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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Just so we are clear After this thread I played a quick game after almost a month away. And i realized it's actually a really fun game! ...compared to happy wars which a friend of mine tried to get me to play a few rounds of last night. but yea Vanguards. Over-friggen'-Powered!
  2. I haven't seen any of that but seeing someone try to votekick nonstop over an accidental death is as irritating as the worst kind of hell. Vanguards are horribly OP. To the point where there is no point in playing anything else but my main beef is that I like to get good at the things I do. Everyone is screaming about some kind of depth that's supposed to be in the swordfighting in this game but all i've seen are bardiche swinging vanguards killing off half the enemy team and half of their own. Don't get me started on the garbage parrying either. Without counter strikes or blade traps this game is only so authentic, which is not very. I like the game, i'll continue to play it but i'm not going to care about it when i do. 25 bucks tho no way!
  3. By the way that face stevo makes in all of his pictures, that's not just something he does come photo time... That's actually him.
  4. Why this game is 25 bucks is beyond me. It's ok. For a half life 2 mod. but not for 25 bucks. Go with natural selection 2.
  5. Stories like that are why I try to do this thing. This thing called OCRemixing. It's always interesting to see people's connection with the games they play.
  6. Pretty much the way I feel too. Though i guess if one of my favorite IP's was close to being killed off then i'd be doing the same thing. If it didn't already happen i mean. Valis, Star Gladiator, Earthworm Jim, Ecco, Final Zone, Battle Arena Toshinden, Bushido Blade, Galaxy Force, Mutant League, Rolling Thunder, Samurai Spirits, Streets of Rage, Splatter house, Toejam N' Earl, Parasite Eve and so on... I like the tune though so i hope to have something for it in a week.
  7. Might seem that way but rhythm guitars get cut in the same way. Well not exactly the same way but close to. Usually the rhythm guitars are bracketed off low (starting around 100hz) and high (varies but 4k is a good place to start) and then dipped around 500hz. Supposedly the mid cut is to let the bass come through but when was the last time you went "listen to the sound of that bass!" on a metal album? I think it's more because volumes are pushed so hard and those frequencies sound like hell. More specifically like cardboard and the repetition necessary to get the smashing a guy in the head with a sledgehammer vibe (what? at least that's the metal i listen to...) makes listening to those frequencies far less endurable. Cut them and you can go all day. Listen to amateur demos of metal bands then listen to the finished studio ones and you can pretty quickly pick out what should have been cut. ...and why you can't listen to more than 3 minutes of a demo in a day. At least those are my thoughts on the issue, i'm still trying to figure things out myself.
  8. Great meeting you at MAGfest and thanks for signing The Book! Happy Birthday!
  9. It really didn't sound like a bad lead for the mix it just sounded monotonous by the time the song was halfway done. It was more about creating an engaging mix the whole way through than the lead itself and that's something that's going to take a lot of time to learn how to do. The mix I submitted for example, used two distinctly different electronic lead sounds with one being doubled and split 20L/20R and the other one straight up the center. Small things like that keep the ear engaged.
  10. ah, upon closer inspection it seems that what you wrote was actually written... that way. Sorry. Good call on the streamlining!
  11. Any chance of a Sonar subforum? I think it's a popular enough DAW. No sense in Fruity Loops hogging all of the attention on OCR.
  12. Not to hijack the the thread but I saw a mentioning of Garritan World Instruments which I have been recently looking into. I am really not a huge fan of garritan, at all. And unfortunately i'm not really good enough to have that mean anything but does anyone know of the general quality of the more folkish instruments in the collection? (specifically Irish, Finnish, Germanic and Japanese) I'm sort of hung up on going with Garritan or just saving like mad for a year and getting all of the East West World VST collections.
