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Posts posted by k-wix

  1. All in all, it was good stuff. The animation short that plays before it is absolutely brilliant. As for the movie itself? There are lots of video game references but I feel the movie is strong enough to stand on its own without relying on them, so that's a good thing. The entire cast and music is pretty great, but in many ways I feel like it plays it a little to safe, I found myself wishing it would dive a bit deeper. That being said, overall it's a great film and one of the best video game movies ever made. Period.

    And yea, the residents of Felix's building are really hilarious with the animations.

  2. I was told my sub bass is muddy. I feel like my kick is bleugh as well. I don't plan on fixing this up any more than I already tried, because believe me I tried for a while, but I would like to know the production skills to truly take my production to the next level for the future.

    Neat stuff, i'll post some thoughts:

    - I have a LOT of experience with the originals, honestly - but I can definitely tell that this is the last battle theme. I like that you put a lot of uniqueness into the track itself, it's definitely been very thoroughly remixed. Nice.

    - There are definitely some sample issues about, your kick could use some work, the drum patterns in general feel like they hold the track back. Your synthwork is rock solid, but the drums feel very patterned in and generic. Going through and custom tailoring some bits would really help the track out in that respect.

    - The first minute of the track is the weakest in my opinion - I really don't think its bad, but it feels kinda hollow and empty, I'd love to see some background pads or something of that nature.

    - Your breakdown that starts at like 2:10 is the best part for me, that whole segment has an awesome building sensation and is really where the drums work the best. Nice. Even continuing on at like 2:50+ is really, really cool. Very creative to handle that part of the track.

    - Towards the ending, I start to get bored - things loop a little too often to my liking without enough changing. I'd consider shortening it up or redoing the ending to some extent. Maybe a more epic climax or something like that.

    Not bad at all, I do have some issues with the track, but awesome way to redo the original. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is a really good album. Even though there are a lot of artists on show here, the album feels pretty unified with a unique sound, so congrats on that. I'm curious how everyone came together to make it - was it just a word of mouth thing? Was there a thread I missed or something? Either way - nice work+grats to everyone involved!

    It's a little hard to pick favorites since I'm only on my second listen, but Shooting Star, Bubble Bath, & Pixel Sky are really, really awesome.

  4. Hello guys.

    I just finished writing the soundtrack to an indie iOS/Droid game that just released, and I wanted to show you guys! It's called Skyriders and it's like a puzzle/racing/platformer game. I tend to compare it to the likes of Audiosurf or Skyroads. It's very challenging, the gameplay is rock solid, and the level design is absolutely superb. The music is dynamic too - so it changes to some extent based on your performance.

    We are also seeing if we can get the game launched on Steam via Greenlight, so if you check it out and decide you like it, we really could use some support there.

    Trailer for the game:

    iOS store link:


    Droid 'Google Play' link:


    And here's a link the soundtrack on Bandcamp:


    Oh, and the greenlight page!


    Thanks in advance for taking the time to check it out, In many ways, this is my first 100% original game score, so I'd also love some feedback on that end, so far the reception is really positive.

    Here's some screenshots!



  5. Hey, nice sounds! Your 'synthetic orchestra' makes me jealous.

    - As far as the sounds go - this is amazing. Your percussion is fantastic. There are some odd bits where it feels like someone is just.. breathing heavily on a mic, right at the beginning and also once again towards the end. Intended? maybe so, but I just wasn't a fan.

    - Choirs! Your choir sounds okay, but it just feels a littttle to much in the background for my liking, I feel like that is the climax of the piece, and it needs to be brought out more, but you kinda hide it in the back, in some ways it makes it feel more realistic I guess, but that whole time I felt like I was struggling to hear the choir. Super minor and personal gripe, but hey - feedback is feedback.

    - From a compositional perspective, it feels like it sticks super close to the original (It's been awhile, so the theme is a little fuzzy), and while your instruments and actual soundscape is amazing, I honestly grow tired of the song after 1 or 2 listens - mainly because the song really doesn't change at all once things get established, your only major change is the choir. Maybe it was intended, but I'd love to see something new hit the song towards the mid section.

