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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. I'll be happy to give you some feedback and criticism!

    - Your low end needs some work. There's no definite bass, just a bunch of wandering pads - also, the lack of percussion is just kinda odd. The piano and pads just aren't enough to make for a very interesting listening experience!

    - The remix is extremely repetitive. You can skip to a random spot in the song and hear essentially the same thing. Your song is over 4 minutes, so it gets very boring very quickly.

    - A lot of your instrument choices just don't really click at all - You have a slightly 'bright' piano sample paired with awkward spacey pads and arps that just feel weird, and not in a good way. Continue experimenting and playing with new sounds :) I'd suggest listening to something and trying to emulate that until you feel more comfortable.

    Hope it helps a bit, I'd suggest spending more time on your remixes in general and setting your bar a bit higher. Spend more time listening to remixes or music that you really like and try to emulate that. It takes a long time to understand what sounds 'good' together and what doesn't and why. That's part of the fun. Keep working at it and you will improve :) Goodluck!

  2. Creative liberties were definitely taken. It's not pure in any way, shape, or form. The intent was less to show what the original sound chip could do and more so to pay homage to that distinct flavor of sound. Track 6 is pretty neat, and also my wife's favorite - but personally, I like track 2 the most. Either way, thanks for the feedback :) means a ton!

    Also, if anyone's interested, you can check out Track 2 in its entirety here:

  3. Hey guys, just wanted to share an original track I've been working on for awhile called Frozen White. I've been having a lot of trouble creatively lately, and haven't felt very inspired, so it's nice to finally have something to share again! It's a bit on the chilly (heh) side, with a bright piano playing the lead. Check it out! Comments, critiques and all that are always welcome.

  4. Caught this on facebook - dropping a review - I'm specifically ignoring everything in the thread thus far and just writing my initial thoughts on hearing the most current version. Sometimes its best to go into these things blind, and I'm a huge fan of Emu.. So if I cover anything that you are already planning on fixing/editing, sorry - but yea - here we go:

    - Great intro. It's charming, light, and soft. The drums are absolutely perfect here. I love your pads as well! Great blending of sounds. Chord progression is alright. Excited to see where it leads.

    - Unexpected lead. So very mellow and original sounding. Nice job @ 1:10 with the bass! so cool. I keep waiting for some drums to start up, or something heavier on the low end, but no - it just sort've keeps teasing! Nice.

    - The break @ 1:36 is perfect. Do not change anything. Nothing.

    - I feel like you can do more with the bass in general. It toys around with some aggressive bits, and don't go too crazy or anything, but I really, really feel like you could do some awesome stuff on the low end with what you have, it feels like it's almost there, I'd love to hear some heavier drums or a stronger bassline build up to the 'break' that hits at about 2:45. Stop teasing and gimme something epic - You could hit me in the feels before you even get to the sweet break.

    - Nice flute action! Great job in general - the blending of sounds is especially nice, there's this refreshing and charming vibe about the piece - its just a really fun song to listen to - it's really hard not to smile during each progression.

    Overall? This is awesome. I feel like you can push the bass/drums farther than your current efforts! The high end sounds fantastic. The layering of the instruments is well done and it has a nice building progression to it! Still not sure how i feel about the addition @ 2:14, I feel with some work to the bass/drums - It would work better!

    Hope it helps bro! Also, I could totally sing to this, but I'd need a few weeks to get my voice back into recording shape. It's been far to long! ^_^

  5. Hey there, I'd be happy to give you a review. I have a lot of experience with Cave Story from the Cave Story Remix Project (http://kwixmusic.com/cavestory/) and the 3DS/Steam port of the game!

    - The intro is very promising. Guitar sounds solid, drums are great! The odd synth bits that hit through the intro are a bit on the loud side, and conflict with the gentleness of that guitar, but I can see what your going for and it works! Cute synth sound!

    - Now as things develop you let that synth start wobbling all over the track, it essentially takes over as a lead and central focus of the track. Some parts work pretty well, some parts not so much! The synth is just plain loud and grating. Try toning the volume down a few ticks. You have a few times where multiple synths play at the same time and the guitar, drums, and bassline just all get destroyed by the power of that synth. It's a cool sound and I dig it - but pull it back! Give it a place, but as it stands I feel like its detracting from the rest of the instruments!

