampire Killer's section near the end there. Damn good ReMix.
  8. This is really unique indeed. A wee bit weird at some points, but it does have a wonderful sound to it and the chillness of the arrangement was cool to hear. The piano and chip elements worked nicely together and the whole ReMix had a smooth feeling to it that washed back and forth. Not bad.
  9. A mix of Castlevania, Pirates melodies-like influence and a bit of a disco beat......that's a hell of a combo. A combo, I might add, that plays to a lot of my interests, so I'm definitely a fan of this one.
  10. From an environment standpoint, this paints a pretty good picture, especially with how the mood continues to shift and change and morph throughout the ReMix. Lots of good creative choices made here and I enjoyed this greatly. Nice work, Willrock.
  11. Nice, looks like a great album! I'll have to check it out in full when I get back later today.
  12. The intro really is something else. Hearing the synth and guitar work together was great and I guess all I can really say is that I'm loving this mix. You both did a great job, and while I am split on certain sounds and I'm not crazy about the ending, there's nothing here that really turns me away from this ReMix. Wonderful collab, guys!
  13. I can't really say that FFVI was my favorite game in the series, but when it comes to fun moments and music, not a whole lot has beaten the Opera house (that I've seen so far). Balance and Ruin did a hell of a lot to take everything that was great about the musical part of that sequence and bring it to a point high above 11/10. This track is no exception. The vocals of both men were amazing, the music was ace and the driving beat right at the climax made for a very dramatic and tense feeling that just has me loving this. So good guys, well done.
  14. Not bad. It does seem to have a lot of the trance elements that folks are used to, but I personally like the little touches like the bitcrushed drums early on and the chippy elements that are sprinkled around. Even the smallest change to a formula that is already good to begin with can make for a nice listening experience. I'm not crazy about it, but credit goes where credit is due and this is pretty good all in all.
  15. Laments! Laments everywhere! No, but seriously, gorgeous piano work. There is plenty of emotion to be felt from this piece and the cohesiveness of the songs when put together like this to avoid the whole medleyitis issue is awesome. Very impressive and strong debut from PI511. Really liked this.
  16. Nice. The glitchy atmosphere adds a lot of darkness to this ReMix and it fits the the undertone of certain aspects of Ecco. I love how this takes it's time to make sure that every minute spent just adds to the mix overall, especially when it drops down a bit in the middle for a more menacing march before picking things back up in energetic beats.
  17. A relaxing period after a fierce battle is a great picture to paint with music, and I'd say you guys nailed it here with the poppy music and the in-game sound effects that mirror it. Clever ideas, great execution and pleasant to listen to. Sounds like a winning ReMix in my book.
  18. Love the intro build to this one. Phonetic Hero's percussion skills are strong and it served him well in this. Maintains some beautiful sounds while spreading some breakbeat all around, which sounds great. Great use of the piano, synths and brass for sure.
  19. The beat to this is pretty sick and the chiptune EDM arrangment is just awesome. Very computer/sci-fi-ish at some points just from the way it sounds to me, which is cool. Well done ReMix, really nice work.
  20. Awesomesauce indeed. The lead was a little sharp to me, but other than that minor issue, I really liked this one. The use of the SFX and little jingles were sweet and the wubs were added in tastefully with the help of the main melody. Zelda's theme helped even things out. There are times when I love dubstep and other times when I really don't, but this is one of the better dubs I've heard in a while, so great job, especially near the end of the track with the wubbed-up "Hey listen"'s that you threw in. Not bad at all.
  21. God, I am a sucker for intros like the one here. Water running with some distant thunder and ambient music leading in to the mix, so awesome. Great build to letting the beat pick up with the piano behind it. Very powerful in a subtle way if you get my drift. Lots of little things and a whole lot of work and you have a pretty damn good mix here. Very cool, man.
  22. Beautiful and terrific feeling of accomplishment in this ReMix. Great for a mix of the credits theme. Nice piano and guitar work as well.
  23. Oh my god, hahahaha! I love this so much, guys! As a big fan of all three ReMixers separately, it truly is a treat to hear all three combine to deliver this smooth and spooky rap arrangement of Pumpkin Hill. Also loved the addition of some spooky scary skeletons at the end. Awesome ReMix, I'm going to be enjoying for quite a lot time.
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