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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. Wooooow, that looks terrible. Graphically and animation-wise. Did that bow-wielding rogue try to shoot an arrow at the player while facing away from them? Why are the animations so hilariously and cartoonishly fast? Why does the close combat look like it plays even clunkier than Skyrim?

    The designers are trying to do to much with the combat, and its really obvious. They want to keep the heart of 'Elder Scrolls' combat alive and allow that combat system to function in an mmo environment. They also are drawing inspiration from a lot of the newer mmo combat systems that employ 'active' combat (where standing in one space and just hitting abilities gets you killed.) This is a huge trend lately, and I like it for the most part.

    Anyway, the end result is a hot mess. :(

  2. I've talked with a few close friends who are in the beta and all feedback i've received is overwhelmingly negative. They did a 'watch us play' video to showcase the engine a few months back too, It looked abysmal to me. I have to say, this is looking to be a gigantic flop before we even get into pricing models.

    Edit: Here's the link to the footage. It's old, but yea... Skip to 6:30 and watch the combat unfold.. :(

  3. I'm not trying to theorycraft here. I just don't really fear him at all. I've seen well-fed Nasus' or Tryndamere steamroll a team, but not Jax, because there are too many ways to shut him down. His winrate also does not suggest a particularly OP champ.

    Jax used to be insanely good - but they changed him a lot - back when they remade his counter strike? A lot of players felt he was overnerfed, as I recall but I think he's pretty well balanced now.

    I definitely think he's threatening, but not busted. In terms of that 'Bruiser/Carry' role, I find myself the most scared of Riven. Doubly so when she gets fed. I've seen a well-played Riven end so many games.

  4. Support: Currently, this role can be very variable. Good supports now tend to be on the tanky side with the ability to CC and lock down hard, to compliment an aggressive carry. This CC can be used not only to initiate, but also peel or counter initiate.

    S Tier: Thresh, Nami, Taric, Lulu, Annie, Blitzcrank

    A Tier: Sona, Leona, Fiddlesticks, Janna, Zyra

    Situational: Soraka

    I almost exclusively main support, and I think Leona is a step above most supports right now. I would replace Nami with her.

    That being said, I think its less about tier lists and more about matchup potential. The gameplay changes way to much based on who you are playing against. You know how in fighting games, they do those big charts with x/10 wins for a given character against another, like.. say Zangief should win 7/10 matches against Chun Li because of how he's balanced against her? I'd LOVE to see something like that for LoL.

    Here we go, like this: http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/7180/k04.png

  5. Hey guys, just wanted to post a thread about a remix I finished up awhile back. One of my stronger works as of late, though a bit too different for the site, I would love some more feedback and opinions of the mix.

    A more electronic take on the Iconic 'Fear not this night' theme by Jeremy Soule. One of my absolute favorite tracks from Guild Wars 2. I thought the chord progression and lead would lend itself really well to this sort've an arrangement, and I had a *lot* of fun playing around with the lead in the 2nd portion of the song. It's also worth noting that the introduction is pretty orchestral, and I keep a lot of those elements throughout for a pretty interesting soundscape. In the end, it kinda reminded me of snow for some reason; thus the title.

    Flurry of Snow Youtube Link:

    Direct Download:


    Original Source:

    Hope ya dig~


  6. Hey guys, I'm having a particularly strange error on the forums I thought I'd share.

    Certain forum threads. Ones that get super big with discussions like the Tropes vs. Women (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43211) or the League of Legends Thread (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35500)

    It's browser specific, I'm running Firefox and when I click on any links associated with going to that thread, I get the following text instead:

    'Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8336 bytes) in /home/ocremix/public_html/forums/includes/functions_threadedmode.php on line 43'

    I'm sure this is local and on my end, but not entirely sure on how to fix it. It's worth noting the page loads fine on IE and Chrome, but I <3 my firefox - is there anyone who can tell me whatsup with this? Is anyone else having anything like this popup?

  7. I cancelled my WoW subscription today because Blizzard isn't releasing any further content patches leading up to Warlords of Draenor. I've had my eye on FFXIV for a while and am thinking about checking it out. What's the scoop on this game? Do most OCR folks have a specific server they're playing on?

    I am also so very close to giving it a try. Any server info would be greatly appreciated ^_^

  8. BTW guys you can already sign up for the Heroes of the Storm Beta if you check you Battle.net beta profile page. So do it! the game looks great. Raynor vs Diablo? Blackthorne vs Thrall? Preposterous! and utterly fun most likely!

    Pretty hyped for HotS!! I'm really happy they decided to take the genre into a new direction. Unique maps? new gold generation gimmicks? stronger emphasis on shorter gameplay? Definitely excited to see what they can do. I hope its deep enough to have a competitive scene.

  9. Also, K-Wix, would player housing really be that interesting to you? It's like; a house that you decorate? Not seeing the appeal, so I think i'm missing something and would like some clarification.