    - More on that point, your drums and bass are incredibly static throughout! There is a break that happens towards the mid/later half of the track where the leads take a break and i can finally breath a bit! about 2 minutes in - awesome job there! Try mixing up your drums/bass a bit more. Listening to the lead like that can get tiring after awhile. chill out a bit :)

    - The bass change @ 3 minutes in is really bad - I'd suggest removing it entirely. Infact, I'd suggest making this a bit shorter! It would be to its benefit - it gets a bit boring towards the end and there isn't much going on compositionally - just the same stuff that was playing in the beginning, and by 2:30-3 minutes in, you've already given the listener that same experience several times over :)

    - The ending is a nice resolve chord, but doesn't really build much into it, so it feels rushed and sudden. Try putting in some signals that the ending is coming, play with it and find something that sounds good to you.

    - Lastly, you have a lot of unique and conflicting sounds in this track. The smooth gentle guitar, those classic-sounding drums, then the loud grating chippy synth leads. Having a unique spectrum of sound is cool and can add a lot of diversity/originality to your track, but it can also be a double edged sword when certain sounds grate on the ears. Spend a lot of time playing with your sounds to make sure you have the sound your looking for!

  6. Pretty great! I like the 'epic' scale of the track - you match and in some cases exceed the original in terms of scope. Some might say it sounds a bit generic, especially some of your drum samples, but still - I can totally get behind it and bop my head to it. The guitar work sounds pretty okay too!

    On the flip side, would like to see more work done with the chords, and maybe a better 'solo' type section for the guitar - it feels a bit too much like a copy of the original for me.

    All things considered, this is pretty good stuff! I dig it!

  7. There's a lot here to digest, let me give you some times to help out:

    0:01 - The intro is fantastic - do not change a thing. The build up and synth work is great.

    0:40 - Still sounding pretty good!

    1:45 - Things starting to stagnate a bit - you keep it fresh for the most part, but as the song goes on, things start getting a bit old.

    2:30 - Awesome. Glad to finally get a break. The blending of synths and texture work in general is a delight to listen to. Some great sounds going on here.

    3:25 - The climax was epic! Nice!

    3:48 - You have a few off spots chord-wise through here. They stick out big time and clash with the rest of the mix. Other than that, thing sound pretty good!

    5:10 - Very cool. Would've liked to see a bit more of an actual ending, the slight fadeout doesn't work too well.

    Overall this is pretty good! There are a few issues on chords and some 'off' sounding spots (like 3:48) .. but I like it! Nice work.

  8. Beautiful! This has a nice uplifting vibe to it that fits the original pretty well.

    The layering and blending of sounds is handled really well - the atmosphere of the track is just super bright and happy. It's a pleasure to listen too! It somehow reminds me of the Sim City theme from the SNES version of the game. Not sure why, but it totally does!

    If I had to critique anything it'd be the length and pacing of the track. You jump into it all so quickly - I think you'd benefit by slowing it down a bit and taking your time and layering things in at a slower rate. Also, maybe a lead solo or something to that extent? Would be great. As it stands, it hits you kinda fast and doesn't last all that long! Still - awesome stuff!

  9. The Alpha storyline is really amazing, but the gameplay of both 2 and 3 is pretty broken and stupid at high levels of play -- mainly focused around using the custom combo activation to create unblockable situations and then infinite combos until you die (this is especially true of 3).

    My favorite part of Alpha 3 was the World Tour mode - I'd sink hours and hours into that game leveling up and customizing my favorite characters. The perks that let your gauges auto-fill or let you do all sorts of neat things we're really, really cool. I miss modes like this in fighting games. SFxT had something sorta similar with the gem mode, but it just wasn't good enough balance-wise or interesting/diverse enough. Maybe we'll get some RPG elements in SFV. :D

  10. I'm hoping SF5 will have less focus on really long link combos and intense technical execution, and get back to the SF2 style of play... less about FADCs and extremely tight timing, and more about your tactics + strategy. Wishful thinking though.

