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Everything posted by Artesu

  1. This made me smile. I'm glad I'm not the only one who still sleeps with a stuffed animal. haha. My pup and I are coming to magfest next year for sure.
  2. I am from the North.. I like snow, I swim in cold lakes, I drive on horrible roads, I experience all four seasons in one week sometimes, and I consider anything above 25 degrees to be warm. Michigan, yesss.
  3. Super Mario Bros. 3 The music isn't complex or intricate by any means, but there are some really catchy little hooks in some of the themes that are mildly addicting.
  4. I haven't played Rock Band yet, but I've watched a few videos on YouTube of people playing. Many, many lulz were had. I think the concept for the game is a great idea. Exercise+social interaction+the development of RL talent(mostly if you're playing drums or singing). Not that gaming in and of itself isn't a real life talent b/c it definitly is IMO. You know what I mean. Can't wait to play it.
  5. I hope they make fun of this on South Park.
  6. GIRL on the INTERNETS?? no wai!!! I know, womanbearpig is a huge problem. I'm super serial.
  7. Remember the "PS9/PS2:the beginning" commercial? I really hope they follow through with that.
  8. wii-nano. nice. I'm not a dude btw...that's why I am over-excited about things matching.
  9. The Agony Scene did a pretty good cover of Paint it Black. If you like hardcore/metal etc..then it's definitly worth a listen.
  10. A really sweet metal version of 'The Final Countdown' by Europe. Arrested Development was an awesome show.
  11. SUPERBAD. bootleg copy?
  12. Nintendo definitly learned. They learned that Apple products dominate the electronic market. How genious was it of them to model the Wii after the ipod, ibook, etc.. The minimalist design, the white exterior, even the name of the console itself. Well done Nintendo design & marketing team, well done. **BTW, 7 people probably mentioned this ealier in the thread but I didn't feel like reading through 283 pages of posts to check.
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