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Everything posted by ParanoidDrone

  1. Wait, what? You'll need to explain that one to me. Except take your time since I'll be gone for a week.
  2. Why did the mirrored maps bomb so hard? Was it just the overwhelming meh from being more or less the exact same map? (Ohnoes, we have to turn left instead of right. Whatever shall we do?)
  3. pl_swiftwater Currently on RC11 or 12, his update log is slightly confusing. Single stage payload like Badwater, seems to be generally well received. pl_cashworks RC2, also a single stage payload, but has FPS issues? cp_glacier 3 point A/D map a la Gravelpit, RC6. I remember we played on it before ages ago, but can't remember how we liked it. ctf_haarp Multistage A/D CTF map, winner of the CTF half of the CTF vs. PLR competition on TF2Maps.net. (Nightfall was the PLR winner.) BLU must bring the intelligence to the control points in sequence, where it instantly caps if there are no REDs to block it. Beta 2. I thought I had more than that in mind, but I guess not...
  4. Valve be trollin'. Also, is the new Demo melee seriously identical except for self damage?
  5. After a while, that becomes a string of "SHAT" instead of "HATS" in my mind. I clearly need to get out more. EDIT: In a supreme bout of irony and hypocrisy, I have decided that I want Le Party Phantom.
  6. It figures something like this happens while I'm away on vacation with our eternally unreliable home internet. (Seriously, it'll be working fine, cut out for an hour or so, then work again, with no effort or input on our part.) Yay bugfixes, plus a small quality of life issue that nonetheless still tied to the silent nature of the weapon. Nothing like scoring a clean kill without being noticed, only to shout out a domination line. <.< But...this...I...what...how? *incoherent blubbering* Interesting. Should make gun picks as an ER Spy a bit easier. That was just an annoying achievement to get, seriously. Yay. Again. TBH, I'm not sure I like how they're adding double digit numbers of new hats every other update. But that's another discussion.
  7. Which I'm going to try to work on over the Christmas break. I'm a slow mapper. ._. I would also like to see some quality customs on the map list now that they won't clog the vote automatically.
  8. To be fair, if they started raising a fuss about porn then they'd have to deny service to every household with a man old enough to appreciate it. (Read: Most of them.)
  9. Hmm...in my case, they started two weeks ago, after Thanksgiving. Apparently the university suffered a power surge over the holiday and someone's been DDOSing their servers in the aftermath for shits and giggles. At least that's what the rumors say. (The DDOS, not the surge. The surge is fact.)
  10. Apparently TF2 has been updated with some new paint colors and a "Festive Winter Crate." Also, in case anyone happened to miss my rather vocal bitching tonight, I've been lagging to an insane degree lately. I thought it was just me, but Lumpy tells me that he's been experiencing the same thing. Either way, it's extremely annoying and has directly caused my death numerous times. (You try surviving when the game decides to lag and freeze you in front of a Pyro. Or hell, anyone.) Basically, is there something going on with the server? On an unrelated note, I may not be online much over Christmas break.
  11. Probably because the decloak is all but completely inaudible.
  12. THE FEZ MAKES SPY SO MUCH MORE FUN SQUEE~ Seriously, it's like a breath of fresh air. Then you realize that the extra flicker time makes you visible for longer than the attack interval on most weapons with the IW/C&D and with the DR you're Captain Obvious. (Oh, a Spy with a Fez just died without a disguise. I WONDER IF HE'S A DEAD RINGER, HMM?) The fun factor is still amazing once you get that first disguise though.
  13. TF2 decided to troll me again and gave me a Baseball Bill's Sports Shine. Which I promptly crafted with some of my other hats until I got one I'm vaguely interested in. (Physician's Procedure Mask) Although I'd have preferred Ze Goggles... I guess with so many hats now it's inevitable that I don't care about most of the ones I receive.
  14. While I'm thinking about it, does not capturing the intelligence count as griefing? As in, you're holding it on your back but deliberately not bringing it to the capture zone? Or is it just really idiotic gameplay?
  15. If you want, I suppose. I don't anticipate a sudden influx of people wanting tournament style Highlander matches for funsies. EDIT: If it's any consolation to those with an emotional investment, I have been told that we were by far the hardest team Lazytown has fought so far. And also that our Scout and Spy "just raped." So kudos to Chili and Necro.
  16. Good news! I no longer have to schedule biweekly matches between two teams of 9 people each! Wait... Unfortunately, we did lose our match today. And I'm really bad at generic platitudes, so I'll cut this short before I lose myself.
  17. Normally I wouldn't, but there were only 8 of us there IIRC. And frankly I couldn't be bothered to contact everyone else over Steam personally. And seriously, most of it is old news. We've played Badwater and Steel enough to know them inside out by now.
  18. On the Highlander front, we had a strategy session today, which basically boiled down to "We know these maps, let's just play smart and not act stupid." Also I spent the entire second half of our Steel session being a Spy on the opposite team and having gleeful, cackling fun with the C&D. Some highlights: -On Badwater offense, we're going to have a group of 4 pushing the cart and the rest pushing ahead, but not so far that they can't come back to assist at the cart if necessary. -The roof of Badwater is vital, no news there. B is the best point to try and stop them completely at when defending. -The first point of both Badwater and Steel is more of a speedbump rather than a serious attempt to stop the enemy completely when defending. -On Steel, watch the number of people coming out the gate to attack A. Use this to gauge how many are going to go for E or set up sneaky forward bases. The Scout or Spy should be at B to help out with this. -This goes without saying, but prioritize E over any other point when defending Steel. -Watch out for the enemy Sniper. EDIT: Also, as a reminder, our match is tomorrow at 9 PM EST.
  19. By the time I finished installing it last night it was 3 in the morning, so not yet, but I plan to in the future. By which I mean this weekend. Even though I have three finals and two projects to study for/complete. On a tangentially related note, I'm thinking of treating myself to a new external HD for Christmas.
  20. Frogg actually registered? What is the world coming to?
  21. Aero, Minisentries have 100 HP IIRC, and an Ambassador that does double Revolver damage would only do 80. Remember that buildings ignore falloff. I'm going to deliberately not comment on the changelog because then I'd be here all day and I have stuff to do.
  22. I really don't, but I'd assume Saturday would work best.
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