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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Killer Studio Chops Shirt? Please tell me that was DJP showing off a new OCR shirt design! I'll pay $50 for one!
  2. I think there are some strong similarities(they do have some footage of a poolside) but proving someone actually stole what amounts to a jingle's worth of music is impossible to prove. This could become a question of when does an homage cross into plagiarism if the actual producer of the tune (not nicki of course) admits to being a huge tekken fan... The only thing scarier than someone ripping off your music and making money would be to avoid writing a piece because someone may at some point be able to trace a few notes to another existing piece. So you could not write music and live normally or write music and get sued for it. The death of music, and they said it would never happen
  3. hmmm your ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter... I'm not really hearing it in the pussycat dolls video but the other two have some blips to them for sure. I've always wondered why people ask me "You went to school for music and you like Videogame Music?!" with a cockeyed look. Even with greats like Jeremy Soule out there people have no respect.
  4. Tabs are for chumps It's better to learn by ear and study Western music notation that can be used for any instrument. I think trying to just read a musical idea through a tab is some of the most stressful stuff you can put yourself through! Let's see, ....we have a 1 on the A string....It's held for an E amount of time... But there's a / on the one side of it.... wtf... but then again It's just another way of reading/writing music and the more ways you can read it the better off you are going to be able to deal with many different types of musicians. Another self defeating post by Gar23...
  5. Good information. Thanks. Sometimes its tough for me to tell if the chug I like is really muted or not. The example I gave sounded to me like it was un-muted but i'll give your suggestions a try. Except for the tuning down one. Damn floating bridges!! I spent hours trying to find the balance between the claw and the strings so I am NOT touching the tuning!
  6. Hey I was perusing this thread and I'm not sure if this would be a good question to ask here but I think i'll give it a shot with so many guitarists here. I'm very much an amateur guitarist and i am trying to get a really good thick chug to my rhythm guitar sound. Actually chug isn't strong enough of a word. I want a helicopter's rotor blade buffeting! What? Starts at 3:12 with a really good one at 3:18.Everything I am trying to do comes out a little too raspy and not nice and thick. Is it string gauge? A certain type of distortion/compression setup? Mixing trick? I use a B.C. rich Warlock with Guitar Rig 4. Sorry if this was missing the point of this thread.
  7. Subdivisions in music are a bit of a beefage of mine. Look at metal. The music inspires lower brain activity for sure and you can see evidence of that by looking at all the loosely defined divisions of metal. People like to draw lines and say what is and what isn't. I'll listen to anything that's not dumb-chick-dumb-chick-dumb-chick for 20 minutes. Sorry I was really hoping to contribute here but it didn't come out that way. Take down the lines and everybody hug/punch each other. Whatever works for you.
  8. So what are you guys talking about? Oh my GOD, So that's what you are talking about... How's the music in the game? Sorry, visual novel. It's like a game in that you click a button i guess.
  9. Sure. I play a rickenbacker 4003 which might be a little tight for something that's supposed to be mellow. As soon as you get more to your groove look me up.
  10. TJ&E!!!! Oh my god I love you!!! I like what you have at the start so far, but you kind of lose me when the chip sound comes in towards the end. Sounds a little too Gameboy like, not Genesis. Are you planning on using a bassist for this? I've wanted to do a TJ&E mix for awhile but haven't really got around to one yet. Keep it going and get this finished. This series is in serious need of some exposure.
  11. This was not lack of planning though that's the way it ended up I asked Aster to do a guitar track and I have to say it was EXTREMELY TIGHT. How tight? I ran my VST guitar along side his rhythm guitar playing and it never fell out of time! I'd recommend Aster if I didn't want to bogart his playing for myself!
  12. Awesome, now i have Mirby's name on my profile page. I'm moving up! Now if I could just trick DJP into sending me a message....

    That guy(?), bread something or other, had 4 posts in 8 years?

