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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. This is very nice mate. Really captured the anthemic nature of the originals. The horn section is very nice and the tempo changes are interesting. It's a very uplifting piece. The drums feel in a good place. Big and punchy without being too far forward, which is something you hear all too often.

    Perhaps the main top line synth is a little repetitive and a touch too forward in the mix, but seriously, I'm being very pedantic here and don't want to take away from what's a very strong piece of work. Good stuff.

    I left the youtube playlist running. The following track (Kingdom Hearts)... Wow! What an intro! stuck this one out to the end. A lot of interest and diversity and dynamics in this one. Very nice stuff buddy.

    Your production style is very warm and soft and consistent across the two tracks I listened to. Hats off to you :-D.

    Thank you very much for the kind words. I was hoping to get some feedback on this piece and have been waiting for awhile now. Sincerely appreciated.

  2. Bump. Any feedback is good. I'll take comments ranging from

    1) You suck.


    2) It's awesome please submit it.

    Thanks again.

    Heya - I'd be happy to offer some thoughts for ya.

    1.) Intense. The drum patterns are extremely chaotic. I get the feeling your going for, but you might want to relax a bit - especially in the intro segments, its almost jarring. Another big thing is that its very difficult to tell the source material until that lead kicks in at about 1 minute in.

    2.) Production sounds alright, It just sounds a bit to extreme/chaotic for my tastes - and it may indeed be a taste thing, but I'd really suggest relaxing a bit on the crazy patterns.

    3.) The mix begins to feel very repetitive after multiple listens. The lack of a defined and unique lead paired with a constant barrage of bass and effect hits is what keeps this feeling going - It might be to your benefit to think more in terms of what 'part' of the song your in. Instead of just writing music and keeping things going, try to think of what part of the song your in and have that influence your writing. Intro -> Chords -> Buildup -> Climax -> Chill segment -> more building ect ect...

    4.) Some of the effects work is great, there's lots of subtle touches to the effects and processing that help it sound good, but it needs more focus and direction. Keep practicing. ^_^

    Hope it helps :)


  3. Hey guys, new remix to share! This is an electronic remix of the fan-favorite Rose theme from Alpha 3. This song doesn't get the attention it deserves in the mixing community so I wanted to give it some love. Epic electronic motifs with some thick orchestral layers give it a unique sound with some epic climaxes.

  4. Me and the fiancee quickly beat the game when it was first released and haven't touched it since, I enjoyed it decently enough. Now I'm seeing everyone talking about how much better it is now vs how it was terrible when it released. Can anyone give me a basic rundown on what has changed that has so drastically swayed everyones opinions? If we were to dive back into the expansion, whats the biggest change(s)?

  5. Uhm... he only got 1 wrong.

    Very surprising. I looked at deaths more than anything else. Trying to estimate the length of the game was also a big factor.

    The longer a game goes, the more swingy it becomes, regardless of how well you do. And yea, if you died a lot - it shows that there was probably poor teamwork. Most of my deaths (in solo play) are because I'm expecting my teammates to do something, be it assisting/peeling/running and they do the opposite. Poor teamwork = loss.

  6. Hey guys, new mix!

    This is a remix of the Rainbow Road themes from both the N64 and Mario Kart 7 3DS versions. The mix blends the two themes in a orchestral/spacey/electronic tone with a positive and uplifting vibe. Rainbow Road is one of my all-time favorite themes and I've been wanting to work with it for a very long time.

    Enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged! ^_^


    Skybound Remix:

  7. I finished this one due to the being snowed in today. The game is amazing.

    + Fantastic Paper Mario style combat.

    + Authentic look and feel of the series, It's essentially like watching one giant episode of south park that stars you as the central character.

    + It is extremely funny. I haven't laughed this hard at a game in a very long time. I promise you - the comedy will not disappoint you one bit.

    + Canada. Oh my god. Canada.

    Now for the bad...

    - Much like Paper Mario, I feel the combat can get a bit repetitive and suffers from being a bit simple; the overall balance is good.

    - There are a few overpowered items that show up every once in awhile, you get a helmet sorta early on that allows you to take a free turn after killing a single enemy. This can be chained infinitely, I played the mage and was able to just.. not give enemies a turn at all, though this strategy fails at boss fights, still - very exploitable in some ways.

    - The difficulty of the game in general is pretty low. I think I died maybe once while playing through the game, If your looking for challenge - you'll find a bit, but for the most part, its pretty darn easy.

    - It's pretty short. I took my sweet time and finished up most of the side quest work (but not all!) I ended up finishing at about 13 hours or so? for $60, I wish it was longer.

  8. Hey man! I absolutely adore UN Squadrons OST, glad to see more people doing remixes of it - I'd love to get a remix project started for this game.

    But anyway, there are some neat foundational ideas here.

    - The intro is far and away the best part to me, I'd suggest extending it and taking some time to layer the drums in as the song moves along. Keep things dynamic and work on your drum patterns to make sure they don't sound repetitive.

    - The lead instrument sounds pretty neat, I feel like you could use a few more layers to support it.

    - I feel the weakest part of the mix is the ending, probably just the unfinished bits, but when everything cuts towards the end, it takes away, i'd suggest a different transition entirely.

    hope it helps!


