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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Oh, dear lord, Jill's voice has always been great, but man this is by far my favorite piece of her vocal work that I've heard so far. I think it might be the tribal and airy style of the vocals that Strader pointed out that I enjoyed so much. Hypnotic in an absolutely beautiful way, and I'd be in error if I didn't say how great the actual music that XPRTNovice, zircon and DrumUltima turned out together in this one was. A+ collab here, you guys nailed it.

  2. I'm actually impressed that this was made on a DS program. With the software samples I've heard on similar products, that sounds pretty tough because of certain limits, but you were able to do it and create something great in the style of stylistic jazz that comes off like a cheesy cop show (totally a good thing) and neat to hear. Hats off to you for proving once again that it's all about what you do with your tools, not the tools themselves. Damn good work, man.

  3. This is beautiful man. Seriously, that piano and the guitar as well as the other instruments were fine on their own, but then Dale's voice comes in and just blows everything out of the water. While having one verse at the end kinda makes me wish he just went ahead and at least started a little earlier because it makes you want a little more, it's nice for a replay effect when you don't see it coming.

  4. While the first half of the ReMix really poured some sweet Asian instrumentation my way, which I'm almost always a fan of, hearing the rest of the ReMix pick up some electronic dubawubs and give it an extra kick was pretty cool was well. Normally I don't have an issue with fade endings, but I'm with Brandon on this one. It seemed like there was still too much energy and wubbing going on for a fade. A little slow-down or breaking it down to the basic beats before that would have been ace, I think. That aside, after listening to this a few times, I can safely say that this is definitely something I want. Damn good debut, man!

  5. When MusicHunter brought this up and I saw it, I had it on repeat for a good while. This is a great ReMix for Bubble Bobble, and it's nice to hear a more poppy style of arrangement for this song, since it's often made to be super upbeat and sugary, aside from the "twins" that DJP mentioned. There's probably several things that folks can like or not like about this ReMix depending on your taste since there is a lot going on, vocally and musically, but it's definitely worth the listening experience for the imagery, game-specific lyrics, the actual music itself and of course the video that goes with it. Not my favorite take on Bubble Bobble, but it's insanely close and I can really respect this ReMix. Totally downloading.

  6. The raw, live feeling of this ReMix is actually nice to hear. And I'm definitely enjoying the context of the lyrics along with the sources used. A tip of the hat to the female/male vocal duet, especially starting at 3:05, cause that was gold. While I could go into the things that I wasn't so crazy about, like the ending just being just a stop, there's really nothing to complain about that would deal break this mix to me. I'd love to hear more from these fellas.

  7. This just screams "go, go, go!" type of action that does not want to stop for even a second. That solo was great and hits a sweet spot with me. With this type of energetic arrangement, the speed kinda makes it feel even shorter than it really is though. Wish the ReMix was a little longer, especially for the pace it was going in, but for what was here, I liked it. Good pick-up and get going ReMix

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