  13. Happy Birthday Darke. So close to my age yet so much more talent. :)

  14. The First Templar? Santa really has it in for you. I'd be happier with the coal. Of course right now i have neither
  15. Oh please don't get me started on this topic. Melodic Death Metal became an obsession of mine a few years ago. I'll keep it short this time: Greatest Metal Album of all time! Also have been listening to alot of Finntroll and Kalmah lately.
  16. I remember back in college asking a guest composer a very similar question. And for years I thought the response he gave me was just something to dodge my question. He said that before chords, melody, rhythm etc. start with an idea. Common sense right? But when you think about it music is a language, that we can all agree on, so what do you want to communicate? For myself, one thing that I like to do is try to absorb some atmosphere. If I have an idea for something I'll try to find and feel anything that could be related to that. Making a chilled out piece of music? Compose at night, Think of all the times in your life that you felt relaxed. Put on some blue lights, Look at pictures of Oceans or find some abstract art that has what your looking for. Hell, go turn on the faucet and watch if you have nothing else. As far as getting ideas when you can't put them down I think everyone knows that feeling. At work, in the car, a few times I remember suddenly getting out of bed to get something into my DAW before getting frusterated giving up and going back to sleep. Then when it comes for some scheduled studio time I get NOTHING! Sometimes your mind can shut down if you spend long amounts of time in front of the same lighted screen hour after hour. Play with the interface in your DAW, Take frequent breaks but keep what you are doing on your mind, play some different instruments. Anything that keeps you flowing goes!
  17. Personally, I think that all of Spencer's work peaked with Stardust Speedway Present. Beautiful Track for a beautiful run. Even though I really enjoy the vibe of the JPN version of the level (kind of like the background jingles in Sonic the movie) I think the US version tops it. daba daba doo. daba daba doo.
  18. Good advice. Never tried a soundcloud account but I guess i'll set one up. I usually use tindeck for my wip's. I used to hang around on the Xbox indie game forum hoping to get some leads but have you seen those games? Just a bunch of garbage and Japanese T 'n A games. Oh and Baby Maker Extreme. Does that contract advice you gave include potential traps like "By emailing, talking, or making eye contact with anyone at this game development basement you hereforth give power of attorney, any money you have, and your wife, girlfriend and/or significant pet over to the stater of this statement. "
  19. This is something I need to be better at hunting for. Where did you find the job?
  20. old thread revived eh? I just got the trial and was literally holding my breath until i saw the soundtracks option. I probably won't get it until after i get back from my holiday traveling. As much as I was looking forward to playing it again. Is that "human" Sonic image still in there somewhere(the one that you got by putting 12-25 in the soundtest)? Or did they take it out. I'm sure it scarred some kids for life... Not me though. -Majin
  21. http://stronglifts.com/gomad-first-week-experiences-side-effects/ I don't think anyone was blasting you but this program sure needs a good harrassing. Another huge problem with the program is that milk contains casein. A type of protein that forms a gel in the stomach and digests very slowly. While marketing "geniuses" coin this as "slow absorbing protein" if you flood your system with it you'll be taking a significant step on your way to a good case diverticulitis(got colon?) among other digestive problems. One more thing to say before I can rest easy. Workouts and bulking up diets tend to produce large amounts of acid in your body. take a ph strip and test your saliva. Hopefully you will be right around 7.0. If not your Teeth, blood vessels, heart, bones, and brain are all decaying faster than they should be because of this acid. Eat and drink things that are naturally alkaline. Water, Green and White Tea, SPINACH, and many fruits(not bananas and dates) all help to keep the acid in check. If you take care of yourself you can do whatever you do better. Overuse injuries are fairly common among musicians and these are the steps to help prevent them outside of proper technique for your instrument. That's enough. Sorry. Time for a sandvich.
  22. Any time you mention Money and Music a few snags are bound to happen these days. Especially when you mention them to a community that is happy to give away it's time and talent for free.
  23. Mazedude is from Syracuse!? I'm an hour from their! We'll go get lunch at the dinosaur pit! After that teach me everything you know about production! When I'm not being an OCR hopeful, I'm a bit of a fitness fanatic. After reading this post, I'm really concerned for the health of some OCR'rs. First the Gomad. STOP THAT! You are flooding your kidneys with CALCIUM which WILL harm you! The only thing you should be drinking a gallon of a day is WATER if you are active. Any bulking program is a short term plan of 3-4 weeks and during this period eating more variety will help you make gains faster. This month for me was my bulking up month and I didn't make a whole lot of changes to my Bruce Lee Diet. I enjoy one loaded shake of milk/2 squares of dark chocolate/Avocado and Museli and I eat a ham/cheese/egg/spinach sandvich every two hours (on top of my usual meals of vegetables and lean protein). The problem is that everytime you eat your body oxidizes. So the more you eat the more you rust. You can counter some of this with tea (i drink around 5-6 cups a day)among other things but really it's the best reason to not pig out all year 'round. Get what you need, and that's it. You'll save money in the long run too! If you insist on doing stupid crap like Gomad then these next two words will help you see what a bad idea that is. Stop reading now if you want to continue enjoying your sugar puffs in the morning. Cow Mucous. What? You think there's just milk in that milk that you got? Milk is a great bulking up food but you need to be careful with it. I put around 3-4 cups in with my shake and that's all you need. Avoid potatoes but eat a hotdog? With all due respect and love of course, WTF?! Potatoes are a perfect food versus a processed food like a hotdog. It's backwards logic like that that has plagued the fitness world for the last several decades. "Buy this garbage! We have the word "Fit"or "Supplement" on the box!" Most of your shopping should be done in produce and a little bit in meat and dairy. Followed by a quick trip to beans and grains. 80% of the store you shouldn't even need. EDIT: Forgot to mention. I'd recommend taking 1000 IU of Vitamin D a day in pill form. One of the very few supplements that I use and I have had alot of success with it so far this year. Of course, that's on top of an already well rounded diet with some sun time. Actual Sun. Not Tanning. GO OUTSIDE!! Then come back in and work on music! I'm starting to rant so anyways, back to a more musical discussion. So I put a compressor on every track in my mix and everything sounds really 2d for some reason, even with all the reverb I crammed in there! Can anyone tell me how much reverb I need to apply before my mix sounds good?
  24. Japanese Arcade Fighters are hardly the same games they were 10 years ago. Introducing new nuances to their systems as well as making animations more fluid and recognizable (In T6 keep your eye on your opponents shoulders and never worry about being thrown again) are all part of the journey towards a perfect arcade fighting game. Don't get me started on sims like Fight Night and MMA either which have different fighting mechanics and concepts from arcade fighters. (i refuse to recognize THQ's garbage UFC games as games much less as sims).
  25. http://www.fileplanet.com/218159/210000/fileinfo/Elder-Scrolls-III:-Morrowind---Morrowind-2011-Compedium-Mod- After trying to get Morroblivion to run i gave this one a shot. You can use the Steam version and get everything you need for a couple of bucks.
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