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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Hey there, try to keep this on topic. This isn't about your dislike of Egypt and Egyptian flavored music. As for "structurally interesting" this reminds me of a quote from my freshman year at college. "You're going to spend the first half of your life learning the rules. Then you're going to spend the second half trying to find ways to break them." To the OP, if you know the classic method of musical analysis you really can't go wrong with some Bach Chorales or Beethoven Piano Sonatas then try to work your way up to a Fugue or two. But if you want to take stuff like this anywhere you need to know what's going on musically today as well. Not many people are interested in music as it was two and three hundred years ago. And those composers mind you(Vivaldi was the maaaaaaaan!), were doing what was contemporary for their time. Beethoven learned Baroque and Classical music as a student then spent the rest of his life pushing us into the Romantic Era. Learn as much as you can about everything, You can find something to learn from everybody and everything. Even people like Jordan Rudess.
  2. You could analyze some crazy %#!t like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOX87__ScUY&feature=related It might take a couple of years to get everything but once you get it you'll be a monster. Also be careful what vidoes of his you watch. You may end up running to the store full sprint to nab Omnisphere if you're not careful.
  3. I would think that this must have been asked by now, I took a quick search and got a ridiculous amount of threads to go through so sorry if this was already covered. I just got my copy of Skyrim's soundtrack and I love Soule's 47 minute long atmospheric track. In many ways it's comparable to one of my favorite living composers www.edvanfleet.com I would like to try a track like this myself but i need access to nature .wavs to do it since I don't have the ability to set up mics all around my house and wait for Rainstorms, Wind Gusts, Racoon Orgies and the like. Does anyone have a resource for sounds like this? The only other option I have is going to Itunes and getting a few tracks from there. but that requires money... which I don't have much of now thank you Soul Calibur V Collectors Edition.
  4. Please don't do this to me... I've resigned myself to never remixing a Sonic game but if you do this competition I am going to have to try my hand at it.
  5. While Tri-ace has been one of my favorite developers, especially now that Square has been kinda...losing it, Are Sakuraba's early works from Wolf Team out of the question? Earnest Evans El Viento: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdpg1lmXspY&feature=BFa&list=PL2F98B16C5E1A7871&lf=results_main Final Zone: I had a WIP of Final Zone I've been thinking about cracking back open. It's a shame these games, and their music, have been so overlooked. Yes, I know Wolf Team eventually became the Tales Studio that was barred from this project And...Maybe I shouldn't have said that...
  6. Thanks alot... This was going to be my first project idea once i became a respected, accomplished and approved(!) OCRemixer. I'm really tempted to try something for this project. Too bad my remixes suck.
  7. Well folks, since I feel like I am progressively losing motivation to work on something, it can only mean one thing! Time for a workshop posting! http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/shaqfu-kaori1-28-master I originally decided to tackle this as part of my 1 hour compo training and It's been just over a week to get to this point. So I failed miserably! However, compared to what I normally spend time wise this was pretty fast for me. What I originally had planned for this was a speed hip hop remix that would be good for punching another to (UFC on Fox in 2 hours!) but after getting into it, the remix came out far more...depressing. Enjoy. I used: Dimension Pro Rapture Massive Still playing around with a multiband on the master. It was suggested that as long as I am not hearing undesired pumping than I am probably not killing the mix. Still, I may very well have -gar
  8. The feel I decided to go for was Ethnic Hip Hop with Trance elements. two styles I've been perfectly happy going through my life so far without. I should have something to post worth listening to tommarow or so. I should be finishing it up tonight but i'm waaay too tired right now to trust my ears.
  9. Have to go with a classic on this one. And I saw this guy live back in september. I wish I was born into Vic's family... The thing in his hand is a drumitar, or rather just a midi controller linked to some drum samples...
  10. People only remember the good and rarely the bad. Not that that's a bad thing, but if it makes you have a negative outlook when dealing with the present then it is. He did?
  11. You see alot of this attitude in gaming as well as music. "Something is missing from today's music/games that stuff back then had in spades." Or something along those lines. What's missing is you haven't had any time to develop any conceptual thought around what you are listening to or playing. So what's new always seems fake and lifeless compared to what you already know you like. As soon as I hear the theme for Fresh Prince of Bel-air, which i never liked, I remember people in dumb hats, Gack, Sonic the hedgehog on Saturday mornings, Ren and Stimpy, the other stuff that gave it life to me. Hence the business of nostalgia. give it 10 years, I'm sure you'll be youtubing Nicki Minaj thinking "Remember back in the good days when OCRemix was still around and we spent all day talking about the general crapiness of Nicki Minaj? Rozovian was on top of the world, Willrock didn't yet sell out, and Lion Tamer wasn't arrested for being confused with an Italian midget crime lord? Gosh those were the good ol' days!"
  12. You know you're right. But we still have a loooong ways to go to catch up to Japan! http://singularityhub.com/2011/06/22/new-japanese-pop-idol-shocks-fans-with-news%E2%80%93shes-not-real-video/ I know she's fake! That's the best part!
