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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Quoted for truth and that it can't be stated enough. Switching to mono is a tool not a consideration for people who have one speaker.
  2. I loved RE3. I loved Slender. Both games no longer scare the crap out of me as bad as they once did but I had a blast playing them when they were new. The problem is that the survival horror games of the last 10 years haven't included the horror part of it. Or the survival. Though many indie games have.
  3. Crap why did I just see this thread now. Oh well next major OCR album...
  4. awww hell yea! Thanks for making a video of this one! Short but awesome!
  5. Hey timaeus!! Could you clue me in with what you are doing here? please?
  6. Wow the mix sounds pretty sweet. I'm not crazy about multi source remixes but i'm liking this one.
  7. I think youtube ruined this source for me. Did anyone else have that He-man Yeeeeeeeaayaaaaayaaah or whatever on the sidebar? Now when I hear this source I keep hearing that.
  8. Ok, so I enjoyed watching pewdiepie's slender videos over last summer. BUT THAT WAS IT!!! and i haven't watched anything else from that guy or anyone else since. Funny accent though.
  9. My biggest problem with Lets play and other gaming videos is the commentary. God these people sound like hell! Pretty much ruins the entire game for me right there. Until Troy Baker or Yui Horie start doing lets plays i won't be watching them at all. But I will continue to complain about them. "Hi this Omar from MMOhut.com and today we'll be lookaadsjiwndawasdisnwddafiwadwadnsidwniawdniadndasdiasndwnad..." If you don't believe me. (Edit I'm a Laid back tolerant easy going kinda guy and I couldnt make it past 2:16)
  10. I don't think that was hijacking the thread XPRT. I agree with you. Going back to Magfest, even though I had a great time doing everything i could I found it a little strange that the people who have made a name for themselves doing game related videos had more people at their panel than the people who were responsible for making the games.
  11. I'm only on 4 gigs and it plays great with a GTX460. Very smooth and i have only encountered some pretty severe server lag at times. Unlike 1.0 that had a lockup everytime I walked into a room. Only a few hours left before the servers are taken down so get your time in while you can! ...plus you know, there's catchicks n' shit!
  12. Oh GOD dont get me started on Female Galka. That's going to be the most underplayed character in the game. 1.0 chars dont come back until phase 3 anyway so everyone is in the same boat right now. Which is trying to figure out what to do while squinting through a sea of blue names. The first combat quest is so overcamped it took me 20 minutes to do what should have been less than 5 but the game plays extremely smoothly even with 50+ people running around you.
  13. nahgunnasaytumuch. but Final Fantasy is back in a big friggen' way. 2.0 is going to be awesome! ...that is all. Plus it has catchicks n' shit!
  14. You had a birthday three days ago?! And no thread?! Happy Birthday boss! sorry I missed it!

  15. Hurdy Gurdy AWWW HELL YEA!! Though I don't see some of these as unusual as meteo says. Though maybe it will be in a few more years when everything is digital and every song has french compression and every listener is braindead from the constant dum-chick-dum-chick-dum-chick-dum-chick-dum-chick... I mean repetitive rhythms. It seems there is not nearly enough Erhu on OCR. *hint hint*
  16. Did you see that giant turtle thing in the background?! Ready to go for monday as well. What server should we all be on?
  17. They never got around to emulating the games I really cared to play again since they went by how many units of a game were sold. Then they scrapped the whole thing. I still can't play my TJ&E III!!!
  18. Just ran the benchmark that went up today. On medium I have a 12800 something and on maximum a 9700 something. Both extremely high marks or so the benchmark says so i think i'm set. Also it looks like yoshi p is not pursuing f2p with this game. I'm not a huge fan of people flocking to a game just to play it for 20 minutes while they spam the chat panel either but this is going to kill the amount of people who will play it. I remember when they decided to start charging the subscription fees and a month or two later they closed half of the servers. I was hoping for a pricing plan close to planetside 2 that offers subscription and micro transaction but it looks like that might not happen. yet. I guess yoshi p still thinks the game will get by on the Final Fantasy name.
  19. This was more or less what happened to me as well. I'll come clean, i played this game since launch. I'm not sure how much time i'll have for it but I plan on playing the beta in a few days just to see how the game is. When the servers come up let's get organized and play together! Airships and Catchicks baby! Airships and Catchicks! ...you'd think other games would have picked up on this demographic by now wouldn't you?
  20. Not in any kind of order: Jeremy Soule, Yuzo Koshiro, Motoi Sakuraba, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata, Nobuo Uematsu, Spencer Nilsen, Masato Nakamura and those guys that did The Witcher ost.
  21. saw this too late. my bad. I picked up a 360 controller and even though the game was fun with a keyboard it's amazing with a controller. OCR Racing would be great but the friend invite seems to not work. Maybe it's because I have no one on my friends list on steam but that's beside the point. The point is... no maybe it is. Though I wish they would have included some wayto mute the other players. Every game has had someone with their mic way too close to their speakers and filling the game with tons of feedback and distortion. ...and some of these trash talkers. Watch out for this guy named Loki he did nothing but talk trash for a solid hour nonstop. and it wasn't even the entertaining kind of trash. Just the annoying nerd kind.
  22. To hell with this holiday! 2 Chocolate covered strawberries for five bucks my ass! Get some chocolate and a package of strawberries. Total cost: 5 bucks. But you can have like 20 of 'em. No wonder there was a recession... Still, I love you guys. Happy Valentine's Day!
  23. Happy Birthday! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3RvbVsz1uQ
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