    I'm a sucker for cosmetics, and player housing is always seemed like a really awesome under-explored concept in the mmo space. Wildstar has some super innovative ideas on dealing with housing, actually! Check it:

    That being said, I just kinda threw the term out there. I'd need a big new feature to draw back into wow, the game feels way to old to me personally. I picked up Mists about 2 or 3 months into the release, and I couldn't really play the same game again. It's not really about housing per se - just about having something new enough to get me back into it.

  10. I'm excited about several things. First, the Blizzard moba. If it turns out to be as fun as hearthstone is then I'm totally in.

    Yes. Super excited to see some news about this. I have a lot of friends who are completely split on Dota2 and lol, most of them love blizzard, it'd be nice to be able to play with all of them again.

    Second, I'm really curious about the new WoW Expansion.

    I am genuinely surprised so many people are excited about the next one, or the game in general. It's really showing its age mechanically. Maybe they'll have a new feature or something big that will draw me in, liiike.. player housing? but if its just more content and a higher level cap, I wont be very interested. Also, Wildstar currently has all my mmo hype, I don't think I have any to spare! It looks incredible.

  11. Hey Anthony, I'll post some thoughts for you ^_^

    - The intro is solid, the ambience, thick reverb, and layering of sounds all do a good job of putting the listener into a nice mood. The beginning is a pretty good take on a classic.

    - Your lead synth is nice, at times it can feel muddy or sloppy, but it lends itself well to the mood of the track and sounds ok.

    - The reverb is thick and juicy, This is helpful because it creates a nice thick atmosphere for you to layer sounds into, but there is such a thing as too much verb' and certain sounds can feel muddy and drowned out.

    - The biggest issue I have is that the song doesn't really go anywhere, or progress past the nice intro. Sure, you have the lead doing some interesting things and occasionally there is a new drum bit to be found, but you could *easily* cut the length by 50% and have the listener end up with the same experience. I think you need to flesh out your ideas, develop the song more, and just do more in general with it. The ambient reverb is nice for building atmosphere, but if you don't do anything with it, it feels hollow and empty. That being said, I would love to see where you could take this.

    Hope it helps


  12. I thought i'd share a story about a ranked experience I had recently.

    I've been up to Gold in S2, but mostly hover in the Silver 1-4 Territory, I haven't been playing much ranked lately, I don't honestly take it all that seriously. I'm a solid player with a good understanding of the fundamentals and I play an amazing support. I usually solo queue as a support in Ranked. It's increadibly challenging to build up trust with your ADC within the first 10 minutes of the match. It's also very rewarding.

    Games feel difficult, sometimes a good player makes it easy, sometimes a bad player makes it hard. That being said, I've always felt I had to work hard to move up in the brackets, until this one experience happened... It felt very odd.

    A friend I know irl recently got turned onto the game, he's been playing for a few months, and is ranked Bronze 5. Suffice to say he's not very good. Not godawful, but just barely scratching the surface of the fundamentals of the game; no concern for lategame vs earlygame, just knows how to lane decently, knows how to last hit. knows the roles, more or less. He really, really wanted me to Duo with him for ranked games, I was a bit apprehensive, because of his skill level, but I figured one or two games couldn't hurt. (I was Silver 3 at the time, He was Bronze 5)

    .. We ended up playing for like 6 hours and winning every *single* game. I lost track of how many games we played, but he made Bronze 3 by the end of our marathon, and I was in my finals, winning the first of 3. It was painfully obvious how bad my competition was.. like, every game it was almost painful to watch. The ADCs would just auto attack and push the lane. (My ADC would do the same, unless I instructed otherwise, which usually resulted in them getting angry.) It made me wonder how effective Duoing with a 'low ranking' partner would go. The difference in skill was absolutely tremendous.

    Has anyone else had any experiences like this, or tried to play the matchmaking system to their favor by partnering with a Bronze 5?

  13. I've been enjoying it thus far. Gameplay is great, the references are fantastic and over the top. I feel the story is a bit.. rushed this time around? I'm not very far into the game, but so far, i like SR3s story better, though this one definitely has its moments and its fair share of charms.

    Like the Dubstep Gun. It is so absolutely fun to use, and (like all guns in the game) can be upgraded. I expected some neat new effects, what I did NOT expect was the song that the gun 'plays' to CHANGE as you upgrade the gun. It's pretty hilarious. Nice touch Volition~

  14. Seeing as half of your bar skills are bound to the weapon you're using, you really need to have most of your class's arsenal on hand to get past that feeling.

    With my ranger (first character and main) I played through most of the open world content with shortbow/longbow with some greatsword on the side; while this was a perfectly functionable loadout, I wasn't really having fun with the combat until I added [shortsword, dagger/warhorn/torch] and [axe, axe] loadouts; having all of those extra skills available for switching up relieved a lot of the tedium I was experiencing with combat. There may be an "optimal" loadout for maximum DPS, but using that loadout all the time is boring as hell.