  13. I still get nostalgic over the RE2 demo that came with my copy of RE:DC. My God...when that demo first came out...! It's nice to see some of the changes between the demo and the opening of RE2 imo. But that was back when coming across demos of games took effort and cash to get. Now anyone can get demos anytime.
  14. Only because it receives no love here at OCR I have to say give Sonar a shot. If you are on a budget the tools and synths it comes bundled with are phenominal and plenty flexible. For my producer edition of Sonar 8 (yea it was a hit financially but well worth it) I got Full versions of Rapture, Dimension Pro and ZETA, an auto tuning tool(v-vocal), Sonitus FX, Guitar Rig LE, and some higher end EQ's, Compressor's and Reverb's that I am toying around with, and that's not the entire package either! I haven't done a comparison with XL just yet, but I'm sure the package deal stays more or less the same. Just wanted to bring this up before another jumps on the Fruity Loops bandwagon. Well, it's not really a bandwagon anymore. More like an angry brainless torch wielding mob. Edit: looks like Sonar 8 might be pretty tough to find. Here is a link to XL if you want to check it out. http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/SONAR/X1-Producer/Default.aspx If you're looking to do orchestral music, dimension pro has some decent sounding strings, percussion, brass and woodwinds but they are clearly faked. Chances are you are going to need something like East West's Symphonic Orchestra which comes in around $500+ depending on the version.
  15. Well you were asking for hardcore... But to answer your question better, I don't know. I played a fun version of mirror's edge once. on a friends phone.
  16. I'm not big into Pop music but here is one artist i can't stop listening to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RowDj9OPgAM The quality sucks but the imagery is awesomeToo bad his CD's are a huge pain to import. I was able to get Solar Ray just shy of two months and just under the cost of an xbox360 game!
  17. With all of the great music out there only the crap is going to stand out these days. After listening to Nicki Minaj I think I had "stupid how" stuck in my head for at least 20 minutes. Need further proof that this works? You have someone name AngelCityOutlaw knowing about and listening to Nicki Minaj... I think it's great that we live in a time with such an abundance of great art that's easily accessible and therefore, doesn't pay well.
  18. This wasn't a demo of mixing talent by a long shot I am planning on getting some of my playing in there at some point but lately the remix has been turning out exactly the opposite of what I had planned before i started it. More to come!
  19. When I tried to get the demo I had to find a seeder hidden deep within the forums. The link for that is now dead as well... Good thing someone uploaded another! http://www.mediafire.com/?kddmdfyw4ybgtzm -Demo After looking through the forums it seems the creator wants to get back to work on it and he released what he has done so far for chemical plant. https://rapidshare.com/#!download|311l32|1343325069|ChemicalPlantWip.rar|81942|R~4CFF63110DC9A955830C1D6C9F215B6A|0|0 I'm getting this one now, I have no idea if it's good/bad/malware or whatever. I played it a few times and the demo almost perfectly mirrors the old Sonic physics that SEGA hasn't been able to duplicate themselves. Sonic Generations came close though but I still think this demo plays better. The motobugs with headlights in the rain was a nice touch.
  20. Just to let you know, I've started something for Shaq Fu. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=837338#post837338 Still a WIP at this point but I enjoyed working on it so far.
  21. This WIP was a response from the remix request forums about there being no remix justice for Shaq Fu. I decided that it would be good for me to try a Hip Hop styled remix for a change. More to come! http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/shaqfu-kaori1-28-masterCheck last post for update info. Sources: -Kaori's Special Move Themehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qugBypwQVq4 -Kaori's Stage Theme
  22. The great B.S. commented on my mix and this time didn't leave me in tears by the side of the road. After watching some stuff from recording revolution, I realize that alot of what I have in Stereo could be more effective in mono instead. I played a bit with this one this evening and I was able to get alot of it cleaned up though I still have alot of work to do on it.
  23. I love Jun's work but he completely tripped overhimself with the Casino Night Zone imitation track. Then again that's my favorite stage in all of sonic-dom so he was just setting himself for failure with that Whatever happened to Nakamura anyway? I was hoping he would contribute to Sonic Generations but I didn't see him in the credits. I wasn't really fond of how, in order to get a "classic" feel, decided to go with House and Dance renditions of classic Sonic tunes. Edit: Actually now that Sonic Gens has been released and Sonic 4 is more or less despised for what it was, I think it's a great time to push this remake http://sonicfanremix.com/ The demo has 2 levels to play, Horribly unfinished but loads of hope for new sonic games.
  24. Hardly. http://cdn1.gamepro.com/article_img/gamepro/189330-4-1.jpg Re5 beta image that apparently everyone forgot about. Anyone who was up on Wesker's reports was practically $hitting themselves when that image came out. And Jill's odd hair dye practically gave away what the twist should have been!
  25. Don't forget! They owe us Sherry! All Growed up and HawT! She should have been in RE5 but they decided to douche on us and made the big twist involve Jill instead... If not, Chris and Leon is a neat matchup. I just hope that Steve stays dead!
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