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Everything posted by Overdriven

  1. It's okay, not many people are aware of the fact that he's now a Monstercat heavy-hitter. He probably HAS made a fair amount of money off of it, but a lot of his original stuff is where he makes his money (especially since he signed with Monstercat). Although you are probably correct in that he only puts some money into hype for it, so he's still making a large profit from a money-spent/money-made perspective. Plus, there's the hype factor. He's raising hype for the Zelda games by releasing the stuff. From Nintendo's viewpoint, he's advertising their games for free. Sure, he's making some money doing it, but not the same amount they're making off of the games. So for them, taking him down wouldn't even be that beneficial. In THIS case, though, Brad is drawing more people towards his music as opposed to the (*ahem*) "fashion" company, I guess, and since they aren't gigantic like Nintendo is, they want to get him off of their brand name. Not the same viewpoint. So it's a complex business thing. (I think...)
  2. Well, Ephixa doesn't make most of his money from his Zeldastep stuff. It's like yelling at the Brony musicians for using their remixes to make money. Doesn't cut into profit, creates hype for the products they're associated with, ends up as a thing they keep going so long as it doesn't get out of hand. This guy is obviously a small (very much so) business, and while he doesn't make music, having another brand with the same or similar name can hurt business. Especially with contention for not just the second spot on Google's search results, but the fourth one as well. So it's more of a fight here since this fashion company is not nearly the corporate giants that Hasbro and Nintendo are. IP becomes more of an issue. Again, not an expert, but there's my two cents....
  3. OH MY GOD THEY'RE SELLING BASTION WITH IT Must get this immediately. Like, NOW.
  4. Oh ok. I would like a relatively flat area, with maybe a mountain or hill or something to build my focal structure on, so if you find some place like that, that's be pretty cool. Thanks! =D
  5. Oh ok. Although I thought it was meant as an exploratory world or something since there was no set building boundaries outside of the Jungle. So yeah, sounds fun. Now I just need to be on the server at the right time.....
  6. Well, normally I'd say that there'd be a distinction issue, but since they are a lifestyle brand claiming to have a trademark on "prophetik music" which it looks like they don't have (and that possibly doesn't even EXIST) that they're trying to pull one over on you, but I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to such legal matters like this. This does make for a pretty funny story though. Unless this turns south, then it'll just suck and I'll have another reason to hate companies like this that are possessive/defensive/overzealous over anything remotely similar in name to anything they carry or produce.......
  7. It's okay, I usually start with a puny little house before moving on to grander construction.... Maybe I'll replicate my giant inverted-pyramid house once I get a build area set up...
  8. LOL I finally managed to get on the server for more than five minutes, and I never realized it was this MASSIVE. Also, since I can now BE on the server for more than five minutes, I need a building area.... Also, what's the purpose of the Brave New World? Is that just to explore and whatnot? Also: pyramids. With TNT at the bottom. LOL.
  9. Promises (Nero and Skrillex Remix) - Nero
  10. Kickass! Now I'll have something to do once I get done with whichever graphics programs I'm doing over the summer! =D
  11. ...since when was there an OCR MC server? Sounds fun. I want in. MC username: overdrivenzx37
  12. Reggae+Dubstep=AWESOME I mean, who knew, right?
  13. The games look awesome. I just don't like the new trainer models as much in the sequels..... Other than that, this is gonna be fun. Pity I have to wait until fall, though.....
  14. Lots and lots and lots of Brony music. Well, that and a DnB mix, but the mix was inspired by an MLP character, so I'd say that it also counts despite being made up of non-Brony DnB tracks.......
  15. There is a reason I am a deadmau5 fan. Well, many reasons, but this is one of the bigger ones.
  16. Raise Your Weapon - deadmau5
  17. Wait, am I not the only one that thinks Reshiram is cooler than Zekrom?
  18. Something along those lines, most likely. Something that happens after you find the other dragon?
  19. Lucario/Bisharp
  20. So you're think B2/W2 will give us some answers? interesting notion. I would not be surprised if that were the case...
  21. Oooh! That'll be fun! I still think a Dark/Psychic/Fighting or Dark/Psychic/Ghost trio would be cool......
  22. THAT would be COOL. Because THAT has not been done for three straight games. That has not happened at all yet. Therefore: interesting, viable idea.
  23. I think its universally agreed that another fire-fighting starter will start riots at this point.........
  24. Meh. True. But then at least change Gyrados......
  25. That would be fun. Although I'd prefer either Psychic or Dark for the starting type. And yes, Serperior should have been Grass/Dragon. That said, Charizard and Gyrados also should be remade as Dragon types at this point.......
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