  9. lee sin can do everything, really really well. he can support, he can tank, he can ad carry, he can bruiser, he can jungle, he can assassinate. he can do most of these from roughly the same build.

    he's broke as shit, dude, and it's time someone fixed him. dunno if how riot's doing it is the right way, but he desperately needs to be tuned. the biggest thing that needs to change is that the feeder sin is always your top lane, and the fed sin is always their jungle. fix that and he's actually more balanced.

    I'm 100% with prophetik on this one. I haven't seen the proposed changes yet, where are you guys getting this? But I sincerely think his mid/early-game needs to get changed. He gains too much power off a few kills.

    He's one of those go-to champions in soloq that one skilled player can straight up end a game with because he farmed off a few bad players. Khazix is the other one, I hope they change him as well. I routinely ask for both of them to be banned in my soloq games, and 9 times out of 10, the entire team disagrees with me and bans Mundo.

  10. The new AP/Poke support item is pretty nuts on Xerath in the support role. I'm good enough with skill-shots that I can land a fair chunk of them, and I'm just blowing people out of lane and single-handedly winning my lane for the ADC with a full AP-Burst rune page. The new activated ability is very, very strong for disengage as well. 80% slow is huge. Combine that with his built in slow/stun and I find that I have plenty of tools to 'save' the ADC in a 2v2 scenario.

    The changes to Dorans Shield and the Support Shield make it easier than ever to pull this sort've stuff off in a lane comp too, though you are still fairly weak against strong 'all-in' gank types. I'm really really happy with this patch. Would love to find a good ADC to test this more with, most of my ADCs so far have been passive and wont engage when we're at full health and they are at 25% health.

    I hope we see more of a shift away from the 'tanky-cc-support' meta that's been pretty common lately.

  11. Random late night theorycrafting: wouldn't it be cool if Runaan's Hurricane had an active ability? I was thinking something that would push enemy champions within ~150 units (or so) away, by maybe 200-300 units. The issue with Runaan's, among other things, is that you have to be close to use it. AD carries generally don't want to get in close, because they don't want to get jumped on. An active ability like this could be used to instantly get people off your back and let you get in 1-2 more shots (or run away). But the item would still be sub-optimal for damage, and a situational pick.

    It definitely needs something. The nature of the item lends itself well to an on-hit build. I wonder if a new ADC item that has a potent and powerful on-hit effect could make Hurricane more viable. As for the pushback, its a neat idea and would make playing ADC in the current meta a lot easier, ESPECIALLY in soloq, where you are so dependent on your team for the battlefield control.

    It would be really cool to have an item with an effect that states: 'Your next auto-attack stuns the target for 1 second' on like a 60 second cooldown, and combining the effect with Runaans you could stun a potential 3 enemies. This would also provide some huge breathing room to the ADC.

  12. Eight game losing streak. I hate this game sometimes. Every game I've DOMINATED my lane... roamed, helped other lanes, done objectives, etc. But for some reason in these last EIGHT GAMES I've had people so terrible, SO incredibly bad, that they throw our leads no matter how far ahead we are. I'm talking like going 6/0 in mid or at bot, pushing tower, pushing OTHER towers, getting dragons, and still losing because people are so atrocious at decision-making that they get caught and die over and over and we lose.

    Just venting. I don't belong in Silver II.

    I am just 100% so completely with you. I've lost the last 7 games, and usually straight up decimate my lane.

  13. That's the question -- why don't you remix new or modern VGM? It seems for the most part that people remix music that is nostalgic for them, and that's great too but it shouldn't be the only remixing focus. Is remixing modern stuff too difficult because of how much larger VGM has gotten?

    What do you guys think?

    I will just ask please don't post hyperbole like "new VGM isn't good". That's the farthest thing from the truth.

    Just wanted to point out I have a pretty awesome Guild Wars 2 remix that sank like the Titanic on the WIP Forums. In my opinion, a lot of people listen to video game remixes for a nostalgia trip. People are going to be inherently more interested in a Final Fantasy remix than something from a more modern game. I don't think it has anything to do with the actual music itself, more-so just the feelings and emotions attached to the music.


  14. * If we ARE all on the same page, then this should cut down some extraneous voice chatter as well and leave the lines open for important calls etc. Sometimes a split second makes a big difference and being able to hear/say that stuff is crucial.

    This is one of the biggest problems I see with the team when I play, Everyone seems like a solid player, but people disagree a lot on objectives/what-to-do next sorta stuff. There's also a lot of 'I expected you to do X, but you did Z' things as well, but that will go away with time and as players learn each others skillsets and attitudes towards the game.

    I think my favorite thing that I see out of everyone is how in-depth the analysis is on each matchup. There's definitely an insane amount of strategy-talk that goes on before each match, even the casual ones.

  15. On the support side, I really prefer Leona & Thresh supports. Blitzcrank is good too if you can get reliable hooks. If you can't, it's problematic. Other good supports IMO are Nami and Lulu for their safety and team utility. I am not as big a fan of Sona, Soraka, Janna in this meta. Taric is solid but doesn't offer the AOE CC and pressure of some others. Not a fan of Annie support either as she gets bursted down fast.

    I need to introduce you to Support Mundo.

  16. Yea, I just finished remixing this theme myself not to long ago (see below!), and I can't pick out the source tune even a little bit. Some weird stuff compositionally going on @ 1:12 and 2:35. Some muddled chords that don't jive.

    I don't mind the strings and guitar - they sound nice enough, but the arrangement itself isn't interesting enough to hold my attention for very long. needs some new elements and a sense of direction. Nice first steps!

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