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Everything posted by Dissidia

  1. Note: this is not a remix. I just made this for fun in case none had heard the combination before. I know it's not perfect in terms of mixing and syncing but it's the best I could do.
  2. The rhythm is SO FFXI. It sounds nice. How the hell did you make this with Reason *shudder* xD
  3. Spitfire audio is coming out with their newest library Albion II http://www.spitfireaudio.com/ 245£ for 2 weeks introduction price. Unfortunately there isn't many demo songs out yet but you can check their youtube channel
  4. Rofl Square Enix how do you do it? Aahhahahaha I'm legitimately laughing right now ahahahaha. Ahahahahahahahahaha.
  5. Harbor really nails the feeling it's supposed to. To The Stars, I want to like it more than I do. Up to 1:13 it's really great. Then it feels a little aimless to me. Forward Motion is lovely. Lots of emotion. I was surprised that it didn't end on a happy note. A major chord would've been a nice finish.
  6. Bump, because can't have enough MQ remixes. I would like to remix it again when I have more experience.
  7. First thought. You really love your glockenspiel xD If you ever make full Ghibli song I want to hear it. I feel like you know your own style very well.
  8. Feel free to write anything that comes to mind. http://soundcloud.com/williamthurin/ceras-theme
  9. Yeah I have msn I'll PM you it.
  10. 2# song has a great melody. I dunno if it's just me but the bass is too much. 3# cool atmosphere, it sounds like a sneak song (think MGS) except the 2 melody lines that come in. I've never done a collab but I'm up for it. I use FL too.
  11. Yeah I know what you mean. When someone just used presets it can be bland. The Avengers movie was good though. PS1 had lots and lots of great OSTs. It even had a music making program: Music 2000.
  12. I see. I don't mind using presets if they are exactly what I was looking for but I will usually tweak them. I'm mostly saying n64 is overrated since I didn't grow up with it as much as PS1. I mean n64 DOES have Superman 64.
  13. Ahaha I hear that, the intro is the last thing I do. Ok I think I'll just keep it this way then. I don't want to spend more time on the last 2 bars than the rest of the song lol.
  14. The bass is a little too much since it's basically a stream of bass. The change at 1:05 is cool. Good choice of instruments and panning. n64 is over8ed, PS1 ftw. ;3
  15. The sound effects yes plez. And the reverse cymbal into no crash is refreshing.
  16. Don't tell me what I can't do! John Locke is cool, I haven't watched Lost but I saw a compilation video. It's sort of emotional once you know the character even if only a little.
  17. Thanks. Is this better? http://soundcloud.com/williamthurin/grave-situation Samplicity L-96 (free) convolution reverb on the drums. It still doesn't sound right to me, should the lengths be a quarter note longer?
  18. Should it be longer? Should it have more variation? Is the ending abrupt? Is the build up too fast? How is the mixing/mastering? http://tindeck.com/listen/htry
  19. Neblix: Thanks for the example picture and your input. The problem for me is that I can't have as many instruments loaded as I would like (cpu and sometimes ram limitation). Otherwise I would load a whole bunch of them and not use the ones that are in the template. I could load commonly used instruments (such as for Orchestra, that I have template for since it doesn't change much). (I have an all-round template that I start from which is Kontakt+16 midi outs with the automation knobs set up, adding Para EQ2 to every channel is probably a good idea since that's what I do every time anyways). Genre templates might be something I'll do. The main chore for me is naming the midi outs and the FL mixer names since for some reason you can't link the names from midi outs to the FL mixer?
  20. Setting up projects is the worst, naming channels and linking and grouping and all that then mixing and mastering is something I don't enjoy much either. Composing is what I truly enjoy.
  21. 20F 30 minutes to 3 hours (sometimes I do marathon and play for 5-12 hours). I don't really consider myself F or M but if it's for statistic purposes.
  22. http://www.g-sonique.com/shop.html Sale ends 15th August. There's demos to try them out yourself. Renegade is something I'll most likely pick up and possibly Pultronic-EQ110P
  23. I see, that's good to hear. I tried the library in a session on http://www.try-sound.com/ Dat lute. Might buy when I have the money for it seing as it's not that pricy.
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