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Everything posted by ParanoidDrone

  1. No, because it's a screenshot of console output. Specifically, the "status" command outputs the Steam IDs of everyone on the server to the console, and the screenshot was supposed to be of that output. And considering that even F5 didn't work during a Demo (needed to printscreen and paste it into Photoshop to get the missing shot of the score on Badwater), I doubt the console will.
  2. And I just remembered that I forgot about the status screenshot. If no one on our team did, then we can either ask UGLY or just take the warning that comes with not providing one. I need input from the rest of our team on this. EDIT: And UGLY forgot too. Oh well. *submits results*
  3. So Match 2 is over with and it was a comparable steamroll to last time. At least the other team was sporting about it. I have screenshots of the final scores for each map in hand and will upload them to the site just as soon as it stops giving me a bad gateway error. (Seriously, it's EVERY NIGHT that it does that.) From looking over the screenshots for our matches so far, I noticed that Frogg and the Medic du jour are always our top two MVPs, with the third player being more of a wild card. Not terribly surprising, but interesting nonetheless. Also I really hope they don't ask for my Granary demo, which I completely forgot to record despite thinking about it mere moments before the map change. EDIT: Also, while I'm thinking about it, can someone link me to a statement somewhere that definitively says what the scoring system for Granary was supposed to be?
  4. FireSlash has repurposed RED for tonight to solve the scheduling issues with Team 2, so we're on for 10PM EST as originally planned. IP: Password: ocrscrim
  5. See my edit, Waltz. Although I doubt anyone would say no if it turns out to be as simple as using someone else's server. Firefox doesn't recognize "else's" as a word. Weird.
  6. This is a Team 1 announcement, more a PSA than anything but still important and slightly lulzy. As already mentioned, we got slapped with a default time that we can hopefully work around. However, even if we get our time of 10PM EST tomorrow, it has come to my attention that Team 2 also has a match tomorrow, also on the Highlander server, at 9:30PM EST. I shouldn't have to explain how this is more than slightly awkward. I'm trying to get in touch with [uGLY], but the ETF2L site is throwing bad gateway errors. (Again.) With any luck we can a) agree on a time other than the default given to us and reschedule to a half hour to an hour later and not run into Team 2's time. EDIT: Spoke with [uGLY], they are aware of the development and are fine with giving Team 2 the time to finish their match. See the group page announcement for further details.
  7. I think Sandvich only has a cooldown when you use it while damaged -- i.e. when it's actually healing you. Sandvich parties where everyone noms at full health should be unaffected.
  8. Lale couldn't access his loadout, but he hasn't bought anything from the store. We've both lost our connection to Steam in chat though, which suggests it's just Steam being Steam again.
  9. Damn, I used that Eternal Reward bug several times to nab a disguise off an Uber or something. ;_; Thank god they got rid of Sydney Sleeper crits. That was irritating beyond belief. In unrelated news, Chili informs me that he will be unavailable for Friday's match and has asked me to sub for him. Again. At this rate I'm thinking we should just switch places on the roster so that I'm the team Spy and he's the backup.
  10. So you told me when I was all "bwuh?" Turns out thinking you royally fucked things up is a wonderful motivator to remember WHY you thought that, as well as not to do it again.
  11. Haven't had any issues other than when the wrong password was listed and that time I accidentally booted everyone off the server while trying to change the map. So in other words, strictly user error. I may forget the commands from time to time, but that's why you have them posted in the admin group, yes?
  12. Finally, someone else makes use of their admin powers in the group. <3 you Necro. Personally I'm fine with either date.
  13. Double posting but I want this to get bumped so people notice. Team 1: Our next match is shaping up to be on Friday, October 8 at 9:30 or 10:00 PM EST. Any complaints?
  14. Not only that, they pushed the cart all the way to the end as BLU and successfully defended the first point as RED. You're right, their points are surprisingly sparse, to put it lightly.
  15. Wait, we don't have !votescramble anymore? I thought that was part of SourceMod. I assume the new method is smart enough to not count the individual Dustbowl stages (and Gold Rush, etc.) as separate maps, though. And Chives, if it helps any your brainslug is roughly the color of a slightly faded eggplant.
  16. I'm honestly considering it and the only thing stopping me is that I already crafted the Black Box, Eternal Reward, and L'Etranger. Tangent: The crafting screen seems to be row based instead of column based, which makes the little 5x5 grid seem really weird if you order your items in columns.
  17. I want the Towering Pillar. Maybe it's just me.
  18. Observations about the Eternal Reward. First, the "Your" in front of it as opposed to "The" irks me for no reason. Moving on. Getting that first backstab is a bitch, especially if there are any Sentries. No disguises at all to start means that Sentries lock you down completely. It gets better once you get that first kill, and the silent death + vanishing ragdoll mechanic make it trivial to backstab lone enemies without raising suspicion. However, missing a single backstab or even using your gun to defend yourself drops your disguise and you're back at square one. I'm conflicted about this and wonder if the Eternal Reward should allow use of the "lastdisguise" command for such situations. One thing that the Eternal Reward absolutely excels at is clearing out an Engineer's encampment. The disguising is instant, so the Sentry doesn't even notice you backstabbing the Engineer behind it, leaving you free to sap at your leisure. There is a bug though where you cannot change your disguise's held weapon with the Eternal Reward. I suspect this is because it's tied to the "lastdisguise" command, which it disables. I haven't used L'Etranger enough to form a solid opinion on it yet, but it seems more accurate than the Revolver at any rate. And I can tell it'll synergize with the Dead Ringer beautifully. I'd also like to take this moment to lay claim to the phrase "Sorry, but I need your body" when pulling a body snatcher routine with the Eternal Reward. Bonus points if it's because I'm actively looking for a disguise. <.<
  19. A major update just got released today. Hell yes people are still playing. Game's worth every penny.
  20. From looking at the TF2Items page, it appears that several items other than the Polycount winners were added. Rocket Jumper -100% damage No self damage +200% max ammo Gloves of Running Urgently +30% move speed -50% damage -6 HP per second when held out Vita-Saw Retain up to 20% Ubercharge when you die -10 max HP Plus gift items that give a random item to either a single person on the server or 23 people. (Chosen randomly.) And a dueling item, a badge that reflects how many duels you've won, a bunch of hats, name tags that seem to let you rename your weapons, paint cans that let you recolor your weapons, and a crate/key combination that I have no idea what they do. Wow. Also I'm totally naming my Ambassador "Ma Petite Chou-Fleur" if I can.
  21. The only effect that strikes me as OP right now is the blanket effect for the Sniper pack -- immune to headshot kills is huge. Doesn't say anything about headshots that don't kill (Ambassador) or what happens when it takes effect though. Does it get ignored completely or take the Sniper down to 1 HP? (Think Protect vs. Endure in Pokemon.)
  22. Back from a quick foray into the ETF2L forums, it's confirmed that the Polycount items will NOT be allowed in the tournament. Link.
  23. But the new rifle can't headshot. Which strikes me as defeating the purpose of being a Sniper. Whatever. Spy's items are amazing. Quieter decloak if all 3 are equipped, at the cost of extra flickering time. Dead Ringer doesn't flicker anyway. Can't decide if losing the disguise kit is worth the benefits of the Eternal Reward though. Does anyone know for certain what the ETF2L bigwigs are going to do about this? Allow them? Ban them?
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