  6. Pretty cool stuff, I actually really like most of the transitions here. A few things I noticed while listening:

    - There are many times I wish you would bring the orchestral elements out a bit more and let them shine as much as the metal. This rarely if ever happens, but I think it would help provide some contrast - which is one of my bigger critiques with the piece, i mean - its a 5 minute mega-metal-medly, which is freakin' awesome..

    - However, things tend to start just droning on and on without much of a change. Things really start to pick up at 4:20ish, and thats the change of pace that's needed, but before that, during the mid section, things get a little stale.

    - I'm honestly not a huge metal fan - but this is genuinely enjoyable, so kudos on that! Nice guitar work all around. It's not the best or the cleanest ive heard, but everything sounds as it should.

  7. I'm posting this wedding OC ReMix list I made for our fan Christina back in May, because I saw @tehonebeast on Twitter about to play some of the community's tracks for another wedding. So here's a recommendation list.

    As someone who is just getting into the planning phase of a wedding - I was just getting ready to do something like this. Thanks Larry - this helps me out a ton.

  8. Hey Phonetic - I'll be happy to post some thoughts for you!

    - For the intro, I love the synth that starts things off, it really catches your attention and has a nice flow to it, I wouldn't mess with it. When the build hits though, I'm not really feeling that bass - it's just not deep or impressive enough, it feels like it falls flat. Drums seem okay here.

    - The build at 0:16 is good. The drums mesh well, and things have this nice building sensation, I like that, but I really don't like the drum that kicks things off @ 0:22 - just might be me being nitpicky though.

    - After things kick off, The bass sounds much better here, the drums are definitely passable in my book, None of the synths sound really bad and everything feels mixed decently. While I like everything in this section, I'll also say that nothing really stands out as super awesome. Try to find something to highlight. Also this goes without saying, but its super short right now :) I'd like to hear more.

    Hope it helps.


  9. Just started as the chick... I miss Siren's phasewalk, this whole levitate-in-place business is weak, especially when you've got a gun w/ long reload and have to swap out. Any opinions on Zero?

    PC here... BUT, tried playing w/ keyboard and mouse and it just wasn't happening for me. Switched to 360 gamepad, MUCH better. Sacrilege, perhaps, softcore, perhaps, but more fun. Also it auto-detected settings for my gtx680 as 1280x720 letterboxed, which I thought was... pessimistic.

    Sacrilege! Mouse & keyboard for life, sir.

    Phasewalk seems at its best when your in a big group setting, so everyone can hammer away at your incapacitated target, but yea - for the most part I agree.

    As for Zero, I found him to be stupid good for solo play. Find a high damage sniper rifle, poke from a distance until they get angry and come running, then switch to a shotgun and run and gun with melee attacks. Stay mobile and always be running towards a target. His special ability is basically a 'get out of jail free' card and has the side effect of letting him kill anyone he wants that is nearby, or really - far away if you want to use your sniper rifle.

  10. Requiem for a Damaged Spirit - wip 3

    Ok folks, here it is again. Incorporating everyone's comments (especially k-wix), I've made the ending part more epic. So epic in fact, and I like it so much now, that I added 8 extra bars of epic. So tell me, is it satisfyingly epic, or have I gone totally overboard?

    I added some extra reverb/delay to the bell lead. I also gave some extra attention to my compressors and master limiter and pushed up that gain. Please tell me if anything is too loud. Hear any clipping or distortion? I don't, but my ears are tired.

    No matter which way you look at it, in my book this is a better version. Especially from a compositional perspective, the song progresses more naturally and I finally have that 'epic' climax. Love the ambiance and mood of the track. Some other things of note:

    - Requiem is one of my all-time favorite Zelda medleys, and it's super hard to make a track that's based on such a short diddy, but I think you do a fair job of it here. Something to think about though: If you sat me down and played this song for me and asked me what game it was from, I would have no idea. This is good and bad, I love that you've taken the original and remixed it so thoroughly, however - I think many will have trouble placing the classic. Something to consider.

    - Climax is there, and it's much better, but I question your lead. It feels a bit too bright, happy, and even jumpy in some cases for this part of the track. You might have some luck trying a new instrument entirely, or maybe tweaking what you have. You could also try rewriting some of the notes and trying for a different vibe that way.