    I never thought SF4 was all that extreme, especially considering some of the other games out there... (MvC? Skillgirls... the list goes on)That being said - I totally agree. I hate when an execution or timing barrier inhibits a player from really getting into the game or doing what he wants to. It feels less like your fighting against your opponent and more against the game.

    I need to go play some more 3rd strike <3

  11. http://zirconmusic.com/ultimate-kickstarter-guidebook/

    Zircon wrote a book about a good year-ish? ago on Kickstarter campaigns and how to run them, I picked it up because I was thinking of doing one awhile back on a whim.

    The information within completely changed my mentality about kickstarter and caused me to wait a few years to better prepare myself. The most important thing I took away from the book was that you absolutely *must* have a large group of people willing to donate to and spread the word about your kickstarter when it launches, otherwise its dead in the water and once that happens its almost impossible to get funded, because even if anyone DOES hit up your page and is interested, they'll see that no one has donated, and.. this completely stops them from donating for a large number of reasons.

    There's a lot more in the book, but yea. I'd guess that's your problem - the actual product is not quite as important is you think.

  12. Thanks in advance for listening, I'm excited to post something here again... it's been forever!

    Hey man, long time no see ^_^ Hows things? Let me post some feedback:

    - The atmosphere right off the bat deserves special mention. Theres a clean crisp, almost refreshing vibe this song give off, and it just drips stylistically throughout the entire playthrough. Awesome and amazing choice of sounds - It is beautiful. Are you using samples? what Library? Gimme the info :)

    - Things to progress a bit slowly for my tastes, once you tweak it, I might have a different opinion - but I feel like i'm waiting a bit too long for the next 'thing' to happen. I think mixing up your drum patterns and adding some more bits will help this a lot.

    - The Transition that hits @ 2:55 really rubs me the wrong way for some reason - Something about that bass note just hits me oddly - Idonno, im being very picky I guess - but it feels off and doesn't mesh with the rest of the track!

    - Not sure how I feel about the tempo shift and the drums picking up - It works :) I'd love to see a dedicated lead make an entrance somewhere. Still, awesome stuff

    Amazing work, keep us posted when you finish this up!

  13. Hey everyone, I wanted to announce a new album of mine just got released over on OCRecords!! It's basically an entire 'SID' themed chiptune album.

    You can purchase the album on OCRecords:


    Album Teaser



    Awhile ago I landed a small freelance job doing some music for a vita game that celebrated each generation of console, I was responsible for the SID segment of the game. I kinda fell in love with the track I wrote for the game, and decided I wanted to turn it into a full on album. About a solid year later, here we are! Comments and Feedback are absolutely welcome - thank you all so much for checking it out :)



  14. I've had this song idea sitting around as a rough sketch on my hard drive for about 9 years. I'm pretty sure that it's not up to the OC Remix quality standards, but I promised myself I would at least get some feedback after turning this old idea into a full song.

    As someone with relatively demanding musical taste and relatively low skill, I've gotten pretty much incapable of constructive, objective feedback for myself.

    Hey man! I've recently covered this theme myself! (

    ) Gotta love Sakura - its one of the funnest themes in Street Fighter History! So, I'd be more than happy to give you some feedback on this one!

    - Overall this isn't half bad. I agree that it wouldn't pass the judges, but its certainly better than some of my early work. The mixing and composition is pretty respectable, with some standout moments (like 1:50? Awesome!)

    - I'm not sure what you are using for samples, but certain aspects of the mix are held back simply by your synth choices. I'd even go so far to argue that its the single biggest limiting factor. The mixing isn't bad, and your composition never hits any off bits, and there are some highlights along the way but ultimately, I feel like its a samples issue.

    - Try to find some better quality samples. (Zebra2 and Nexus2 are two of my current favorites, but hunt around - there are literally hundreds of places to find new sounds!) Your pads, arps, and background synth effects sounded the best of what you had, the lead and bass we're probably the weakest elements. Play around and try to find something that sounds a bit better overall.

    - Another big trick is layering. Rather than having a single 'lead' synth instrument, try having a few and blending the levels to create a unique sound.

