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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. 7 minutes ago, Neblix said:

    I think what he's saying is that the advantages gained by taking the risk to use the move are not really worth the risk and that there are more optimal move sets to use that yield better results in most cases. As the article noted, even if you do land the parry, what does that gain you?

    There are benefits to landing one successfully, there are some limited uses, and I don't think the move is bad - not at all - in general and online play, sure - but when you face an opponent who knows the game inside and out - I strongly feel like the move is just too dangerous to use. And I was more curious if we will see any Ryu or Ken in high-level tournament play - I feel like they are in rough shape. Will be curious to see how they evolve.

  2. On 3/7/2016 at 0:45 PM, Neblix said:

    I don't see the parry as gimmicky, in fact it's easier to execute now than it was in Third Strike, now that it doesn't require forward movement (expressly walking into an attack instead of blocking it), can be mashed (trying to mash parry in Third Strike makes you just go forward a bunch) and can still parry multiple hits in a row. It's kind of something you can just intentionally "do" now instead of only having it work when you actually land it.

    I actually think I disagree with almost all of these points...


    This is a pretty good write up of it, but the biggest problem is that it's just not safe. If you wiff a parry in 3rd Strike by mistiming, there is a very small window where you are sliding your thumb back to block where you might get hit.

    In SFV, there are frames of animation that you get locked into... This is really, really bad - it makes the move very dangerous to use. You can even be counter hit if you mistime it poorly. I think it's simply to risky.



  3. I'm actually really curious to see where Ryu and Ken end up on a competitive level - this is the weakest the 'Shoryuken' has been in the series.... Ryu's parry is pretty gimmicky at best and Ken doesn't seem that amazing either. I don't have much trouble with either of them as Zangief.

  4. 1 hour ago, Garpocalypse said:

    I went full fight stick in 2007 and i'll never go back.  Much easier to be consistently accurate with the inputs and vastly increases thumb longevity when you use the dead weight of your arm and minimal wrist movements to control the stick. It takes some practice to get used to and its a much higher initial investment but it's well worth it. 

    Trying to find out now if one of the sticks Hori made for the PS4 also works on the PC.  Even if it requires a workaround like controller mk i'm ok with it since everything should be digital anyways. At worst though I guess i can suck it up and go with a madcatz stick... if i have to... 

    It'll be a few more weeks until I get the game.  In the process of buying a new audio pc (That also plays games!).  once it gets built i'll have a better idea of when i can join in but i will definitely be keeping my eye on the game.  

    Maybe it's because I main grapplers, but I feel like I have better precision with a pad. The whole 360' motion. I will say, shoulder buttons can be a bit annoying.

    Adjusting to Ziefs air SPD has been a bit rough though.The move gives him so many new options and ways to deal with air pressure.

  5. Am I the only one who's been enjoying his time with SFV? I guess I'll jot some thoughts so far:

     - Mechanically/Gameplay wise, I feel its a step up. I love the that the focus is less on execution, and more on reading your opponent. The whole crush counter dynamic is really well done, throwing out a blind shoryuken-type maneuver is the riskiest it has ever been. It's very easy to avoid/ignore vortex setups because of easy-access quick-rise.  Having good defense fundamentals and good poke is really, really critical in SFV.

     - I'm having no trouble with the graphics or lag. I have 2 mid-range pcs that don't have much trouble at all. Also, networking has been working pretty well for me, generally. I feel like I'm a bit lucky in this regard, as most everyone seems to be citing massive connection issues with the game.

     - It does feel unfinished, a lot of the menu options literally say 'this will be available for free come march/june' when you try to use them, but the core game is good, you have arcade, survival, vs, and online. That's enough to keep me happy for a few months!

     - Also, why is no one talking about the fact that for the first time in a capcom game since like... forever? You can BUY DLC with in-game currency? this is so huge, and no one is talking about it.

     - There are controller issues on the PC, but joy2key has pretty much fixed every one of them for me - Definitely an annoyance, but a minor one.

     - The music is fantastic, i think. A lot of the themes are remixed, and its just a lot better than what I remember from 4.

  6. Hey there ! I can offer some feedback:

     - Great stuff - I really like the intro a lot, and yea - I'm right there with evktalo, it feels a bit sparse. It feels almost too tame - like your scared to dial things up - which leaves the mix sounding a bit uninspired. Don't be afraid to be brave with your samples. 

     - at about 1:10 in the mix, the piano has a pretty off note. It sticks out big time to me! Watch out for that! :(

     - Things don't change enough. Your instruments feel static. What about a sweet piano solo section, or a part where the bass gets crazy - things feel static. Mix it up! Literally!

