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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Okay, so for starters, I got a laugh out of this one for the randomness, so there is one positive here. Other than that, the production seemed a tad rough in several places (whether by age or design, either way), and while like I said, I got a laugh out of the voice clips (game over man!), but I can see how they can easily annoy folks. Not the best Mustin ever did by a long shot, but still good for humor and just easing up on things a bit.
  2. This is a pure background ReMix, which is great for having when doing other things and don't really want to have too much going on. I wasn't fond of the popping effects either, but this ReMix does what it sets out to do and I really can't fault it for that. Not my thing, but a decent listen for sure.
  3. Not bad. For it's time, this is a rather enjoyable little mix that seems to glide the edge of a smooth beat with some nice bass. A bit short, but I think it works for what you have here. Cool.
  4. In terms of music being done as artfully as possible, this is fantastic. This really would seem at home in a revision of Majora's Mask or even a polished up soundtrack. Wonderful arrangement and a great sound. Solid debut, man,
  5. Well, it gets the vibe of a tense battle down, that's for sure. I dig the organ and the arrangement itself. While there are some points where it gets a little too heavy, there isn't really anything that would turn me off of this mix. Nice.
  6. There does seem to be something about Sagat's stage that lends itself to this kind of jazz really well. It just fits like a glove. I never really cared for Sagat's theme in it's original form, so I safely say that I would be all for hearing this anytime instead. Very good. Loving the e-piano here, man. Well done.
  7. Gotta love the aggression used on this one. Heavy and hard, this is much better than I would have hoped for in a different take on the Unforgiven. Much better. Nice work indeed.
  8. Oh god yes.....this is absolutely amazing! My kind of dark ReMix right here! The evil choir, the bells, the creepy synth, and that scream! Damn, man, there is nothing about this ReMix I could complain about. Awesome work, Gario!
  9. Metal with some Eastern instruments and tones, nice! It really comes off unique and odd at several points (good for the most part), but I think this ReMix somehow pulls everything together to make a great track. I like this one, not bad at all. Great collab, fellas.
  10. I like how the game plan here wasn't "let's make this as fast and/or powerful as possible" as per usual with Chemical Plant mixes and has a long-drawn out progression to it. Not saying that anything else is bad at all (I actually like fast and powerful), but it's just refreshing to hear the details of the build to this one. I love the "just getting started!" voice clip. I feel like I know what that is from or have heard it before (I think), but damn it if I can't remember exactly where. I hate when that happens. Anyway, awesome mix, Jake. You've really done well here.
  11. Loving this light Green Hill ReMix which the little bit of fun stuck in all around it. This is the kind of arrangement I've been looking forward to, having heard things like Metal and Atmospheric ReMixes of Green Hill before. The violin really helps make this ReMix that much better to listen to. Great debut for Skolar and terrific work from both men indeed.
  12. I'm okay with metal and mallets. Hell, I don't even have an issue with the piano. It did sound like to me that the piano was a bit quiet compared to everything else, but honestly, this was a nice blend of things that normally wouldn't think of that end up sounding good. Nice.
  13. Ah, Kaijin. Been a long time coming for a return of another fantastic emotive and warm ReMix from you, and you have done a fine job with this piece. I could really enjoy outside traveling to this one. Well done.
  14. Congrats to all the new judges and mod-man!
  15. This certainly creates an unsettling atmosphere and I can definitely hear the whole Aliens/Sci-fi vibe with certain sounds. This is a nice, gritty, dark ReMix that deserves the name "cancer". Great Metroid mix.
  16. Kooky and crazy, straight out of a cartoon as DJP already mentioned. So playful and humorous, this is my kind of song. It’s like the Kong’s are getting into all kinds of mischief in the jungle and we get to hear it. Bonus points for amazing marimba and xylophone work. I love hearing those instruments in action.
  17. The background beat had me hooked from the very first second. Spectacular violin work from Tera C, and the atmoshpere of this arrangement is just so dang pretty. I guess you can say this Jewel of Enhasa ReMix is quite the gem.
  18. Damn. This is the kind of positive power anthem I need to get my ass in gear when it's time to work nowadays. Probably my favorite hakstok ReMix thus far. Such radical energy, like a shot of positive adrenaline. Love this so much.
  19. Now this is ambiance that doesn't ever even come close to being boring. Something like this is peaceful, tranquil and beautiful, and it says something when you can make an ambient ReMix that goes six minutes long seem to pass by in half the time. The instruments, the effects, the mid-mix vox, everything just seems to be engaging to listen to. Outstanding work.
  20. The live indie feel of this makes for a nice change of pace and I dig the audience noise because it's different from most other tracks. The combination of guitar and accordion was awesome as well. Ivan has certainly delivered with this ReMix.
  21. I've always thought Zanarkand was a beautiful source, and this is just plain gorgeous. I'm not the biggest connoisseur of classical music or the like, but I do enjoy string instruments, especially quartets, so hearing Zanarkand with those instruments were something I could get behind. Close to the original in it's melody, but still different enough in arrangement to be it's own piece, truly a wonderful ReMix.
  22. Classic halc 9-bit goodness, but with extra goodies and fun inside! I absolutely loved the section right after the second minute and the way this ReMix sort of glided to a stop was very nice. Pretty hot take on some good ol' Powerful Mario.
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