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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. Just to confirm; is this indeed going to be released as an official OCremix Album?

    I would say it is very likely at this stage.

    does anyone know when the new website (and teaser tracks) will be back up?

    As Fileshack literally deleted every file i had stored without so much as an email when it shut down, the original website was mostly lost. We probably wont have another website set up until the projects release. Really sorry.

    If anyone still wants to check out the teaser(s), i have no problems uploading them again - just let me know.

  2. Didn't realize there was a LoL thread on OCR. Garian if you want to add me to the player list feel free, my name ingame is 'OrlparAmblecrown'. I'll start adding some people from OCR, maybe i can actually play some games with friends rather then go it solo like i usually do.

    I tend to prefer the tank/mage/support architypes in the game for some reason. I always have trouble when playing a melee or carry, and I really enjoy playing that 'supportive' role in the game. And as for items, i really like the way they are organized in the game - if at a certain point in the game you say 'I need more armor' you can literally browse the items by armor and pick out something that potentially works with your build.

  3. One more mix! I think it's coming this year! I've always wanted a Mega Man album that focused on 1 game in the main series! *Smash Bros style chant* Back in Blue! Back in Blue! Back in Blue! ...

    Just wanted to give you guys another update, it looks like the project is un-officially finished. Someone finally met his deadline in style - delivering not one track, but two. Thanks for sticking with me guys :)

    Just need to get some information/final versions from the mixers, get a new website set up, (and for those of you who took notice, the official website is currently down - this is due to my web hosting service being abruptly terminated, but i am redesigning the website for a release, just need to organize some things.)

    Also gotta talk to some OCR people and figure out an actual release date for the project. Hopefully we can push it out sooner rather then later!

  4. Been playing, and enjoying it - but the online mode still irks me, the input delay is almost always really bad for me, im not sure why, since all my other games seem fine. My team currently is Amaterasu, Hagger, and Iron Man. I also really enjoy playing Zero, Tron Bonne, and Arther.

  5. Gameplay issues aside, I have major issues with netplay in MvC3 - SSF4 runs fantastic, but the minute I go at some MvC3... it feels like there is a big delay between button presses and seeing the action on screen. Every single fight feels like it has more input delay then some of my most lagged matches in SSF4.

    Is anyone else having similar issues?

  6. Sentinel does look good, but not nearly as good as he was in MvC2. Wait until we all have it and see. I'm actually looking forward to seeing C.Viper in action btw -- she seems more suited to a Marvel game than SF4 tbh.

    Very much truth - its WAYYY to early to figure out who's too good at what. There are some ridiculous combo videos on the net's already, but that's training mode, where people aren't rolling one direction or another on wake up, where people aren't leaping out of the air one direction or another after getting hit. Also it seems virtually every character in the game has a combo string that ends with a finisher that can kill a single character, The pace of the game is going to be intense.

    I agree with the Viper comment too - Will be awesome to see her in another game, and i think this is better suited to her. I'll be picking this up tommorow @ midnight. I'm excited to check out the roster and for the first time in about.. at least 5 years ill be buying a Strategy Guide for the game - the mvc3 guide has frame data and strats for the characters.

  7. Hey man make sure you get on IRC and hit us up there so we can discuss release plans when the time comes. That's generally how we coordinate everything.

    Definitely :) was talking to Level99 about it. i'll make an effort to be on irc more in the coming weeks.

  8. Here's the deal. I have a good chunk of artists that just aren't really responsive anymore. I can't seem to get in touch with them and I don't want to release the project 60-70% done if i can avoid it. I mean looking at the track list, MM9 isn't a big one and we only had about 20ish tracks covered to begin with, with those 5-6 songs out - we're looking at maybe releasing with 14 songs, and missing a lot of the *really* good songs on the project. The reason for the delays is that I'm trying to avoid that and give people what I originally promised :) living up the original expectations.

    Geckoyamori dropped, Sixto is completely unresponsive - i seriously can't get ahold of him for any amount of time, Jewbei dropped, and i can't seem to get in touch with Ralph Vickers or Fishy.

    So that's 5-6 songs that are kinda in limbo - and some of the better songs of the project. been working at getting a few people to step up and help me finish one or two of the dropped tracks and possibly doing one or two myself.

    And i really apologize for the lack of updates, been so very busy with life currently. But im going to give people an ultimatum i think - basically an end all deadline and if people can't deliver we'll just launch with what we have - its better then nothing.

    So yea, that is basically where we're at. Project started off awesome, but it became very, very difficult to get people to actually finish up and stay onboard the project for an extended period of time. A good number of mixers dropped and the project kinda fell apart and I couldn't really get anyone else to step up and help out. So it kinda stagnates while i try to patch things up - which is never good for a project.

    If any solid mixers want to help out and think they can finish a track within the next month or so - go ahead and send me a PM.

  9. Ive been playing in small chunks when i have the free time. For the game itself? it's definitely a step up from previous 3d Vania efforts. The combat system feels tight and fluid and generally works pretty well. It feels a bit TOO GoW (God of War? Devil May Cry?) style for my taste, but its done well. The graphics are really special, my G/f wont let me play the game unless she can watch it because she's so dazzled by the clips and special effects, they definitely put some graphical love into the game.