    - I Absolutely LOVE what you do with the synth/chord addition @ 3:23 - its subtle but really well done - I'd love to see that come into the mix a bit earlier, and for you to build off of it - turn it into something more than the ending! 

    - Generally, I dig what you have so far, its a good listen. I think the structure of the song is too simple - wheres the climax? Wheres the building? It feels nice and chill, but it gets a bit boring. Looking forward to seeing the final version, hope the advice helps! 

  7. I'd be happy to post some thoughts for you!

     - So, the general vibe is awesome, its got a nice groove going, super upbeat, and definitely has some charm to it. Might not be the highest quality/sexiest synths... but it's straight infectious and it's really, really hard to avoid boppin' your head and getting into it, props on that.

     - Instruments and blending is pretty good. In general, highs and mids and lows sound great. Overall, It's a fun rockin' listen. The lead just rocks.

     - The mix feels very repetitive - the lead is always repeating the same few notes, the drums and sfx you layer in help this a bit, but its not enough. Try playing with the melodies more. Think of it in terms of beginning -> buildup -> climax -> cooloff -> end.  your structure is just too similar throughout. It leads to me getting boards towards the end!

    Overall? it's a fun track that showcases some great fundamentals! I think the structure could use some help - it feels to similar.

    Hope it helps :D


  8. Hey there! I'd be happy to post some thoughts! For the record, I'm listening to the most recent version, and I have not heard the previous one.

     - The piano sounds alright, pretty and bright - I'd like to hear the mids and lows brought out a bit more - it feels light and soft and when the flute comes in, they tend to occupy the same space, and the mix comes out feeling like a bit much on the high end.

     - The passage that starts @ 1:09 is very pretty - it's one of the highlights of the track for me. Again, I feel like the mids and lows need to be tweaked a bit.

     - A few off/sloppy notes, but generally a good listen all around, the song has a lot of heart and is really pretty, but the mixing can be pretty rough in certain areas, at some points the flute is so loud and bright that it gets a bit painful for me on headphones, that's saying a lot because I'm usually the guy that makes that very mistake! Try toning the flute down through some of the louder areas of the track.

    Hope it helps!

     - Dusty

  9. 1: Why, if applicable, don't you comment on new mixposts on OCR?

    2: How do you suggest the number of reviews is brought back up again?


    For question 1:

    1. Less time to spend listening to other peoples work, unfortunately.
    2. Don't have as many personal connections as i used to on the site. If i know the person that posted the mix, significantly more interested in listening/commenting.
    3. If you make it onto the site, the mix is probably awesome and worth listening to, so I don't feel like feedback is needed at that point. I still listen to most of the new mixes.

    For question 2:

    1. When the song gets posted, it could be posted with all of the information that the judges talked about, might spark some conversation and debate. Would be great to actively discuss the track WITH the judges. It can sometimes feel very one-sided.
    2. Featured Comments - you could feature well-made, insightful comments that individuals make about a particular track. Could have its own section on the main page to encourage people to actively comment and get featured.


    I think DJP has the right of it, all of those things will help the comments.

  10. Has anyone mentioned SOMA yet? It's an incredible experience. It reminds me of System Shock 2 from my childhood - that game scared me like no other, SOMA feels the same in a lot of ways, even though its not exactly the same genre!


    Wife got me a PS4 for our first anniversary, so we recently finished Until Dawn (switched controllers between chapters!) - kept about 75% of the cast alive, and we decide to go through the chapters and try to keep them all alive only to find out the game crashes if you try to 'fix' the story without playing all the way through the game again. We called it a quits immediately after having it crash twice in a row on a particular late-game chapter :(


    Also, game needs a run/cutscene skip button after you beat it the first time.

  11. Blazblue, persona 4 arena, and guilty gear xrd have RPG modes, FYI. (Almost just said pserona 4, which IS and RPG =P)

    As far as capcom though, umvc3 has a card mode where you can make crazy changes. Other than that there hasn't been much.

    As for captain commando, while I think he needs to come back somewhere, I don't think its SF4 he fits more in Vs Titles. But I'll be a little steamed if haggar doesn't get in. Even side characters of final fight have gotten in SF before him.

    I've been looking for a reason to pick up a copy of P4A, I had no idea there was an RPG mode! I Will look into it, as I am a huge Persona fan...


    ... After I finish playing with MKX. ^_^'

  12. Been looking for something new to do music-related. I'll take a look and see if I can get into one of the tracks, I was a huge sucker for the Skull Girls music, but it's been forever. If I get inspired, I can have a track done in a day or so, so maybe you'll see an email from me! Goodluck either way.

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