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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Here is something really stupid, I used to play games next to a fireplace. Really really close to a fireplace when I was kid. So close you could taste it you know? So now, since i don't have a fireplace, before a nostalgic gaming binge I get some split pea and ham soup and load it with liquid smoke. Just for the nostalgia. It's hell on your colon but it's heaven to the soul you know what i mean?
  2. Not really Nintendo related but if I see or smell anything that looks like Blue Nickelodeon Gak i am right back in elementary school playing Sonic the Hedgehog on saturday mornings.
  3. I'd be willing to throw my name down on the list of potential directors. On the condition that another more experienced member Co-directs. Willrock i'm looking at you. You're due for leading a project! I have a few Panzer Dragoon wips on my HDD but nothing has really clicked yet.
  4. Chiming in. I have no idea where this thread is in on or off topic relations but here goes. The Japanese have a philosophy that is sort of like ying/yang but more uniquely Japanese It's called Omote and Ura. To make it quick it's the relationship between what is on the surface and what is hidden. The military that is supported by spying or a ceiling that is held up by a series of pillars. The Japanese also use this to explain the relationship between men's and women's role in society. However this line is getting blurred today but it still is a staple of Japanese culture and it at least partly explains women's slow progress when compared to the rest of the developed world. Sorry had to interject. Please resume.
  5. I'll send something in to audition but are there a limited number of spots or are you taking anyone that's interested? and passes.
  6. If you love airships (and who doesn't?) Skies of Arcadia was a dream game. What really bums me out though was that it was among the last of SEGA's truly creative efforts. SEGA games kinda stopped being SEGA games for the most part after that. Still hoping for a sequel...
  7. whhaaaaaaaaaaaat?! How dare you attack any Skies of Arcadia! I havent been able to do any side by side comparisons and when I got my gamecube, at the end of it's life, i moved all of my consoles to VGA that I could. So since I was forced to play Legends on an old crappy mono TV I didn't think to make any judgement about the music. But the additions of the really really tough bosses, Piastol, and a few collection mini quests I thought were great. Skies of Arcadia was the best game for ladder enthusiasts.
  8. I challenge you to a Saturn whore-down Level! HAH! You listed Iron Storm!!! Probably my favorite game on the Saturn. I had a remix medley for that planned but decided to abort it until my skillz got better. I realized not everyone wants to listen to a 14+ minute remix of my GARbage. I'd like to add Wing Arms to that list but for the life of me I can't find the sources on youtube. I have the game so I might try to record them myself. All in favor of Steveo directing this? yay.
  9. Whoever picks this up to direct I am telling you now. I have to be on this. I will learn any style for any source for this or anything else SEGA related.
  10. Even though I enjoyed it for what it was I think FFX was the most overrated game in the series which added to my disappointment in FFXIII, competent voice acting or not. The two games were too similar and too linear.
  11. Thanks Syllix i'll take anything I can get! I guess I made some bad kick EQ choices. This mix started out as a hybrid of trance and metal, because I wanted to make an electronic mix i could actually listen to, but as it went it got more and more metal. I wanted the kick to sound closer to a sub heavy trance kick but i think i'll redo that. Recording new guitar parts and i hope to get a fresh mixing done this weekend.
  12. Just a thought, but I wonder what the creator of these videos would say about people with clearly too much free time who make things like these. For your own sake stop it at 2:35. It gets weirder...
  13. I don't mean to sound like a complete ass but... I've seen crazier things being discussed here.
  14. Lot of Phallic Spike talk going on now. Aren't all spikes phallic? Spears, Spikes, Daggers, Bullets, Missiles, Pens, Pencils, Straws, Brooms, You could even call a Christmas Tree phallic if you look at it hard enough. Why do we put Angels on the top of them again?
  15. I was going to bring up FFT War of the Lions but despite the corny Shakespearean dialogue and spell slowdown I still really enjoyed the game. It is one of my favorite games ever created afterall. It's not always the voice actors themselves who botch the part. Alot of times it's the friggen' directors. Though yea I didn't like FFX english yuna at all.
  16. Hey mak, actually those tips you gave me almost a year ago about reverb really stuck with me. I may have taken it to the other extreme because I only used two delay plugins on this whole mix. I stripped all reverb and delay settings from every instrument and I ran some delay on a buss that grouped the orchestra, choir, bass and guitars and then a slightly different delay setting for a few of the leads on a seperate FX buss. I really want an epic sound, yea i know that word is overused, but I can't believe how light the settings seem to need to be to achieve it. Next time i'm going to try to organize depth with a few more tiers of lighter delay and see if that can convey space between the sounds a little better. Thanks esperado!
  17. Thanks tim! I didn't think that my crappy vibrato was going to stand out to anyone but you have a great ear for detail.

  18. Thanks for the comments. It does kinda suck that after a night where you think you had your best mix session ever you get up the next day and realize it wasn't quite as awesome as you thought it was... I'm going to try mastering it differently tonight and see if that does anything. Otherwise rebuild it from the ground up...again. One thing i really can't stand is artificial vibrato. Maybe i'm not programming it right but anything more than a small amount of expression never comes off well. And ACO, I like to think my mixes are a lesson in guitarist humility. In the back, where they belong! Just kidding, i think most people are the same but i freaking love background delayed guitars. So that's where they are staying.
  19. Hey Syllix, it's been awhile! Any chance you could check out my current mix on the wip forums? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=908530#post908530 Hoping to get this one off to the judges as soon as I can!

  20. awww please? Tell you what. Give it a listen and it'll redeem you for setting off that powder keg in the Community forums. :)

  21. Hey Dusk, since you are one of the more metal inclined people here at OCR is there a chance you could comment on my Supremacy mix? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=908530#post908530 thanks!

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