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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Short, sudden ending, so on and so forth, yes, there are things that people can pick at with this mix and I would tend to agree, but for what is in this ReMix, I do have to say that I liked the piano work and the flute didn't bug me as much as it could have. A nice mix, but that's all. McVaffe certainly has better in his collection, but this is a nice bite-sized piece.
  2. Really liked the effects used in the mix, between the storm and the clock bell tower chimes. The way the synths were manipulated and used was awesome and the overall effect of the mix is great. Definitely one of the better old-school OCR gems.
  3. That synth work is freaking gorgeous in this arrangement. Lots of energy, good intro and outro, enjoyable breakdown and switch-ups, this mix nails everything I love about a ReMix just on the writing standpoint, let alone the arrangement itself being awesome. Damn good ReMix from you guys.
  4. Oh, wow, yeah see I thought this was going to be much different from the intro, but all the glitching and distorting effects are set to go all out on you if you're not prepared. Certain sounds and tones were a little sharp to me, but that's just my personal taste working against me and I get the idea behind the mix perfectly, and I think this delivers. Very nice.
  5. Oh, gorgeous soundscape. This is perfect to relax to and let it just wash over you with it's atmosphere of peace. It really doesn't seem like a five minute song when you shut your mind off and just listen, because it flows so smoothly. Love the layered vocals as well. Very nice, a really beautiful ReMix, man.
  6. So hard to beat a piano with a beautiful melody, and that's what we've got here. I hate to use the term "simple", because there is more than just the piano going on, but as far as the arrangement goes, it focuses on what it seems to have to. It doesn't try to fit in too many extra instruments or fluff and sticks to what makes it gorgeous. Everything sounds like it has a place, like a cog in a machine. Not bad.
  7. You know, imagining my way back from work through my little town at night with this in the background is actually oddly fitting, so yeah, gotta agree. It's an "end of the day" kind of song. It's got a serene vibe with a bit of a beat to keep things going, much like the feeling you get after working at night (tired and calm and at peace, but still jazzed up from actually working). Nice.
  8. Gotta say, I like the energy and the attempt to bring in the party electronica feel to this source with the mix. It is fun to listen to, but there are points where it repeats a little too long on a section. Sorry, but I'll have to stick with the other mix of this source this time around.
  9. Short as it is, it plays up the whole "background ambiance with a bit of a tune" thing pretty well. Hard to say much else other than that I think this is a pretty good example of how hitting the right emotion or tone with an arrangement can help make a mix work more. Not bad.
  10. This is a pretty cool ReMix just for the dramatic and slightly tense Zimmer style of arrangement being applied to Aquatic Ambiance. The Scuba/Vader-like effects were a nice touch. My only complaint is that at around 2:30 in length, it kinda leaves me wanting more because it had such a great run while it was going and I was thoroughly enjoying it. But, I supposed that is where the replay button comes in. Over and over again. Awesome mix, man.
  11. Ground Man's source is just made to be ReMixed and re-imagined, and I like with DDRKirby has done with this tune. Wonderful work with the bass, and the chip elements sound pretty sweet. Cool electronica piece, man.
  12. One of my favorite tunes off the Kirby album. It's such a strange blend of musical choices, but it WORKS! Funky and ethnic, all while improving a source I honestly didn't care much for in it's original form. Great work from Mazedude.
  13. Okay, now see, I like this. While you can hear the age, the direction of where this mix was headed is something I could get behind. Much like Tilly said, some more strength to the mix would have been great, but it really fits some sort of feeling of conclusion, like a credits theme or some heroic montage to turn things around. I'd really love to hear this one revisited and redone by today's standards and production values, cause that would be damn awesome. Appropriate title name for this ReMix based on the vibe it gives.
  14. Yet another ReMix that doesn't go too far from the source besides some arrangement style choices. I get the idea behind some ragga Mario here, but it just doesn't seem to get far enough to where I'd like it in that style until the very end, and even then it sounded like the tip of the iceberg for where Bob Mario-ly could have gone. I can't complain much, because I liked it for what it was, but McVaffe has better in his collection that I can enjoy more.
  15. A little dated and a little short, but excluding any production issues, the opening piano's intent can be gleamed from it. I can hear the emotion wanting to come through, but it just seems to need that old decade polish that a lot of these need.
  16. Conservative as the melody is, I have to give Scott some praise here. I personally enjoy ReMixes that seem to be in the "updated and refreshed" territory, where they add something (or several somethings) special to the source and make it sound fresh again. This is where this sounds to me. The darker tone, the fast paced percussion and the cymbal hits at the points where it is needed. This is one of those early mixes I will gladly file under hidden gem in my opinion.
  17. Well, you have to start somewhere. Honestly, this isn't my favorite piece from CotMM. The distortion at the end was a little too sharp and fuzzy for me in the second half, and the entire track is short to the point where it's tough to really try and nail in an idea. CotMM has gotten so much better since this, so at least we can see the curve, which is cool.
  18. As far as the song goes, it's really not bad and at least it has some writing sense as far as progression. And while the production age shows, it also shows that there was an idea put forth and executed from start to finish, which is great. But yeah, would have loved to hear more of the actual Castlevania music mixed in.
  19. Haha, the opening being so toned down and chiptunish made me laugh, because Zeromus was such an easy opponent that it fit him in my head. The rest of the ReMix, however, was weirdly entertaining. While there were plenty of dubstep elements, it was honed in enough to enhance the melody rather than just distort it. 3:45 was were I really went "yeah, buddy, that's it!" though, because that line of beat was more my speed. All in all, an excellent listening experience.
  20. Darkness and piano mixed in with aggressive evil dubstep? Yes! Now that is what I like to hear. Gotta say as well, that ending was great as a way to bring everything in for a clear landing. Nice work, man.
  21. Going to have to agree with the other reviews, the drums could use a little more variation, but all in all, this seems like a V.2 take on the MM3 boss theme. Which, honestly, doesn't bother me because I'm always up for hearing "enhanced" mixes. Just could use a little bit more to really stand out. This really needed a little more change over the progression of the mix and shine to make it what it could have been. Still, nice to hear a boss theme other than a Wily boss or MM2 boss theme get mixed.
  22. Certainly fills the role of a tense "gotta go now!" theme. While I hear places where things could be taken to the next level, for what is here, it sounds like it would be perfect for an old PC race game, especially with the bass, so it has something I can relate to at least.
  23. It's like ambiance with a pulse, which I can actually get behind. The sounds are so outlandish, but they work in an oddly cohesive way, like they are just meant to go together. Some of the synths and bliptrips weren't my thing on a personal taste level, but stylistically, this was a pretty good arrangement. Everything is so uneasy, but it still works as a whole picture, which is always interesting to hear. Cool stuff.
  24. Wonderful piano work here, it's always pretty sweet to hear multiple themes connected together in such a way, and it makes me interested to hear the following versions to come. Everything everyone has already said, I pretty much agree with. This is an improvement to your debut mix, and while there are still a few things that one could nitpick here, none of it really hurts the mix that much that you wouldn't enjoy it. Good stuff, man!
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