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Everything posted by Artesu

  1. Not tonight dude. It's too late here, and I'm sleepy.

  2. You have done well, my friend. Rewards wait for you on the other side. Aaand so does a super badass party -- which I'm pleased to be coordinating. I just sent out a sign up sheet for snacks.

  3. What's going on in here? Hrm, why are you making fun of Asian people?
  4. I'm actually missing Distant Worlds tomorrow for an important family function due to recent events, so I have to decline. Excuse me while I go baww on livejournal.
  5. Let's make new times. Then we can talk about how good they were.
  6. No, but my brother goes to U of M, so you can still hate me a little.

  7. Whatchoo know 'bout A2?

  8. Of course, I'm a protocol droid equipped with a TranLang III Communicator module.
  9. Hahhaha! Thank you so much for linking this. My favorite part: Kanye had an epiphany. Also, cruise control.
  10. The part where Kanye is writing on the whiteboard in the fishsticks episode was great. "Then under me we have rapper, genius..."
  11. Adding to that, it's also anthropomorphic. Empathy increases significantly because of this. It would be interesting to see what would happen if she changed up the shape of the robots and didn't paint faces on them.
  12. Ok, I ended up just doing the sig myself. I wanted something really specific so I figured it'd be best if I did it. Thank you very much though :3

  13. Dude, I made a thread about pop music. Let that sink in for a second... Awful. I think It actually got some decent responses, but my orginal post was probably laughable. It's best if that thread remains in the e-abyss for the rest of eternity.
  14. BAHHHHH. stuff stuff stuff I'm tired
  15. Ohmigosh! It's you.
  16. I'm looking for a pic right now =] I have one I'm 95% sure on. I'll post it in the thread when I decide for sure.

  17. Artesu

    Dude, you had two posts at exactly 12:00 .....strange..... 0.o

  18. Just for official officialness....


  19. Absolutely.

  20. Still up? You n00b.

  21. I WANNA SEE THAT BUS! It looks like you all had a blast. I wish I lived in SF :[ Oh and SLyGeN, after seeing these pics, I'm thinking I was pretty spot on with you in my comic.
  22. Artesu

    Hells yes =]

  23. Probably because they feel bad for us. YES! They are doing a show in Grand Rapids :D That's like...where I live! I'm so totally going.
  24. To: Arek Happy Birthday!!!! From: Artesu <3
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