    - You do some sick things with the bass at about 1:25 but it's totally hidden because of your volume and layering. Don't be afraid to change things on fly to highlight that, it's one of the coolest parts of the track, yet I can barely hear it.

  11. Hey chimp. I'll post some thoughts for you:

    - Overall it's pretty solid. There's a lot of repetitiveness present in the track, but you keep things pretty fresh by having at least something different going on at most moments. Love that bass - especially in the intro.

    - It does feel a bit quiet to me in general. The overall volume feels like it could be increased. I was listening with a nice pair of headphones, and it just felt soft in volume compared to most other tracks.

    - I like the orchestral elements that sneak in towards the 2nd half and ending parts of the track, In general your instrument selection is solid and the samples are used well enough.

    - My biggest critique deals with the climax and overall flow of the track, to be specific, throughout the entire track - I really, really want it to reach this epic climax with a big drum change and something that really captures my attention - this would also make the mix feel a lot less repetitive. When you start layering in the orchestral elements, i get excited.. and you finally DO hit a climax at like 2:35 but its just not enough, the drums don't really change, things mostly stay the same - It's just not epic enough. That being said - I like what you have thus far.

    Hope it helps~

  12. Hey Drak, i'll post some thoughts for you:

    - I like your intro a lot. piano, bass, and drums all work pretty okay here. The first 5 seconds is a nice touch.

    - The synth that hits at 0:25 is a bit odd sounding. It fits well enough and honestly works, It's not bad or anything, just feels slightly out of place. I'd try experimenting with something that might fit a little better.

    - 0:47 marks the first spot that I really don't like. That piano just doesn't flow and ruins pretty much everything. Try something different.

    - You've got a good build going through the first half mark, Loving the synth at 1:29 - this is a lot better - your piano works better here too. My only criticism for this section is that pad that starts up @ 1:20 - It feels very 'washy/whispy' if that makes sense.

    - Not sure about the whole section that starts at 1:55ish. Feels plain and kinda boring. I completely loose interest in your track as this plays through... however -

    - You recapture it at 2:19 - The twin synth solo is super cool. I can dig this part. Unfortunately after that ends, you have this big stretch that starts at 2:44, and once again I get pretty bored. The piano just isn't cutting it, the composition itself isn't really that interesting, but I think whats really killing it here are the samples, they feel super dry and just don't flow.

    - Once you get into the final climax of the track, things pick up and start grooving again. Not a fan of the drum solo at the end, It feels kinda attached and takes way to long to end.

    - Overall this is alright in my book, I think your biggest issue is samples and synth work. The composition is alright. There are a lot of 'I like this -its fun to listen to' moments, which is great, but conversely, there are a lot of 'meh, this is pretty boring' moments. I'd suggest looking at those and consider gutting them or changing them up.

    Hope it helps. <3~

  13. Coming from Tera the graphics are definitely a step down and I'm really REALLY missing the visceral skill-based combat from that game compared to the cooldown-cycling of this game. I'm hoping that the game picks up when I get up to some of the big multiplayer instances but ehhh, I'm pretty lukewarm about this game at the moment.

    Guild Wars 2 has a lot more personality built into the world and areas, some of the vistas are stunning. I think Tera is gorgeous from a graphics perspective, but its pretty much all fluff. There's a lot more meat to guild wars world.

    On the subject of combat, It's really a matter of preference, As someone who played a ton of Tera pvp, the combat had it's moments, but I'll be the first to say, there was a lot of downsides to the 'action' style combat of Tera. Broken classes, Bad animations on certain abilities, cookie cutter builds, its all there. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand is like a really, really good mix of Tera and WoW combat. Guild Wars 2 also has a *much* better trait system, it lends itself to better and more balanced customization. By level 50, your pretty specialized and have a good feel for how all the weapons work. Another thing to consider is that every class in Guild Wars 2 is infinitely more varied than it's Tera equivalent. lots, and lots of ways to play each class.

    As someone who came from Tera, by level 15 I was feeling the precise same way, but now that I am level 58.. I enjoy this games combat so much more, its really surprising.

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