    - The 'Woosh' sound that hits at 2:03 and several other times during the mix is being completely overused. I used to be very guilty of doing this exact same thing. The best advice I can give you is to not rely on a single 'effect' to mix up your drum patterns and instead play with your drums a LOT more. Your drums and percussion is another big thing holding this back, drums need to change more and become more dynamic. Right now it works and it sounds okay, but after awhile things tend to get boring because its just not changing enough. Your Kick sample is solid, but Im not much of a fan of your hihat samples.

    - The part that hits at 1:50 is freaking' awesome. It's a bit limited by your samples, but it's one of the coolest parts of the mix and I'd love to see it expanded upon!

    - Overall? Not half bad at all :) Keep at it.

  15. Surprised this doesn't have a bit more attention - this is great and deserves a bump! Firstly, you have some fantastic samples at work here. The reverb and instrument placement sound good. The mood is established very well, probably the best part of the track is its tone and direction. At certain points I would appreciate a slight bit less reverb, or perhaps some lower volumes, but overall? very good. I would like to see a bit more definition with some of the lead instruments as the song develops - things tend to stagnate a bit as the song progresses, it feels like wonderful background music!

    For what its worth, I have trouble picking out the song of storms or requiem of spirit. The song feels influenced by Zelda, for sure - but I can't really pick out any of the direct themes, In general - it feels really original, perhaps too much so for a 'remix'. Still, awesome job and great track.

  16. Hey there! Pretty neat cover. One of the better boss themes in my mind. Playing is good, the arrangement is super faithful, maybe a bit too much! Still, things overall sound good.

    I'm not a huge guitar guy, so take my advices with a grain of salt! Samples aside, the drums sound good. Sometimes the rapid fire kicks that hit at like 1:02 get a bit muddy - maybe a sample issue or some reverb going on? hard to say. I also feel like the bass is very slightly too prominent and the lead could be brought out a bit more - especially on the high end. It sounds ... just very slightly muted with the way the EQ/Mastering is working. Try bringing out the high end a bit!

    Lastly, this needs a proper ending and a sweet solo section, but other than that? not bad at all! A good listen for sure.

  17. How in the world does that work? Is that even legal? Are the games part of the laws of that universe or is it a societal artifact?

    And congradurations! May you two have a wonderful life. :nicework:

    Basically, the 'god' of the the place forbids all hostile conflict of any sort. Any kind of conflict must be resolved through a game. Basically a god keeps everything and everyone in check. It's really, really interesting.

    Thanks for the blessing - we've been together for a very long time, so its business as usual for us :P Though we did have a pretty awesome video game themed wedding. Check out the cake:


  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8md9dNe37NU

    Me and the wife (Woo-hoo! Just married!) just finished watching 'No Game No Life' on Crunchyroll. We both went into it not expecting much and were pretty surprised. It's a bit heavy on the fanservice, but the concept is really interesting and the writing is solid. Episode 6 is the probably the highlight of the series thus far.

    General plot is that a world that exists where 'games' determine the outcome of everything. Need money? play a game for it. Kill someone? play a game for it. The story centers around a male/female duo that are 'really' good at games, and get sucked into the world. Definitely worth checking out.

  19. Duude. This is nice. I was wondering what was up until 39 seconds in.. then Wow. What an awesome groove. Great concept and good execution. It sounds dreamy and epic at the same time. So great. Your mixing and production sound really solid too - nice touches all over the place.

    Is there a project for Yoshi's Island? There should be - the music is awesome and kinda forgotten in the community it feels like.

    I don't really have much to offer in the way of critique - your pacing is just spot on. Awesome job on this - I could just jam to this for hours.

  20. This deserves a big ol' bump because it needs some attention. Really really neat take on an over-covered classic. The soundscape is really interesting and it feels intentional in all the right ways. The amounts of reverb on various instruments, the mixing in general is just great. I love the vibe and flow of the track. Excellent work.

    I feel your drum patterns might be a little *too* sparse in some areas. Some mastering and general EQ work could go a long way towards polishing things up and making it sound even better. Love the lead synth when its being played. Things do get a bit stagnant towards the middle half, but some interesting instrument choices usually spice things up enough to keep my attention. I'd love to see things have a bit more direction too - you follow the original pretty faithfully - I'd love to see some original stuff worked in as well.

    All things considered, this is a nice little gem in the WIP section. Nice work man.

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