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Everything posted by Artesu

  1. Oooooh MOAR! I'm enjoying this thread so much right now because I was actually early for my first class today. This hasn't happened for at least four weeks.
  2. Wow, I feel like I'm 15 again. What happened to metaknight? I remember him posting about his family/life problems and as I recall, they were pretty intense. His sigs always made me feel warm & fuzzy...
  3. Artesu

    Thank you!! I had a blast :D

  4. There you are Arek! I've been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing all the way over here? Comeon, I'll take you home.

  5. Oh my gosh! It's like....FACEBOOK! :P

  6. Happy Birthday! Eat cake :B
  7. Happy Birthday! Since it is Saturday, you better have an awesome party!
  8. Excuse my girl moment... Those are sooooo cute!!!! I totally want one.
  9. Metal Slug 2 is kind of fun to play with another person when you're really bored late at night and don't want to do anything that requires too much attention.
  10. The old man is Béla Károlyi - legendary gymnastics coach. "Among the gymnasts Béla and Marta Károlyi have trained are Mary Lou Retton, Betty Okino, Kerri Strug, Teodora Ungureanu, Nadia Comaneci, Kim Zmeskal, Kristie Phillips, and Dominique Moceanu. In total, Károlyi has coached nine Olympic champions, fifteen world champions, sixteen European medalists and six U.S. national champions." - Wikipedia Here's the rest of the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9la_K%C3%A1rolyi
  11. Yeah srsly wtf? Nastia just beat the crap out of everyone though. <3 I hope Shawn gets silver. 1 - 2 comeon. EDIT: Hell yes they did it. USA.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyTDldr_ttQ There will be a better video of this tomorrow since it happened about oooooh 40 minutes ago.
  13. Women's gymnastics tonight wooo!! I'm excited
  14. Wow, Health Ledger..just, wow. I must go see this again asap. Haha, I clearly heard several "eyeliner, wtf?" comments from the people in my theater during the mayor's close ups. OH. I'm pretty sure the whole "afraid to get their hands dirty" line was a nod to The Prestige. Since ya know, Christian Bale and Michael Caine both played awesome roles in that movie too.
  15. I know I've told you this already but..Happpppy Birthday! Now gtfo and have yourself a party. <3
  16. Yes and yes. I can imagine it starting out like "Mein Herz Brennt" does with the slow, melancholy strings and growing into something, for lack of a better word, bad-ass.
  17. yeeesssssss.
  18. Happy Birthday to you!! Hope you get some epix.
  19. There's no such interval as a first. Are you possibly confusing it with a minor second? That's what I assumed. If you're trying to understand the difference in what a half-step up from the tonic note sounds like vs. a whole-step (M2) or two whole-steps (M3), it might help to farmiliarize yourself with the chromatic scale. Your ear should naturally become more sensitive to half-steps over time, making it much easier to decipher between major and minor intervals. A good way to memorize what different intervals sound like is to relate each interval to a song you know. For example, a Perfect 4th sounds like 'here comes the bride.' Now play a Major third and see if you can find a song or jingle that you can use to recognize the sound. (These intervals are both good to know when all you have is your own ear to tune a guitar). Good luck to you
  20. Never underestimate a 6'8 military man.
  21. 3 Usually I base my decision on the writeup; after I have a good idea of what the mix has to offer. Some of my favorite remixes are actually from games I've never played. I really should listen to more that's posted though..I know I'm probably missing out on some epix.
  22. Dude. Seriously. QFE. I was just listening to the OST last week and found myself asking the same question. **Moar DKC3 remixes plz!! I can't believe there's only one. Treetop Tumble definitly needs to be done, and I think Crystal Chasm and Mama Bird (possibly combined since both have to do with the banana birds anyways) would make sweet remixes as well.
  23. ..and Michael Cera.
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