  13. No one likes answers like these but there is so much diversity that it's only possible to give a general direction. Many drummers, like guitarists, spend lots of time and money getting a sound that is unique to them and depending on the sub genre you can go from a piercing clickier sound to a darker heavily muffled one (like someone put a bunch of pillows inside the kick). As with most metal processing the best starting point would be to drop the mids and start playing with the lows and upper mids. For a kick try layering a deeper muffled kick with a lighter one. EQ seperately or together, whatever sounds good to you. ...and make sure to play around with PARALLEL COMPRESSION!!!! (or NY compression) You will get a fantastic metal sound that way! but that comes after you figure everything else out to suit you. Parallel Compression the recording revolution way.Post WIP when able! Just please for the love of GOD don't distill the kick down to just a plastic click. I can't freaking stand that and it's way to common! EDIT: that's what i get for typing too slow, just go with what snappleman says!
  14. I don't know too much about NI's Studio Drummer but i have seen some people turn just about any kit into a functional metal kit through very creative use of EQ and layering. Put time into creating your own preset. It will take awhile but in the end you'll have a much more personal connection to it and you'll learn a ton about the various drum sound subtleties while you do it. Though if you have the extra cash I swear by Steven Slate Drums. By far the greatest of all the drum kits i've heard for metal (and its various sub genres)
  15. Crazy good round. I'm thrilled you guys liked my mix enough for second place. I tried to give everyone's mix 3-5 playthroughs before commenting but if you need me to elaborate on anything, or just call me a jerk for writing off your hard work, then feel free to send me a PM. Congrats to Sir Nuts!
  16. Suzumebachi is a guy? Oh man have I been making a jackass of myself... And just to let you know that depending on the kanji used to spell your name Suzumebachi could mean the following: 1. Talkative Drumstick 2. Tree Sparrow Retribution Though i'm thinking you picked an alternate spelling Happy Birthday fellow OCR'er
  17. Submitted. I wish all PRC's would get this much attention. Like the greylancer one.... Looks like a good round though good luck everyone!
  18. Sounds great, very clean. My only dig is that the groove kind of autopilots for too long with no builds or releases and it's the same kick and sidechain throughout. Music is a constantly moving art and knowing how to create tension then resolve it is invaluable. Or is that valuable. Same difference isn't it? or is it? Keep up the good work and it was cool meeting you at MAGfest.
  19. This would work well if you kept it going. The biggest problem with it so far is that it kind of keeps going with no B section to contrast it to. 0:45 comes close but it's not nearly as developed as it should be. Clear out a huge chunk of space in your DAW and give yourself some room to completely reinterpret the source. It's much more obvious to the creator but without the source nearby it would be tough to tell which parts were written by you and which were from the source. Really, take it far out there. Really far, if it's too far then you can work your way back in. Another thing I shouldn't even be talking about is the guitar tone. It's not jiving that well with the rest of the instruments which all sound great but the guitar sounds like it's apart from the mix and not playing with it. If I knew how to make it sound right I would gladly tell you but this is an area that i am still working on myself. So to answer your question, keep it going to make it OCR worthy, which is always a great goal to have when working on any mix, just make sure to put care into its proper development. Come up with variations, A melodies B melodies and the like and you'll have a great mix in no time!
  20. Oh man, what is this...? Dubstep? what-Trance? Think i'm feeling something for this one afterall. RAGE! (Some nice entries though)
  21. Hey congrats on making it into the Vampire Variations II album!

  22. I'm interested too. I've played the game nonstop since it's US launch. Not kidding either I beat it over 14 times and i am currently in the middle of my 15th playthrough. ...and i would make a pretty good Cloud. Just throwing it out there. If you are hiring a team for this i would be up for it.
  23. Has anyone read the crits that were posted on this guy's work? Very positive, helpful and uplifting. (OCR norm in other words) It's good to have faith in your mixes but not to the point where it causes you pain and you don't take freely given musical advice. At one point in my life I had PHD's in music bitch and scream and throw music across the room claiming my interpretation of a work was incorrect and that I had to relearn it or give up. Compared to that OCR is a haven.
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