    In addition to this, coming up the pipeline for future combat updates, ANet is planning on adding additional (utility?) skills for sideways progression.

    Not to derail the thread or anything, but yea - I can totally see where your coming from, and if you want to explore all the weapon paths, there is a lot of skills to dabble with - my main beef (and this is just me, I'm kinda picky about this sorta stuff I guess) is that I really like to focus on a specific type of weapon. Each weapon in GW2 is usually 'better' at a given style of play than another one, this really bothered me, because if I wanted to play a Knight that specialized in the Great Sword, I didn't really get to choose how I wanted to play my character, I just got.. 5 abilities and played with those 5 no matter what. I much preferred the original Guild Wars way of doing abilities, let me choose my weapon, and give me a wide assortment of abilities to choose from so that I can customize my playstyle the way I'd like. You could do crazy builds and have a lot of fun with the system. but again, this is just my beef :) If they ever release an expansion that introduces more weapon skills and a way to choose between them, I will be back in a heartbeat :)

  15. I don't believe it's as big of an issue with design so much as it is an issue with culture.

    Pretty much this exactly. The tools for online communication have always been there, and only seem to get more robust with each iteration of mmo. I feel like the playerbase has changed tremendously because of wow and its success. The average MMO player is *completely* different then who he/she might have been many, many years ago.

    It's true there were some pretty big issues with getting groups for less current dungeons or group quests before the LFG tools were implemented. But I think the solutions implemented have been merely band-aid on what is fundamentally flawed design. The whole "stepping stone" design of leveling throug a ton of zones and dungeons in the world and then never having any reason to visit them again were starting to show its problems already during The Burning Crusade, with old zones, dungeons and raids turning into uninhabited wastelands. And it was made even worse by the instant teleportation to instances, making people flock to the cities. They solved the old dungeons never being visited, but that was harshly at the expense of the world itself. I think it really needs to be designed in such a way that there should be a meaningful way for players to be out in the world and play with eachother, regardless of what level they are.

    Gecko - for what its worth, a LOT of the problems I see you describing GW2 did a pretty admirable job of fixing, it plays different then just about any mmo on the market - I humbly suggest you give it a try. That being said - I couldn't bring myself to play the game for that long - It gets old and there's no sense of progression. I always hated having 35+ skills in wow until I was stuck with 5 or 6 in Guild Wars 2 for the entire game.

  16. I think that's part of a larger problem that's holding back video games, where people have a very narrow and stunted view on what defines a narrative or story in a game. In the case of MMOs, the entire point is that they are social games where you find people and do shit together. The world should be designed to encourage and enable those kinds of situations.

    Instead, there's been an increased focus on shoehorning single player tropes into them, together with the convenience of playing the game without needing to interact with the other players around you. Since this is the playstyle most people end up gravitating towards due to the sheer convenience, it mostly ends up feeling you're playing in parallel with others rather than together with them, and that's a feeling I hate in multiplayer games. As the genre at large has entrenched etself in these paradigms, I've seen a lot more people starting to complain about this.

    I'm not so sure that MMOs have really been moving that direction though; sure - single player content is there, I think most players have the assumption at this stage that you can 'solo' your way to maximum level - that's pretty standard fare because of wow, and will continue to be for generations because of the games popularity. That being said, take a look at Guild Wars 2 - a good chunk of the world content is designed so you can't tackle it solo. Anywhere I go, I'm pushed into grouping and partying with dozens of strangers. Most of the content of that game is definitely designed with multiplayer in mind. 'Convenience' though - thats another topic all together, MMOs are casual friendly, and I'm so torn on this issue because I love a good challenge, and I feel like most MMOs are sincerely lacking on the challenge these days, on the flip-side, I have a fiancee who loves to experience these games with me, but just isn't as skilled as I am because she didn't invest years of her life into gaming like I did.

    On the subject of EQN, I didn't watch the feed, but caught a lot of the news posts and video links - The visual style really surprised me, I don't really care much about destructible environments, and feel like its the WRONG gimmick to focus on. They're going to need a lot more than that to make me want to play, right now - my hype is on Wildstar.

  17. i rarely play 'real' games now. aram is way more fun. it's awesome when you can get a strong team, but i struggle not getting someone being an idiot (teemo support for example) or just generally uncommunicative.

    When I play an ARAM game, I try to play champions unconventionally because its short and a great way to experiment and see which new ways you can push a given champions kit. I also encourage everyone on the team to do this as well, as it often leads to hilarious results. Sometimes good..othertimes, well.. lets not talk about my on-hit fiddle build.

  18. All this talk of online play just reminds me of trying to play Brawl online one day. After about 10-15 matches of freeze-frame gameplay, I gave up and never played another Nintendo game online since.

    Maybe... maybe the WiiU will change that.

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