    My biggest issue with the game i think is that it feels a bit too linear, and granted, im not finished with it yet, but im really surprised they followed a level-by-level formula rather then an open-ended sandbox/world theme, that definitely seems to fit castlevania's style WAY more, this feels like action action action plot plot plot.. It just doesn't have the same feel to me.

    As for the plot, it seems solid enough, i just haven't explored the game far enough to really comment on it...

    I enjoyed the music while playing through the game, it fits well enough, but absolutely NOTHING is memorable, no classic castlevania or anything like that, I wish developers would learn - the music behind the original series is one of the reasons why gamers love castlevania so much. Incorporating songs - even if its just as like a bonus feature or something is just huge. Hrm, i might have to bust out my Castlevania remix folder and see if i can play to that ingame.

  10. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I've been doing some work with Nicalis (the guys behind the Cave Story WiiWare port?)

    This ended up with me working a lot more with the cave story OST and after all was said and done i had a lot of music left over so i decided to update the CSRP project with 7 new songs and rerelease it with working links and a big update to the website. Lots of people have been asking for a third disc, so i figured this would be a cool treat. I even covered one of the really popular/indie unreleased tracks from the game called Wind Fortress. It's awesome source material.

    The project just finished and was released today, I know its not an official OCR project but if you've never checked out the project this is a perfect time to do so as you can now download everything together from Nicalis who are kind enough to help host the project :) For those who HAVE checked out the original, i highly suggest you check out the new 7 tracks, you can find everything you need on the original CSRP Web Page


    Lemme know whatchya think!!

  11. We're working on it. Trying to get the last of the tracks organized and the late people to finish up. I'm definitely trying to avoid launching with people still working on tracks and such. The big reason for all the delays and silent treatment is a lot of mixers have not delivered and dropped the project - im refilling slots and trying to get the mixes out asap. <3

  12. Alright I lied.

    If you kara cancel karakusa you can grab after a hayate

    watch FlashMetroid's makoto he is seriously ridiculous

    Flashmetroid is an amazing makoto player, but this video (FM is playing) shows exactly what i am talking about. There are a lot of techniques that destroy this grab strat.

    The simplest of which is the jab.

  13. I know it doesn't always knock down, but do you necessarily always want a knockdown? I'm not a Makoto player, so I don't know, it just seems like a waste since you're not doing nearly as much damage as you could be, plus the mindgames are about the same (you could follow up the punch with another punch, grab, block, etc.)

    In some ways yes, in other ways no, it's all relative to what your trying to do. I always feel safer when the opponent is on the ground and i have time to set up my next action. It gives me a feel for what the opponent is willing to throw out on wakeup to keep me off. Thats the big deal. If they are scared on wakeup and defend, ill start throwing out grabs or another command throw.

    FP -> Hayate is definitely the prime follow damage-wise, but the follow up from there is completely different, Makoto's options are limited after Hayate and trying anything will almost always get you jabbed into a special move. Her priority is fairly weaksauce in that situation, I tend to loose life when i FP -> Hayate -> something else. Even if i block or jump, it usually turns disadvantageous quickly.

    In my opinion both options are totally viable and keep your game fresh.

  14. lol I'm terrible at sf, but I decided I wanted to learn Makoto ;D

    learned some stuff from vid. interesting though, I dunno if I would sweep from karakusa

    actually i might then crossup with j mk. hmm. but still i'd do a sweep from aerial mostly D:

    Sweep from kara is a total gamble, I only use it if i think I have a good chance of punishing the enemy on wakeup.

  15. Hey peeps, You guys still playing? I've been working my skills with Zangief, Makoto, and Ryu. I still want to play people but everyone seems to have an Xbox and since i have a Ps3 thats not happening.

    So i took the next best step, my media box gives me an easy way to record my matches and since SSF4 has an awesome replay setup, i decided to throw some up on Youtube for you guys to check out.

    This is my 5000+ Zief vs. 8000+ Guile. Really good guile, but once i got him in the corner he didn't know what to do.

    My Makoto vs. a 4000+ point Cody. The match is really interesting as there are two perfects and I pull off an amazing finish. Pretty awesome match, though i still think Makoto is pretty weaksauce in SSF4.

  16. This is the first video in the series of me playing Mega Man 2 with a dance pad. Previously, I beat Castlevania and Super Mario Bros. with a dance pad, and while I doubt I'll be able to beat Dr. Wily's Castle, it doesn't hurt to try, right?

    Stay tuned for more, because it's just going to get harder and harder from here on out!

    Nice. This reminds me - I once had a copy of Guilty Gear and a friend who loved the artwork, but was abysmal at fighting games. In order to coax him into playing with me, I gave myself an extreme handicap - I decided to play Chipp (my favorite character at the time) with a dance pad.

    It was a grueling 3 matches, but in the end i had adapted enough to perform basic combo's and do fireball motions and was actually able to beat him. Ever since then, he has become a much more competent player :P Still, if you ever want to see hilarity ensue, try a Vs. fighting game on a dance pad.

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