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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. As someone who can really get behind mallets, marimbas and such, I actually liked the intro. It was a nice lead into the rest of the ReMix, kinda like taking an acoustic guitar and using that to lead into a heavier form of rock, if you know what I mean. The flute added a hell of a lot of character and I'm enjoying the overall production quality. Even being over three minutes, it left me wanting more in a good way. Awesome ReMix, man.

  2. A ReMix of a remix of the water theme, I knew this one would be interesting to hear considering the source. It amazes me that there is always a new way to get this melody into a song without it getting boring. Arrangement is like going from a riverbank right into the ocean, so nice placement. Got to love all those synths and blips complementing the guitar. Great teamwork and collab by Stevo and halc.

  3. Okay, first off, those movie lines fit so damn well in context of this dark, creepy ReMix. The heavy distortion and how receptive you are when it comes to SFX and dialog definitely makes a difference on whether you love or hate this. Seems like a perfect ReMix to use in finding out what spectrum you're on. Personally, I like SFX when used right (like here), and I don't know enough about Magus' theme to comment on that, but the distortion creates a great dark atmosphere to me. Not my favorite thing from the artists, but it's still pretty good.

  4. I love how smooth jazz makes some people think of the weather channel. Not that I'm disagreeing, cause that's what I think of when I hear songs in this style, but that's just funny to me. This ReMix is so incredibly smooth, certainly fitting of the name "crystal potion". Love that violin solo, and man, this ReMix makes me crave some warmer weather more than ever so I can chill out to this outside.

  5. Yeah, my favorite ReMix from Cyril yet and one of my favorite tracks from Maverick Rising as well! Before the album came out, I always thought the boss themes in MMX3 would be a bit tough to ReMix because of how repetitive they were to begin with, so I always thought if anyone did it, they would be used just as quick transitions or cameos. It's cool to see Cyril and Snell use them all to create a tense metal mix that really lays on the battle vibe, which I love in boss ReMixes. Production issues that others have pointed out aside, this ReMix sounds pretty sick and it's great to hear the MMX3 boss theme wrapped up together in a nice heavy package.

  6. The original Final Fantasy has always had the best battle theme, and hearing the Dual Dragons and Brandon give it a menacing, aggressive, deliberate metal ReMix just appeals to everything I love in a battle ReMix. I actually love the idea they put in as treating the music as a representation of how the battle is faring as the song goes on, rather than remaining constant. Pretty cool idea to produce musically.

  7. Heh, sorry, but the story behind this mixpost (and the mixup) is funny to me. But for the actual song, honestly, it's classic McVaffe. What is there to not like about this ReMix? A bit straightforward, but the quality has held up a hell of a lot better than other ReMixes that aren't as old as this one, so for a ReMix from way back when, this is still pretty good. Way to go McVaffe.

  8. This is my kind of rocking metal ReMix, with a strong lead and an even more aggressive background while the drums help telegraph the kicks. Would definitely make for a perfect workout track. Loved the slow intro build with the melody making appearances over the top before this opens up like a crack of lightning. About as epic as hard rock can get. Think I'll be adding this one to my MP3 for sure.

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